Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2023)

Good question. Weird as in I’ve never had dreams like this before.




By Emperor Palpatine (2023) ??

Someone on Facebook.


Finally decided to give Genesis a go. Stacked it with Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods.

Just finished the loops.

Full 15 minutes of each.

I may want to add in RoD, RoS or RoM. Not sure yet which one. I’ll know by the end of today.

If so, then I’ll do 5 minutes each of all 3 of Genesis, EB and Ro(whichever one).

EB is there solely to help me develop deep enough focus with whatever comes from Genesis and whichever revelation title I settle on.



Cool :sunglasses:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: wow that was crazy


I’m working today to get enough to buy Khan Black, but I’m wondering if I’m better served buying QL before KB.

I had a dream last night that my daughter was a little girl again, and I was thinking “I get to try again and do better as a dad!”

Was loving on her, “Daddy loves you!” over and over.

It was cool at first, but then in the dream I realized I was smothering her. As if I needed her to know I love her, but couldn’t stop reminding her.

Some sort of lesson learned, I’m sure.

That dream is what led me to waking up wondering if QL is actually a better idea for me than KB at this time.

That and I was reading a few QL experiences journals yesterday when someone asked about QL recently.

I do think QL is a better tool for the success I want to build. I haven’t been “loving on” Khan Black in an unhealthy way. I think it’s probably Shiny Object syndrome more than anything.

So, today I’m working toward having enough $ to get QL :rofl:

Lesson learned from the dream: Gotta learn to let go.


Is it possible that one loop of Genesis got me to that point of wanting to get QL instead of KB? ^^^^^


I’m reading a book about the golden rules of letting go. Slowly but surely aside from Laws of Power.

Yes, since I feel you have a high “flow-factor.”

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Noticed that I’m not thinking about sex that. EB gerhags.

Noticing that I’m feeling the sex drive kick in every so often. Mainly when I see an attractive someone I wouldn’t mind recruiting to the Empire.

It isn’t overpowering though. It’s like the memory of each one is being filed away for later (?).

EB isn’t really about direct sex transmutation AFAIK.

Didn’t make enough today to get a multistager.

Better luck tomorrow and/or Friday. I made a little but today was a slow af day.

I can only imagine that KB and EB together would kick ass. But QL and EB should be good too.


@Sub.Zero is doing that stack right now (KB + EB) you could check out his journal. It is in the black forum.

I’ve chosen to journal in private as it’s going to be a really profound experience.


If your main focus is internal power, that’s the best stack ever. I’m running it right now and I can tell that, apart from healing, building your internal power is the most important link that helps you unlock your potential. All what’s “best in me” is resurfacing massively on this stack. Targeted subs “scratch the surface” only when it comes to unlocking what they’re supposed to unlock if your internal power is at the lower levels.


Sorry didn’t mean to offend you or anything. I just though since Palpatine is a Arch Alchemist he would have access to the black forum and could get some insight from your journal.

Only requirement for access to black forum is purchasing a spiritual title. Last I knew anyway. I got it from my Alchemist purchase.

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Nah, you didn’t, mate. We’re cool.

I decided to journal in private mainly since it’s going to have “therapeutical effect” on me. Writing down is just more profound than typing in. You can go really wild when writing by pen. lol