King's Subliminal Journey

One thing I realised after running this custom subliminal of mine for 5 days is that my craving to read books has increased exponentially. It is like there are hundreds of books I want to read - both fiction and non-fiction - and I want to expand my knowledge in many areas.

If only I could just be retire tomorrow as a multimillionaire and spend the rest of my life reading all the books in the world.

At the moment, all I can do is to improve my reading speed with the help of my custom…


I slept pretty bad tonight. In the morning I realized I didn´t played Paragon the night before.

Something for me to keep in mind.

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That comment was for Stages 2 and 3 of Khan. Could be similarly an issue to some people with EOG 2 & 3.

I don’t think such a conflict applies to any stages of QL, nor for most Stage 1s.


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Thank you @Simon for the clarification.

I’m going to try out a daily stack of

1 x Quantum Limitless ST1
1 x Alchemist ST1
1 x Custom Subliminal MA-I (Quantum Limitless ST2 + Alchemist ST2 + Mind’s Eye)

I guess it shouldn’t be too heavy.

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I think these results should be attributed to Mogul/R.I.CH subliminals that I had been running for quite a fair bit.

For this month of March 2021 , I signed a part-time remote work contract that will pay me on a monthly basis in addition to the monthly allowance from my training program. That adds up to more than the monthly take-home salary I paid myself before the crisis hit.

I will continue to focus on my wealth and visualization goals after doing some clearing with Alchemist ST1 and Quantum Limitless ST1.

Also some money from other sources that are supposed to come in next month.


I did read your post, and I think I understand what you are wanting to do.

I would defer to @SaintSovereign and @Fire because they know what the scripts are.

If it were me, I would do all stages of Alchemist and QL first, then consider this stack because I would want to make sure my brain and spirituality is at its maximum, maybe even chuck Alchemist st4 and QL st4 into a custom too.

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Thanks. Right now I am running the custom sub along with QLST1 and Alchemist ST1.

I will run this stack for 30 days at least to see how everything works out and then make the necessary re-adjustments.

I am continuing my journey with Dragon Reborn - this time with ST3 - after about month of stopping DR ST2 after a 35 loop-days. I will be running DR ST3 along with QLST1 and my custom visualization sub for 30 loop-days minimum before add on another custom subliminal into the mix.

Henceforth, any updates will be in the journal titled “My Visualization Mastery Journey”.

In any case, I thought it would just benefit me to write a review about my journey with Dragon Reborn ST1 and ST2 first.

First of all, I am quite happy to say that my financial situation has seen an improvement over the past few months when I was running Dragon Reborn and Mogul. There is still a long long way to go before am really financially stable but at least now I have income every month in the short-term, and I can afford to build up some savings for greater goals.

Second, I started my digital marketing training program in February. I’ve learnt quite a lot of stuff even though I haven’t reached the meat of the course. I also realised that there were many things related and unrelated to my work that I had picked up in the past (e.g. UX Design, market research, excel modelling) that became quite useful in helping me understand what was being taught in the program.

I get a monthly training allowance that helps me out a bit throughout the 6-month program.

Honestly, I am still exploring my path at this point of time, but I know that if I at least complete the program in July, I will have more opportunities than if I had decided to remain stagnant.

Third, I signed a contract for a part-time gig to write some articles every month on a specific topic for a company and am also helping another company to compile material for some ebooks to sell. My old client also contacted me to ask me to help her with a small project a few days ago.

So, I think things are getting better on the financial side at least.

Meanwhile there are old business relationships that I think I should let go of since the people involved don’t add value to my life anymore and I want to move forward with my life. I treat all this as an expensive lesson and from now on I will do bigger due diligence in terms of my relationships with people.

I also realised that I have managed to live through a period of financial prudence, and I understand delayed gratification better. There are many things I realise I can live without or can afford to wait until I am able to purchase them. I don’t really spend much on myself these days and if I need additional money it is more to help my family rather than to gratify myself with consumer goods.

I treat everything bad that happened in the past as a lesson and thankfully I am still alive today. There are people worse off than me and I should be grateful for even being able to live every morning, and that I have something to look forward too.

I wouldn’t have been thinking this way 6 months ago - life then was more difficult and everyday I felt that I was at a dead-end in my life. I still have a long road ahead, but maybe at least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now.

Looking back, it has been easier for me to let go of a lot of emotions and my life is much simpler now and if there are things to worry about, it’s just a few big issues and not a million small ones.


I’m very happy for you! I’m also very glad DR has helped you to take effective action to make progress in other areas of your life!

That books look really interesting and inspiring! Would you recommend it?

Just read this!

Very happy for you!


Richard Garriot created the Ultima series of role-playing games in the 1980s and 1990s.

He was a pioneer in the rpg world. Very interesting life.

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Yup, I played Ultima IV back in 1988 as a wee lad.

Just want to know if you found the actual book enjoyable/well-written, etc.

Yes, I liked the actual book.

He is a superb story-teller, and the book is largely about how he used his story-telling skills throughout his life.

Reading the book is like entering his world, a imaginative world full of possibilities. At least for me, I got that type of “explorative” feeling that I hardly get when I read most books.

After all, what he wrote about his life was real, and not some fantasy experience.

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This may be one of my next Audible purchases. We’ll see. Thank you for sharing.

Do you prefer to listen to the book instead of reading it?

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Get Scribd. One monthly payment, lots of great books. Also this one, both in written and audio formats.

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Thanks. Have seen that name for years, but never looked into what it actually was.

hmm…interesting, it’s like a virtual library. I like it.

Until very recently, I’d have given an unequivocal ‘yes’ to that question. I embraced audiobooks when I was commuting in the early 00s. Listened to the entire Wheel of Time series in that form. And once you’ve gotten through that, you’re just going to keep on listening.

In the past year though, with subliminals, I’ve found a number of my habits and preferences shifting. I started the audiobook version of Brandon Sanderson’s latest installment of Stormlight Archives The Rhythm of War; but I found myself drawn repeatedly to read it. Or to read it while listening to it.

Audiobooks allow me more freedom of activity. I’m not a huge fan of sitting in one spot for hours on end (despite being a happy meditator). I like moving a lot. I also receive and retain auditory information MUCH better than visual information.


I don’t know. The mind changes.

But for this book, I thought I’d probably prefer to hear it. We’ll see.

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