LBFH, Ascension, and Spartan



I’ve been using Subliminal Club products for a little over a year now and I figured that I may as well share the results.

I had no knowledge of or experience with subliminals before Subliminal Club and I started with Love Bomb for Humanity last January.
Link below for anyone interested.

After about a month of LBFH, I added Ascension and Ascension Chamber to the stack.

After about 6 months of LBFH, Ascension, and Ascension Chamber, I added Spartan: Apex Warrior to the stack.

I’ve been running that stack consistently since then and journaling as well.

I’ll post some bits from my journal here.

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4:11 AM
I feel less groggy
Feel ready for another day
Still a little tired though

What are my goals for Ascension Chamber?

“…uplifting your inner being into a state of deep, natural power that you possess”

"Conscious guidance on our subliminals is a process that benefits greatly from deep introspection and self-awareness – by entering that deep state through the Ascension Chamber, you can grasp a fuller extent of the power of your subconscious mind, in turn allowing you to dive deeper into your subliminal journey and consciously guide it to a greater degree. "

This file will put me in touch with my Shadow.
It will put me in touch with my Inner Child.
It will put me in touch with my Inner Beast.
It will greatly increase my Mindfulness.
This file will help me Reparent my Inner Child in a healthy way.

After running this file, I will feel;
Actualized. I will feel that I have faced and conquered my demons.
Courageous. I will know that I have the strength to face the worst parts of myself and to use them as opportunities to grow.
Wise. I will use my insight in creative and healthy ways to constantly improve myself.
Just. I will feel that I have looked into my soul with pure honesty. Omitting nothing and exagerrating nothing.
Disciplined. I will feel that I have the restraint and discipline to be a Man.
I will be a true Stoic. I will be a Man.
I will feel that Philosophy is truly my way of Life. That I live by my ideals.
I will feel that I could die at any second and be confident that the contents of my soul are noble, strong, and worthy.

5:16 AM
Just completed 2 loops of LBfH and 1 loop of Ascension Chamber
Firat thing I noticed was how much brighter and crisper everything looked
More contrast in colors
In terms of clarity, like the difference between 360P and 1080P
Felt a tingling energy swirling thoughout my head and body
Akin to some of the most productive meditation sessions I’ve ever had

9:57 PM
No excuses
What have you experienced?
Where have you grown?
Where have you stumbled?
Indulged Lust this morning. Not even out of extreme desire. Just background noise and fed it. Sort of like eating out of boredom
I have felt certain changes since Ascension Chamber however
I asked to be put in touch with my subconscious, especially my Inner Child
Last night’s dream did quite a bit of work in assuring my subconscious that I am not worthless
Dreamt I was in college
Saw some old friends in class with me
Saw everyone’s quirks and lack of attention and awkwardness and realized that they’re human like me
Not Gods from Olympus
Reaffirmed my sense of worth
Reminded me that my struggles and failings don’t make me worthless. Simply human
What else?
Imagined communicating with my Inner Child
My inner 4-5 year old, and everything that entails
It was painful and illuminating and humbling
Made me realize I don’t understand my 4-5 year old self as well as I assumed. Had trouble relating to him or remembering what I felt at that time
School of Life post on reparenting was very helpful
Also, in terms of manifestation, came across an article on forgiveness

"Forgiveness is taking hold of personal recovery from the infraction; not just waiting for the other to make amends. That allows the offender to be in control of the pain in your heart and life.

Forgiveness is a choice.

You must stop looking for replacement, repayment, or restoration.

Forgiveness means you quit replaying the offense over and over in your head. It also means you give up the “ghost” of the offense and cease dredging up old memories."

“I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him"
–Booker T. Washington

9:45 AM

What effects have you noticed from the Ascension file?
My workouts have improved.
I am lifting the same as when I was bulking.
It takes longer for muscle fatigue to set in. I feel stronger. More powerful. And this after 1 loop of it!
Anything else?
You are writing this on a rest day.
What did you experience during and immediately after the 1st loop?
I did not notice any immediate physical changes.
No rush of energy or sudden burning passion.
I was half expecting that due to my experience of LBFH
Nothing like that
However, for quite some time after the loop, I felt a strong urge to improve my posture
Became a mini-obsession that day
Head and neck back, shoulders back, chin up, chest out
Also, I noticed that I was reciting poetry and inspirational quotes, and as I did so, my voice was naturally deeper, more resonant, and louder without a conscious effort
I didn’t purposely set out to quote from poems. It just popped into my head and it felt right
Later, during my workout, I noticed that I was struggling a little bit less
The next day, noticed that I was struggling much less during my chest workout
Also, that day I got 3 hrs of sleep and was mostly alert throughout the day
I did have bouts of extreme fatigue, but
A.) I was functioning off 3 hours of sleep and
B.) It was still less than what I’ve suffered and described in the past
That was interesting.
Ok. As I write this down, I certainly notice patterns.

It seems some goals of the scripting are manifesting more strongly and more quickly than others
First was improved body language
Second was improved speech patterns
Third, increased strength, drive and stamina during workouts
Fourth, discover what masculinity means for you. I’m noticing that I am becoming more focused on topics that are considered stereotypically masculine as well as topics that are considered stereotypically feminine
More passionate about exercise, diet, and Stoicism
Also more excited about reading (particularly poetry), art, music, psychology, mythology, and fashion