Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2022)

That’s one yep

What’s the most recent one

Dunno. didn’t look at dates/times.

Darn, well right now I’ll look into it, since I’m going to need a harem, this concept sounds too good to be true, and incredibly useful. If ya have any links that come to mind pls share

So I’m currently running a stack of Wanted+S&S+PCC.

First loop was Friday night. 2nd loop was last night in bed.
After the first run on Friday, I was out doing deliveries yesterday.

I went to Goodwill, and the girl there was so hot I legit forgot forgot for a couple minutes what I went there for!

Here’s a more detailed report:


Sex & Seduction
Power Can Corrupt
Ascension Chamber

I tried like hell staying awake long enough to be awake-ish when AC came on.

Fell asleep in Wanted. Was too much in my head I guess. It’s easy for me to fall asleep fast. Always has been. And THEN I was on submarines for a few years. THAT will teach most people how to sleep anywhere all by itself.

2 dreams I remember

Dream #1

More of a snippet than anything.

Some guy is starting a charity. Has a video/ad/commercial type thing he’s using to get people to donate.

At some point, MacGyver (from the newer Lucas Till version) takes a look at the video, and says “This charity is fake!” He spotted something nobody else did.

The logo for the charity, as shown in the video, had a large circle as part of it.
Turns out the circle part was made with a bunch of Froot Loops glued to the sign haha.

They confront the guy, he says "It isn’t fake. I just didn’t want to spend a ton of money on a sign yet. The money is better used by the people we help. He was bootstrapping.

They helped him get a proper sign made to help him along.


Dream #2

This one is more of a doozie.
I’m on the campus of some college/university.
Some mysterious guy hands me one of those fogger things like beekeepers use.

He tells me that Rittenhouse (the evil bad guy organization from the show “Timeless”) has allegedly buried a cache of gold on the campus somewhere. He and his people want it found to be able to use it, since Rittenhouse “won’t need it.”

He tells me this fogger’s smoke will appear purple wherever the gold is buried. Due to some interaction with methane(?).

I walk around just trying to inconspicuously spray this fog over the ground.
It shows up purple in one spot, so I decide in my head I’m gonna start digging before the guy sees me digging. Like see if I can get gold for myself.

I dig and dig. nothing…finally I hit what looks like a gold coin, but it’s just aluminum coin and gold-plated it seems like. very flimsy.

I dig through the dirt more, not even taking it out of the hole. find tons of these fake gold coins, and what seems to be a rea silver one. I pocket that.

Suddenly some new guy is there. He seems to have been played by Tiny Lister. big dude.
scary. He says "Looks like you found the location. Where’s the gold? I show him the fake coins. He then says “What about the one in your pocket? I saw you take it.”


I pull that out, and now it’s fake silver anyway lol.
suddenly all the dirt is out of the hole, and I realize they just put an entire car in the hole.
There’s a sort of intercom speaker where the dome light would be. It has tape over it holding the buttons down.

I realize Rittenhouse must have buried someone alive in the car (no bodies, though. Thank you, dream).

They had the tape down so they could hear the person pleading to be let go as s/he died. That realization hit me pretty hard.

Now, the wife is in the car/hole with me trying to find the gold in the car. Tiny Lister is above the hole with a rifle, basically keeping us in the hole at gunpoint.

I tell him I need (forgot what) to keep digging. So he gives me an armed escort and lets me out of the hole. I remember I’m walking around trying to find X.

At some point I’m in the school kitchen, and see a hologram of the wife. It’s showing her in the car. I tell her I’m trying to find X as quick as I can so we can figure a way out of here, knowing Tiny and his goons will probably kill us anyway. Since the hole’s already dug.

I had a brief thought that I could just leave. I reasoned that if I leave, they’d likely just keep her in the car and rebury it. I woke up as I was trying to decide what to do.

Talk about disturbing on that last part. Even as I woke up, I felt bad.


I think I’ll run AC solo during the day next time. This bit of having my conscious faculties shut down (sleep) when running subs isn’t always fun.

You have such detailed dreams. Sounds like PCC is doing something.

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I’m here at home waiting on a delivery worth leaving the house for.

I feel my thoughts racing. But they’re focusing in on C programming stuff again. Is this AC at play? Not sure. What I’m feeling in regards to C is the near-obsessive focus/desire to crack open my book and learn more.

For context, I ran a stack of EoG and Mogul with R.I.C.K. (lol) on ultra yesterday in the living room for the wife so she’d get it whilst reading or watching her stuff she has on tv for sound.

I was doing a ton of C stuff in the dining room at the table, so probably heard some of the stack I had going for her.

I’m assuming that AC is manifesting stuff from that in the form of the drive I’m feeling.

I can’t really give in to that urge right now as I wouldn’t want to leave that work even if a super good delivery popped up.

I feel it though. It’s strong. basically the same drive I felt from AscMogul and Limitless before!

As I read back over what I typed, looking for typos (I do that a lot with my posts because autocorrect is a birch), I realize I’m also feelings sense of joy (?) trying to burst through. Joy/optimism/gratitude. Each is those words approximates the feeling, but none of them fully match.

Not sure what to call it.

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:face_with_hand_over_mouth: Lawl


I got more work to do.
I just saw Zelda “randomly” at the grocery store.
First time since December
In the parking lot. Was so nice seeing her again.

I actually had parked the car after dropping wife off at the door. It’s raining so I am just parking then driving back up to the pickup area when she’s ready.

Parked. Saw Zelda’s car in the lot across from the car.

I thought about going in to see if I “came across” her.

Decided this must be from AC. Got out of the car, walked about 5 feet and she and a friend came around to her car. I waved. We talked.

I asked why she left the restaurant. Apparently they didn’t wanna give her a raise. Understandable.

She asked if i I still go there. I said “Sometimes. Not as much. It isn’t the same anymore.” :man_facepalming:

This experience of seeing her brought all of it back. Like, Moonbeam who? Haha.

Ok I’m done now. Sucks I gotta wait until next week to run AC again. More time to bring my regular meditation practice back into play I guess.

Now I’m wondering if I should run Alchemist


What was her response to the hint in there?

Laughed a bit. Not a lot.

I wasn’t mentally prepared for that ^^^

I was toying with quitting the Wanted + Sex & Seduction + PCC stack because of this.

But I took a breath, and realized this was THE ultimate experience the sub had to use to show me in no uncertain terms that it works. B

And honestly I’m glad it did. In trying to “forget” about her, I’ve really just been denying how much I like her. For whatever reasons, I do.

I know that acceptance of one’s core desires is the realm of Primal. I will be perusing journals tonight to see who has stacked Primal or PS with Wanted.

I have read that they conflict with each other. But I assume that given enough time together, they blend into something greater than each one.

I’m happier now than before I saw her today. I’ll take it.

AC did whatever it did with that stack. And if I’m being honest, it’ll be tough not running it again before next Monday. I’ll survive though.

Even I think it would be easy to overexpose on it.


Spoke too soon. Feeling good and bad in waves. Recon for sure. From one loop of my stack and one loop of Ascension Chamber.

just realized…the dream I had last night with me thinking of whether to go back for the wife or leave her to be buried alive in the car…was basically indicative of how I was before Zelda left the restaurant.

NLP calls it a parts conflict. One part of me wants to X, another parts wants to Y.
Part of me wants to ask her out, show her what I’ve built so far of my empire (she was actually the muse for a lot of it), and just BE with her.

Another part wants me to do the “right” thing and stay.

That’s what I think the dream was about near the end.
But what I realized is seeing her today in the parking lot…happened AFTER the dream!
I’d expect normal reality to have me meet her and THEN start thinking about her again.

Weird how “reality” works.

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Isn’t it though. I wonder what would happen if I started trying to make things like that happen.

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Weirdest part for me is I went to sleep imagining fun time with the other girl, not Zelda. She didn’t even cross my mind one for that. The conscious mind, anyway.

I bought Alchemist long ago because I got an OTO for it, haven’t really run it to speak of though. After today, I’m figuring out when I can run it.

OTO as in the organization that is fairly well known in certain circles?

I haven’t run it, but Alchemist strikes me as another one that it would be very good to devote a year with that as a main focus.

One Time Offer

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