Khan & Khan Black - which one first?

This’ll be extremely subjective but here it goes.

I’m currently on Stage 1 of Khan. Planning to go through stages 2 and 4, but skipping at 3 because it’s known to be “extremely sexual” and got some good advice that if I skipped ST3 I would avoid the worst of the oversexuality, while still benefiting from it in ST4.

The thought occurred to me that running Khan Black ST1 after I run Khan ST1 could be even MORE prep, so that I have greater control over my sexual energy when I run Khan - because ultimately, if I have total control over my sexual energy, then I’d have no problem with OG-Khan boosting my sexual energy to the stratosphere, right? (Or wrong? This is a discussion, after all :stuck_out_tongue: )

So I guess the question for the community is do you think Khan Black ST1 would be extra and beneficial prep for Khan? Or do you think OG-Khan is good prep for Khan Black?

Curious to hear people’s thoughts on mixing the two subs. Maybe Khan ST3 is like a version of Khan Black ST5 - UTILIZE the sexual energy awakening in Khan Black to take massive action :stuck_out_tongue:

Any thoughts?


No. Khan and Khan Black are separate. KB1 is good but if you’re wanting Khan, I’d stick to Khan


I’ll throw my two cents here, based on my experiences with both subs.

I initially started with Khan Stage 1 and was running it for about a month and a half before Khan Black had come out. I then paired the two together, and have been working through the stages with both of them stacked.

A few things I will say from my experience. One, I wouldn’t skip stage 3 of Khan. Granted, I ran Khan Stage 3 with Khan Black Stage 3, but, the power of both together was exhilarating. I nailed through work issues and doors just kept opening for me with my goals. Khan Stage 3 has a lot of manifestation scripting and while it may be hyper sexualized, when paired with Khan Black, I could consciously choose where my attention and focus went, and it didn’t go to the women. If I’m being honest, I actually miss that pairing a lot right now.

I am currently on Khan Stage 4 and Khan Black Stage 4, and while I’ve just gotten the road started, I can already feel myself more chill than when I was on stage 3 where I was constantly buzzing.

I’m getting off-topic. My point is, while yes, I agree with @Palpatine that the goals of Khan and Khan Black are different, the synergies between them are incredible and can lend themselves to some amazing growth. While I may have had recon on some days, it was probably very mild.

I will also say, that you should every now and again read the sales pages for both subs, so you can start to tick off how much the goals of each sub are taking place in your life. Since starting this combination, I stand taller, my posture is erect, I speak my mind, I take zero shits from anyone, and I don’t dwell on mistakes. I honestly feel good all of the time, ready to take on whatever the world may have coming, and while the situations I find myself in aren’t easy, I can see how much I’ve changed just based on how I deal with them. I no longer view things as good or bad, but rather, as a part of the fabric of life. I enjoy the beautiful and persevere through the difficult.

Honestly, you can’t go wrong with this combination.

My only advice for you is this; think through what you want and make sure you’re right with yourself about this combination before you start. After you have committed to it, put the blinders on and stick with this stack for the long term. That’s the only way you’ll really gain the most from these tools. Again, this is my opinion only, but, that would be my approach. Especially if you’re planning on running with the two Khan’s.


Have you done one cycle for each stage?

Yes, I did one cycle for all of the stages of Khan Black and only one cycle for Khan Stages 2 and 3. My current plan is to stay on stage 4 of both subs for a few cycles before starting the process again from stage 1. My second round through all the stages, I will probably end up doing each stage for 2 cycles and then keep running with stage 4. That may change, depending on how things progress after a few cycles of stage 4. I may just downshift to stage 3 of Khan and stay on Khan Black stage 4. Either way, I’m not dropping either sub any time soon.

Edit - I should clarify the above regarding going through another cycle. My current plan is to build a custom with stage 4 of Khan and Khan Black, with a third core using Wanted Black. My current goal is to build that custom towards the end of the year, when hopefully everything has been updated to ZP2 Max. I think when I get ready to build that custom, I will evaluate whether I need to do another set of cycles of the other stages, and or whether I can do those stages while running my custom.

I don’t want to misrepresent my goals here, if for no other reason, than to hold myself accountable to my own intentions. So, the final answer regarding another run through the previous cycles will be determined towards the end of the year.


Would you update your experience now with new Khan?

I wrap up Stage 3 tomorrow and moving onto Stage 4 next week. The new Khan seems like an extension of the old Khan in many ways, so if you’ve run Khan previously, you have an idea of what to expect. It’s in the same vein. Much more potent in many ways and I feel like this version of Khan will continue to test you until you become something more.

I have been running this new Khan with Stark Black and while I don’t know exactly where things will fall for me in the next few cycles, a few things, at least at this point are becoming clear. As someone else has stated in the main Khan thread, this version of Khan is reminiscent of Emperor in many ways, especially with the dominance aspect. But also very sexual.

I do feel for me at least, after a few more cycles with Stage 4, I’ll have to pick a side between Khan and Stark Black. Stark Black has one kind of archetype and Khan another. As I’ve used Khan now for a year between the time on the last version and this one, and will be using it for the next few months, I’m of the mind that I will probably leave Khan behind for a while and replace it with Wanted Black. I’ve used WB briefly in the past and in a recent post from @Fire regarding the progression to WB happening after Khan, I think I’d like to try that out. I also think WB will have much more synergies with Stark Black then Khan does.

But, that’s still to be determined and I have at least 2 to 3 cycles of Stage 4 ahead of me before I make that decision.

One realization that I had on Khan that I shared this with@Vesper over a contemplative FaceTime call while we were competing to see which one of us had the better view (I think I won that one cuz I was in South Beach with the view of the ocean; sorry @Vesper, you know I love you buddy!), was reflective of my experience while I was there. I picked up an Asian woman, around the same age as me (late 40’s), and gave her some of the best sex she’s probably ever had. In so doing I realized that my views on sex and how I feel about it has changed considerably, which made me rethink a lot of the dynamics that I have with women. In my youth, I wanted the hottest women and I just wanted to get laid.

In recent weeks and especially after my night with the woman, I realized that I enjoy bringing a woman to the ultimate heights of pleasure more than I care about getting laid myself. The power dynamics and what I bring to the table has changed. It’s hard to explain. But I know that when I pick up a woman now, I will give her one of the most incredible sexual experiences of her life, rather than what she can do for me. This imbued me with a sense of I am the prize.

Something about that unlocked a new level in me and increased the attraction I receive from women 10 fold. I also, while not super tall, am about 5’9, I have zero issues with women being taller than me. I mention this because a lot of the women I have been getting those incredible sex signals from have all been South Beach model chicks that are like 5’11 to 6 ft. And I’m so good with it man.

So yeah, Khan is doing a lot internally and externally. It’s an amazing program to run and I think if you’re going to do it, commit to it for at least 6 to 8 months across all the stages to really gauge how it’s working for you. But also, take action. Go out into the world, come to terms, don’t live in the past and instead just face everything head-on. That’s the best way I think to truly experience the power of Khan. Quiet contemplation is good, but being too cerebral takes away from life experience and a Khan is one that has experienced all of life’s poisons and borne fruit from it.


Thanks @Demian for the elaborate answer.


Hey bro. Can you point to the post? Interested to see that, but couldn’t find.

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That whole post was freaking well said.

You, my friend, sound like a G.

Wishing you continued copious (uh, no pun intended) enjoyment.


Im so happy for you Demian : )
you speak like true Khan!