Le Journal de Palpatine™ (2022)

the forum category that you can get access to when you get one of the titles like ALchemist or Sage Immortal

Gotcha. I’ll have time for that. Sometime.

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well fuckin fuck. was literally headed to the bedroom. to sleep. my headphones broke.
They probably sense I wasabout to drunkenly run all 4 stages of DRZP as a test n bed.

dammit. lol. i hate sleeping without something to listne to. good thing i’vebeen drankin I guess. I’ll at least fall asleep fast.


Risin’ up.

Back on the streets.

Did my time, took my chances.

You had me at sex, buddy.

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Darth Maul never complained.

He probably tried after Obi-Wan separated his upper and lower halves but he wasn’t capable of producing the necessary vibrations in his vocal cords.

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It would probably be a different experience:

I didn’t read this before typing my other post. Funny that we both share this practice. Makes sense really.


@Palpatine came here to your journal today to learn from your experiments with varying stack structure.

I don’t see much about it here, but I feel that I’ve read little snippets that suggest your experimenting somewhat.

You’re a more experienced subliminals user and you also have a background in hypnosis. Any personal observations about this? What seems to work best for you right now?

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I sometimes use a “3-step” procedure to zonk myself while listening. It’s similar to Neville Goddard’s “State Akin to Sleep” thing.

Which that’s really just a trance state anyway.

I’m always experimenting haha.

The helps me zone out a bit. Sometimes I get mental imagery and stuff. I just do it to let the subs get into my SubC faster.

I have a YouTube video which another member here found by “coincidence”. It shows how I do it.

I won’t say it’s high quality or anything. But I’ll send you a link if you want. I just wanna blast it Ask over the forum


Sounds intriguing. Yes, thank you. Please send. :pray:t6: :pray:t6:

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I MAY have found a limit for myself with ZP. Got some hellacious recon today. To the point the wife said I was being “grumpy” and “moody”. Hard to say the exact cause, based on the experiment I ran today.

So I’ll ease off on one of the variables and repeat on my next listening day.

I don’t usually get recon like that. So in a weird way, it’s pretty fucking awesome to know I still can.

And even though I’m still feeling “recon symptoms”, they’re fading, and I still feel like my life is on the right track, baby. I was born this way.


This is actually what I was asking about.

I realized that I probably did not pose the question clearly enough. But then it resulted in your sharing of an awesome, amazing resource with me. So I decided to forget about the original question. :rofl: :rofl:

What I was really asking about was how you seem to be experimenting with playing more loops/programs than are in the recommendations. I wanted to know what you were experiencing with it, learning from it, and how it is going for you.

I’ve been doing my own experiment. From 28 January to 5 February, I’ve been running all 3 of my ZP tracks every other day. (The official guidelines recommend no more than 2.)

My 5-day washout begins tomorrow. When I come back, I plan to play only Dragon Flight (Dragon Reborn stage 3). 1-2 loops every other day. (In other words, back in line with the guidelines again.) I’ll probably do that stack for one play period, and then see what happens next.

Just curious about what you’ve been learning.

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I knew I’d be out quite a bit today. So I just burned a CD with 5 of my favourite ZPs in Ultra form. Set-and-Forget.
Made it through one loop fine…didn’t feel any different until partway into the 2nd loop during the 2nd sub.

Then I quit.
Interesting. Haven’t feel this since the original AscMogul+Limitless Pre-Q test…but even that felt harder/harsher since that was running for a week and I heard it any time I was inthe office working on that app I made.

I’ll give it a rest tomorrow (maybe) and see what blooms out.

EDIT: Forgot to put the stack.

Love BombZP
Godlike MasculinityZP

Basically the same stack when I was alternating Emperor or Mogul on days and keeping Libertine and Love Bomb the same. I just wanted to try my “strategic overload” process out on that whole stack and GLM sounded to put in too.

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Last night, I took 10mg melatonin. Went to bed, had a few songs queued up. Leading into “a few” loops of Dreams Ultrasonic ZP.

Dreams were wildly vivid. I got woke up once or twice. Once to rub the wife’s back. Another to pee I think.

The dream kept picking up where it left off each time I went back to sleep. That’s rare for me. Wild.

It wasn’t always like just hitting pause and play each time. More like the dream kept going in real-time as much as it could. So when I dipped back in, I “knew” what had transpired in between. Sorta like a “Previously in Palpatine’s dream”…but no montage like on TV shows. Just a brain dump and I knew.

Next time, I think stacking this with Mind’s Eye ZP Ultra for “a few” loops would rock also.

EDIT: Forgot there was at least once when I woke up, I started the music again. Meaning I got the ZPs again. The dream itself was very abstract, but related to the current level I’m on of “Bricks and Balls”…which is level 436.


I just got suddenly and totally blocked on FB by someone I thought was a good friend. no explanations. just BOOM
their loss. I guess?
Doing that seems so cowardly to me. No explanations or chance at growth or whatever.
I’ll be fine in a few minutes. I’m gonna let myself stew about it just a bit longer before I go about my day.


sorry that happened.

sounds like a real shock.

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Not as shocking as Force Lightning. But yeah a shock nonetheless.
I figure maybe subs are manifesting them outta my life.


good point.

I still haven’t quite gotten used to how ZP subs make the changes happen around you as well inside of you.

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There’s a dance that goes on between the inner and outer. But the inner is what has to change first for anything to last. It just happens so fast that it’s disorienting sometimes.

Like when I’d do a Neville-ish “Feel It Real” session sometimes and get so deep into the reality of that session, I’m actually shocked when I open my eyes and the outer hasn’t caught up yet.

Shocked that I’m still experiencing the “old” reality…This is kinda the opposite. The Outer changing faster than I realize, or in ways I don’t expect.


This may be jarring but I’m not even sure how much I endorse the dichotomy of Inner versus Outer. I’ve often wondered what it specifically refers to. Seems like possibly another one of those perceptual illusions.

My intuitive sense is that the boundaries of the field that I customarily refer to as ‘Inside’ have been expanded. I don’t have a great set of tools for worrying about this stuff too much, so I’m just kind of rolling with it. But the truth is that I’ve never really found a truly satisfying conceptual framework for describing reality.

For example: It’s been clear to me for a while that the perception of location itself (including inside, outside, deep, surface, near, far, etc.) is generated by Mind. If Mind generates location, that means Mind transcends location; and is not fundamentally bound by location.

Statements like the one I just typed annoy me. But I think they’re true.

I guess they annoy me mainly because of how clearly they reveal the limits of my perception and intelligence.

They also inspire me. Like when you’re hiking with a group of 12 friends and the 2 most fit and adventurous ones in the group keep on venturing ahead and then coming back to tell you how awesome everything you haven’t reached yet is; and to say ‘Come on! Hurry up!’ Meanwhile, you’re already going as fast as you can and feeling tired as hell. hahaha.

I can grasp that there are, more or less, infinite frames of reference beyond what I currently inhabit. The abstract thinking parts of me run ahead and check some of them out and then those abstract thought/intuition parts of me tell the rest of me how profound and compelling those frames of reference are. The more grounded and grossly somatic parts of me are more gradual and responsible and take their time catching up.