Le Taboo - The Discussion

My girlfriend inconsistently listens to it, too. She has to get into the habit of it more. For me, listening to subs is a part of my lifestyle now, if I don’t it’s similar to when a gym junkie misses a day for reasons.

I forgot this in my original post (I’m forgetting a lot. I should probably sleep…)

I also will not be broadcasting the fact that I listen to these for one simple reason:


I like having a tool like this that no one I know besides my girl has a clue about. I like being able to develop myself like this quietly and let others witness my growth and be proud without knowing what the reason for the changes are. And…I daresay I don’t think I want everyone playing these, bro :joy: I’m selfish, damnit.

I wanna be the 10%.

I feel like if everyone played these, just like when an artist I discovered and love becomes well known or becomes mainstream, they lose a chunk of appeal to me :no_good_man:t4:🥷🏽:no_good_man:t4:

I also think that like magickal pursuits, it’s not really everybody’s business lol.

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Through my business practice I have learned that most people don’t like unsolicited advice.
You can phrase it like something you truly enjoy doing. I.e. you’r excited about it.
But it comes off “advice-ly” they are usually turned off quickly.

These are actually from the book “When I say no, I feel guilty” also neatly abbreviated “wisnifg”

FANTASTIC book about being assertive and getting what you want.

Key thing also is that you do have all these rights above and it’s actually nobody’s business what you do.
They CAN judge you because you cannot stop people from doing anything. But this doesn’t bother you. Your life, your decisions.

Personally, I actually think changing your mind is a sign of maturity instead of stubbornly persist on something although you internally know it’s wrong.

I actually haven’t told my wife yet what I exactly do. And I don’t think I will, simply because women don’t want to know what you do to be the man you are. They just want the result. I like the dissected boobs metaphor for this.

“A woman’s breasts are perfect as they are. Round, soft, you like to touch them. But you don’t want to know how it looks underneath. The veins, the fat and water pockets. A dissection of them isn’t nice.
Women feel exactly the same about your masculinity. They don’t want to know what you do to be the man you are. They just want the result.”


This is your ego speaking.

First of all, most people will rarely achieve what you achieve anyway, regardless of them knowing about it. There is LITERALLY all the information out there to become rich. People KNOW it. They might even read a book about it, but only the 10% (or less) will truly take action towards it.

And, yes, your ego wants the easy route. “I don’t want people to have this knowledge because then I am not special anymore.”

I was the same for the longest time until I discovered that helping people to success yields a much better feeling.
But I also learned that not everyone wants to put in the effort.

Don’t think too much about others. Carve your own path!

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If my mother finds out I’m listening to something that has the word ‘Dragon’ in it she’s calling the pastor on me; lay hands; holy water the works.

I tried more than once to get my family and friends to listen or read about LoA, I gave up. Subliminals are a waste of time to them, just sad how we’ve been programmed.:disappointed:


It’s a persistent one, I’ll tell ya :smiley:

This is so true it’s kinda painful and I’m glad you said it. You can give someone the tools but you can’t make them use it. Leading a cow to water, and that stuff.

You and my ego are on speaking terms.

Eh, for the most part I don’t. The shadow aspects of myself that I haven’t integrated or indeed even begun to face that do cause me to worry about other’s opinions are definitely on my watchlist, though.

Imagine her alarm when the holy water trickles to the ground without incident and no demon jettisoned from an orifice! It may be better for her sanity if you hold that info close to ya :wink:

Mostly joking, but you’re right about programming. Some people are quite literally not equipped to handle the knowledge of these things within their paradigm.


Oh man, I’m even crazier in my parents ’ eyes and friends who know about me more than should know. I am the one adolescent who is spiritually developed, listen to the sounds of waves for hours and listen to some energetic fields. Who knows psychology and is engaged in self-development. Who meditates and chants some mantras. Who knows more about life than peers. I hide it from other eyes to avoid judgment. I look like a crazy and misguided teenager to be honest. But I like it :Солнцезащитные очки:


I wanna know what that Russian says, but I’m too lazy to Google translate xD

What titles are you listening to? What brought you to SubClub, how did you find it?

Do you find that the title(s) works for you rather quickly and well? I ask the last cuz I often wonder if teens are more susceptible to the suggestions.

You said you’re an adolescent so, I assume that means a teenager

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Our brains are different. I am in the alpha state and will be in it for about a year, which gives me an advantage (I believe) and I am still closer to the subconscious.

What brought me here? Pure chance. I’d say that if it wasn’t a series of happenstances. Including this and my past experience, I can say that this is my Higher Self or anything else.

I found a SubClub about 7 months ago and showed it to my brother. He bought a couple of audios, and I forgot about SC until some time ago

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StarkQv2 and LimitlessQv2 for now. Used Emperor and Khan


I’d offer this knowledge to those that I may have an iota of care towards - family, friends and extended friends of family, or someone that crosses my path who seems to be struggling . The general consensus is it is received with fear, cynicism rejection. I wish I had access to this technology when I was much younger; such is not the case with the majority.

They’d be afraid of change, even if it is their right to realize their true potential. Some people rather live in their illusions and their victim mentality; and I understand that that is comforting. Saddening.


I would like my mother to listen to PARAGON to help her back issues, but the last time I set her up to listen to subs, she did it like once and next time I asked her, ‘she forgot’. I doubt she’s touched the one I got her since. And I refuse to let her have my Sennheiser’s if she isn’t going to use them xD I need em too!

You are right on the money with people not being able to change until they are truly ready. I think it’s a beautiful thing for protecting our sense of identity and beliefs.

It’s frustrating though to help people that are stuck in their ways that seemingly want help but refuse to help themselves at the end of day


If SubClub were to offer shirts, I would buy them. I’m not the kind of man that wears branded shirts often as I like what I’m displaying to mean something to me.

In this case though, advertising these guys would be helping not only them in a small way but anyone that decided to look them up out of curiosity.

@SaintSovereign is this something you see happening in the future, Subliminal Club offering Tees?

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I have found in discussing subs with others I have been nearly universally met with indifference.


Interesting question @Sage_Ninjistic. In the US there was this hoax in 1950’s. A guy (I don’t remember his name) who declared that he was able to increase the sale of coca cola dramatically and popcorns I think by the people watching a movie through visual subliminals. This “experiment” created some kind of frenzy, panic in the society to the point that subliminals were banned from commercials in the US. But, in fact, the guy recognized that he did a hoax, just a marketing ploy. Then there was the so called backmasking satanic messages in songs of certain popular singers. Nothing has been proven. Then in the 1980s-90s many people in the self-development area started to create subliminal tapes for self esteem, confidence etc. Psychologists started to study “scientifically” these tapes and declared they are a waste of money, placebo effect only. So the pioneers in the subliminal sector continued their experiments but more underground, using other vocabulary like priming the subconscious. All these things on subliminal happened mostly in the US and UK, english speaking countries in general
For us, in Europe, in France for example, this sector is mostly unknowned. Very few French have ventured in this area and those who did had training from Canada or the US.

Why do I say all these things ? in France it is not a taboo, it is just ignorance and/or curiosity :joy: Alternative medicine is gaining ground for the best and for the worst. Sophrologie, yoga relaxation and hypnosis are becoming mainstream and fashionable :joy:. But subliminal, still nothing.
I have talked about subliminal with some members of my family and friends: their reactions were classical : what the hell ! you listen to the ocean and you will become confident overnight, uh, another marketing gimmick from the US ! But I have been able to convert some members of my family, my wife being the first and foremost :sunglasses: The problem with those open minded people is that they are not consistent. They will listen one day and then forget for a week. Or I have to reminder about it once in a while my wife. I consider myself a “lifestyle” subliminal listener. I can’t imagine a day without listening to a subliminal.
Other members of the family, I will never talked to them about the subliminal, I know already their reactions :joy: already yoga is esoteric for them :rofl: So I just choose to whom I talked to for this strange practice of listening to white noise, river stream or ocean :rofl: But I can’t say that it is a taboo


As do I, my friend.

Thank you for contributing with a well put down explanation! I kind of want to tell my younger siblings about them just to see how they react.

They already have Tees, but you’ve to earn it. :wink:

Edit: I see you recently posted in that thread for the same. :+1:t2:

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Oh yeah dude, my ‘pathway to manifestation’ feelers are out there :wink:

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Sir, do you have time to talk about our Lord and Savior “Rest Days?”


Hi my friend, when I say that it does not mean 24h/24h. Just one loop is enough a day especially with version 2. I have plenty of time for many other activities :wink:

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How are you liking your current stack?

I just wanna bump this extraordinarily dark humor, fuck yeah.

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