KonnectQ + KHAN ST4 ZP

After jumping around between Primal Seduction / Wanted / Khan / Daredevil / Stark ZP I’ve landed on the final sub combo for me.

Sticking with Khan ST4 ZP as my primary sub. I’ve finally learned my lesson that this is the ultimate sub for me, and should never be dropped from my stack. It’s assertiveness, aggression, happiness and fun and boosts all areas of life. It gives me excitement for the future and the belief I can achieve anything.

My love of the effects of Primal Seduction in being able to calm me in social scenarios plus Wanted’s physical shifting led to the following custom which I name KonnectQ:

Primal Seduction: Iron Throne Ultima Core
Wanted Q Core
True Social Ultima Core

A/SPS: Cutaneous
Chosen of Venus
Harmonic Singularity
Physicality Shifter – Sexiness
Prevent Premature Ejaculation
Sacred Words
Seducer’s Gaze
Transcendental Connection
Way of Understanding

Khan is the fuel and the engine driving my life forwards. KonnectQ is the wheel, steering my life toward being a sexy guy who can build deep connections with others and enjoy life in the moment.

Going to wash out until the new sub is with me so should be at least a 5 day wash out (already on Day 2). Then I’m sticking with this one for the long haul, other than potentially the occasional use of Libertine ZP if I fancy it down the line.

No more swapping around. If I don’t stick with this please tell me I’m making a mistake. Thank you!


DAY 1 - Khan ST4 ZP

Ah… finally. Wash out over. Was starting to feel real down and mopey during the wash out.

Feels good to be back with the Khan. Or should I say… to BE the Khan.


if I were you I would have waited for the depression, down feeling, and anxiety to vanish. that is when the washout officially ends.


Day 2 - Rest

Day 3 - Khan ST4 ZP

Was hoping to run KonnectQ today but the custom didn’t come through until this evening and I wanted to do my loop in the morning, so rolled with the Khan again.

My hurt toward my ex has started to morph into anger. May not be the healthiest response, but it sure feels easier to deal with on a day to day basis.

Had a few really interesting dreams but unfortunately forgotten most of them - except one in which I was taking part in some kind of museum tour and a blonde woman made a comment directed toward me. I knew she was hitting on me but in the moment I felt scared to do anything about it (I’m pretty high social anxiety, I won’t engage strangers generally). Then as I was leaving I saw her and something in my head said “You don’t even have a choice. It’s rude not to talk to her” and I went over and asked for her number.

She looked at me with a bit of disdain and said “umm… hi, my name is xxx” as if to say I was jumping the gun. I said sorry and said I don’t usually approach women and so sorry for that I just wanted to talk and get to know you more. I saw her initial attraction turned more toward pity and she gave me her number but I could tell she wasn’t attracted and it wouldn’t lead anywhere. It felt very real, like I couldn’t predict her reactions, even though obviously it just a dream and was all in my own head.

But yeah, have never approached a woman with sexual intent in real life or a dream before… have to start somewhere lol.

I’ve had an urge to start stretching out more, doing lots of back bends etc. where I have gotten really tight from weight lifting. However it’s made me really surprisingly sore, like it hurts to even breathe. Gonna keep the stretching and hope the body adapts over time.




Got impatient and wanted to give my new custom a go so skipped the rest day and went straight to it.

Initial thoughts, I love it. I listened Saturday afternoon, visited my parents house that day and felt a bit mentally slow. Noticed my sisters kids seemed to want to interact with me more than is usual.

Sunday had a day of chores, went to a phone store to sort out my contract, then got a haircut, then got a coffee. In all 3 scenarios I noticed the people I interacted with were more receptive, and that I was more relaxed interacting with them. The guy in the phone shop gave me a great deal, the hairdresser gave me a discounted haircut and the coffee server was very friendly and smiley. Was kind of confused as the reactions as I thought Primal Seduction / Wanted might come off as a bit intimidating / stand-offish in nature.

Then I remembered my intentions behind the custom: being relaxed, grounded, attractive and building connections with others. And that’s exactly the results I’ve achieved so far!

Ran my loop today and worked from a local coffee shop. More of the same, waiting staff friendlier, me more relaxed and less self-conscious. Also wore a spray of Nude Alpha and noticed that added to the increased grounded and relaxed feeling plus added some masculine motivation and drive.

KonnectQ + Nude Alpha seems a good mix. If I can maintain my work motivation and good mood I might see if I can run KonnectQ solo and drop Khan out the stack.

What is Nude Alpha?

its a pheromone for men…

I see. Thank you.

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Yup it’s a pheromone.

Day 7 - rest
Day 8 - konnectq

Been wfh. Nothing new to report. Sleep messed up but think due to pheromones and Kal restrictions