Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need to Read

Yes, the essence of manifestation.

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what is not manifested?

Nothing, everything already exists in the void. Be careful about the void, it will scare the shit out of you.:sweat_smile:

I’m used to the void (it’s was may main meditation focus for years…).
I’was just curious about understanding your point of view

So… who or what actually is the “I” doing all these manifestations?

BTW @IRON I can stop if this is OT :wink:

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I thinks PMs are best for these longer convos
I wish you fun talking guys

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Rather than asking why….

When did it become so natural and easy to live such a lavish and rich life?

When did I become such a magnet for beautiful woman or sexy men?

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Oh I like those questions

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This is not a commentary in any way about this book; rather a caution from my experience.

Note that my experience may not apply to anyone but me.

I got very into law of attraction and manifestation and similar stuff.

One of the principles I learned was that we can and should feel as if we already have the thing we want. The idea was that we attract what we focus on. If we imagine already having it, we attract it. We have to fully associate with the feelings of having it.

I got very good at that.

Here’s where it went wrong for me.

I lost the drive to make it happen. I literally felt so good I didn’t feel the lack of not having the thing and thus I felt no urgency to put in the work that would make it happen.

It was a very strange phenomenon and I’m still struggling to undo that way of thinking.

I think we NEED to feel the pain of not having something so we’re driven to do what we have to do to get the thing and remove the pain. At least that seems to be how I’m wired.

Again, it’s very strange. I don’t have most of what I want but I’ve trained myself to be happy. And I am very happy. But that contentment is killing my drive to work my butt off.


I would say that this was your “ego” as the author of the book that I had reccommended here calls it. Its the most primal part of you that is afraid of change ( because change is unknown and on a lizard brain level, unknown is always scary ).

The idea is that whenever you get really close to change, the “ego” makes up a reason to make you stop. It is very tricky and can come up with thousands of racializations for why what you are doing now is not working. It can be

  • youre not consistent enough
  • you are not doing it right
  • you dont deserve it
  • youre not chosen for great things
  • what if youre just making this up
  • it will manifest but only in many years
  • great things only come through hard work so this doesnt work

This is one of those things that ego tells you to protect you from the unknown change. Its what it is here to do. Protect you even if it means turning down great changes also. I think many of us already realize that amazing things can often come in such simple, unpredictable and easy going manner like a favor from a family member, a gift from a stranger, unbelievable coincidence, lucky guess or try, favor worth diamonds from a successful friend.

On the other hand you also see how hard work does not necessarily equal success. There are millions out there working hard very hard every single day for minimum wage or even less. Its not that simple.

I dont believe that you have to work hard to get lets say a lot of money. Now ofcourse taking action is great. Ideally if you manifest AND take action at the same time. This is where you get the most flow. You get the boost from both sides but if your mind tells you that you have to quit manifestation because it makes you too lazy and you have to work hard to get that you want, that sounds like a trick of the “ego” for me. I would recommend the book to you but if you already made up your mind and choose the “go hard or go home” path of work, that is okay. Im sure you have a great chance of making it wherever you want that way also. You have subs and besides, we see both kinds of people get to the top. The ones who rely on manifestation and take just basic action, and those who dont use manifestation - believe hard work is a MUST and they follow that rule.

Now arguably, I would say that a man who manifests every day gets there sooner than the guy who believes he has to work hard for years to get there and feel the pain of work on his shoulders because that is exactly what he is manifesting - hard work for years on his shoulders even though it could have been much simpler for him.

I believe in both action and manifestation but I dont think hard action ( if it makes you feel miserable or hopeless ) is better than laying back and manifesting and feeling good - keeping your energy in a good frequency. I would choose to rest and only do few tasks that day with a cup of tea rather than spend 20 hours working really hard and feeling like its my deepest low. From my experience, if you work hard and feel shit, its really hard to move up the ladder. Better flow comes for me when I balance both my work and my vibration. Envision what I want the most which also may or may not inspire action. One way or another, I have manifestations coming to me way much more often ever since I made this shift.

Its okay to rest for a day or two and then get back on track with some sort of basic routine like an hour workout at the gym or minimum 30 minutes of work behind pc on business… ITS OKAY. You can feel good and get what you want on that path. You can be happy and lay back every once in a while as long as you manifest daily even for only a little while. Great things can come to you out of nowhere in the most unpredictable ways. Feel like taking action today? Take it! Not feeling it? Visualize! Its simple. You dont have to sweat blood to get your dream to come true.

Food for thought.


It’s a dissonance between the subconscious/unconscious mind and the conscious ego mind according to the book I just finished. This is how we block our “blessings” from coming to fruition. We manifest the most dominate feelings/experiences. We eventually get to a point where it’s basically automatic that our manifestations happen relating to our yummy juicy desires. This takes practice.

We’ve gotta find that harmony and experience union of the minds though.

No one ever stops manifesting. They just may not be having a direct focused intention on a conscious level. Auto pilot. We are always manifesting though. Noticing our daily mental diet is important. Inner conversations. Noticing what’s showing up in our day to day experiences. Our dream world. Our meaning and perception of the events of our day.

This can be easy and fun if we believe or it can be hard and forceful. Maybe that’s where scripting comes into good use. Self persuade yourself into believing that new way of thinking and feeling. I’m sure this book has solid practices.

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Thanks for the share!

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Me: :point_down:t2:

Haven’t read the OP book, yet choosing to comment.



Add the rest of the BE into your HAVE picture.

You don’t have to DO the “make it happen,” but you have to DO the “act as if you already have it.”

You have to BE the person NOW.

What are the life routines of this person?
What does he/she read/research?
Where does he/she go often? What kind of friends/network?
How do they behave in these places? At home?

BE the person. DO your life.



I SPECIFICALLY said my comment was not related to the book.

When I wrote this…

I meant myself, not you.

Because after several mentions of Not Derailing, I was still going to make that post.


I do see now, how easily that could be misinferred.





hahahaha you guys should pick a fight now just so we can see who’s interpretation was right.

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Hah! My bad. :grin:

latin dancing?

I don’t do Latin, I do Commercial (Jazz Funk in the US)

I read the book. It’s a fast read. It focused ALOT on gratitude. It’s a great tool in my toolbox to use in creating my life. Subliminal Club is another.

I LOVE that Subliminal Club does force you to listen to hour long subliminals. I’m new to Subliminal Club, so bear with me. I’m living on SSDI, so investing in retreats, hypnotists, gurus, etc is not possible to me presently. There are cheaper subliminal companies out there, but Subliminal Club trumps most of the others peddling binaural beats, etc.

I love the promise of Law of Attraction and I’m thrilled to see such discussions here about it. Please share manifestation tips either here or with me personally, PEEPS.

I’d love it all!