Khan combined with libertine

DAY 17 Khan hours 171 hours / no fap day 2

I saw a dream where i was skydiving. I tried the first parachute nothing. I tried the second parachute nothing. I tried the third parachute nothing. Then i told myself if i survive somehow i will work hard for one year and then try to get into martial arts fighting

I dont know what that dream could mean. I am doing muay thai with zero interest to have professional fights. I am thirty years old and there is zero chance to be a professional. I am trying to understand the meaning but i am lost here

No superchargers used yet


Have you considered the martial arts as an analogy for achieving a peak physical health & fitness level? So it’s not about the fights, but rather about training your body to survive and thrive as you age? After 30-35 it gets increasingly harder to do, but easy enough to maintain.

Maybe I’m still taking it too literal, but it is an option. Don’t get hung up on the fighting aspect. Maybe it’s just because certain martial arts often use bootcamp-style training, especially the boxing styles. And the ability to defend yourself also breeds physical confidence, which is what Khan wants you to get.


Actually this is an amazing response. I never thought from this point of view


DAY 18 Khan hours 184 hours / no fap day 3

Nothing specifically other than i decided to restart training Muay Thai hard which will happen in two weeks. I bought Muay Thai X which i plan to run 2-3x per day. I will add beyond limitless supercharger before sleep to help me with my work which is a mental work. From what i read in the main thread it is better used 2x before sleep for maximum results @DarkPhilosopher can you confirm this?

So my playlist consists of

Libertine 2x
Muay Thai X 2-3x
Beyond limitless 2x and maybe 2x before work

I will not listen everything back to back of course but i am curious to see how i will react. Also preordered true social to listen before i go out but not every day. Today i dont feel tired at all but i had a very good night sleep


Mind telling me where you got that from? All I see is:

My best guess is that superchargers are best used about one or two hours before the activities they support. Which means Beyond Limitless does best before learning stuff and the only supercharger that does best before sleep is Dreams. Then again, if you go on the theory that you do a lot of your learning and transferring things from your short-term to your long-term memory, before sleep could very well be the best time. Honestly, I don’t know which is best.



I guess the recommended usage changed during development. Well, in that case I can neither confirm or deny. :slight_smile:

Whatever feels most natural to you is likely the right thing. They will help either way.


Thankyou for sharing your insights. I did consider Libertine “old technology” so i abandoned the use of it. After reading ypur journal my decision is to run true social and Libertine back to back after completing my run of emperor.


DAY 30 Khan hours 253

Long time I didnt update. I am quite busy planning my next 360 days and travelling back to where I live. I missed a few days mainly because I had only a few hours to run the subs. I spent more than 30 hours in airports and I find very difficult to run subs through headphones. I never enjoyed it even in low volume as I feel too much pressure in my head while in speakers I didnt have any issues

I had quite a few dreams but I will mention only three

  1. I saw three people trying to rob the appartment I used to live. I was still living there in my dream. The first two jumped from a neighbor’s balcony to mine and I threw them from the 2nd floor down on the street and they died. The third didnt watch what happened, he jumped on my balcony. When he saw me I said his friends are dead and he begged me from mercy but I threw him on the street and he died

  2. On another dream, there was a big fight between gypsies and the police because they killed some people and stole something which I cant remember. I think it was a cell phone but not 100% sure. When police left, the gypsies captured me, tied me up and they told me I shouldnt be afraid. They will interrogate me but they will not hurt me. On our way, a gypsy woman who liked me came closer and told me that I should try to get free because they are going to kill me (I am not gypsy myself not sure what the dream could mean). Then I woke up

  3. A few days ago I was sleeping and I saw myself sleeping in the position I was already sleeping. It was like I could see my body in real time. Then a spirit was floating behind me. The spirit looked similar to lord of the rings spirits but faceless. I turned facing the spirit and I grabbed its hand. Yes I could actually grab it like it was a living person. Then I grabbed the neck trying to choke it and I yelled multiple times who are you, tell me who are you. Even though the spirit was faceless, it was producing an aura that it was very familiar, like I already meet him/her before but I couldnt figure out the actual person

I decide to not follow the fixed 30 days per month but do 300 hours or 30 days depending which come slower. I feel something different but I cant quite say what it is honestly. I just feel something inside me is changing / changed. Also I have a huge physical goal which is near impossible with my lifestyle but I would be super happy if I succeed. I wouldnt like to post a goal in forum again but my time target is at 360 days starting on 5th August. I will first hit my target and then I will write down how I did it. This physical goal isnt only a very difficult one but I will have to confront one of my biggest fears

Another part I will change with subliminals is how I use them

My night(not necesserily sleep but night overall) will consist of

3x Muay Thai

?x Khan

Khan is the top priority and I will try to always hit 12+ loops(9hours) per day

I will buy and run 1-2 loops of Legacy pregym-pre Muay Thai session

I will use 2x Libertine + 2x True Social only on days that I will go out at night on average 2x/week

I will use 1-2x True Social if I have a business date

I will use 1-2x Beyond Limitless before working

So I will have a main playlist and I will use superchargers depending the situation I will be involved during the day. I am still working on my goals for the next 360 days. I need a concrete plan for both my work and my physical goal. I am doing as much research as I can and I will have multiple sub goals in order to reach the big one. I will start tracking everything from 5th August unless there is an unexpected change. I will post my weekly subgoals before I start my daily routine


DAY 32 Khan hours 278
DAY 5 True Social Loops 4

I went out for some drinks yesterday and my eye contact was very weak. I felt a lot of women were looking at me but i was avoiding looking back most of the time. I dont really understand the reason. The last 7 days i had sex 5 days more than once per day. I did had sex again yesterday anyway, but it is a bit worrying because i always had very strong eye contact

I am listening only ultrasonic lately from phone samsung note 8 speakers around -35db according to frequensee


DAY 34 Khan hours 296
DAY 5 True Social Loops 4

Update during the start of the day. I will run True Social later and i will update my excel sheet. I saw two dreams

  1. I was hanging out with my ex schoolmates and we were arguing which are the best settings to run a software for our job. In the end i was right
  2. I had a connecting flight to Japan and i was stressed because i thought i was late and it was a very important trip. I was about to leave the house and my brother, who had the same flight, entered the house and he told me that we were flying in 5 hours

I had terrible sleep. I slept 2 hours woke up for 3 hours and slept two more. I had a very late cup of coffee and it could be the reason. I am thinking to run ST1 for 350 hours instead of 300 planned but add 1-2 loops of iron throne every day. I also purchased Legacy for preworkout support but i will not start training again until 5-6th August. I havent trained since 29th May which sucks but i was very busy travelling around. Any opinions whether i should hit 300 hours and move to ST2 or do 350 hours of ST1 to make sure everything is cleared?


I followed my intuition. When I felt it was time to move on, I moved on.

For example, I only felt ready in ST1 after 450 hours. With ST2, I was ready after a bit more than 300 hours to move to ST3.


Thanks, y my intuition says i should get 50 more hours and include some iron throne but i am not sure if it was intuition or i just got scare because my eye contact was so weak which is unusual

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DAY 38 Khan hours 336

DAY 5 Iron Throne hours 10
DAY 11 True Social Loops 15

DAY 4 Libertine Remastered Loops 6

DAY 4 Libertine Remastered Loops 6

I am using iron throne for 3-4 loops in addition to Khan. My goal is to give Khan a more intense sexual direction. How I am constructing my days is quite simple. I am trying to get 9 hours of Khan (another 2 loops of Muay Thai when I will start training again) If I feel tired I dont add anything else. If I feel fine or I have time I add 1-4 loops of Iron Throne and maybe one more muay thai loop. I am using superchargers before I need them and not daily except True Social which is used daily

The last few days I didnt have any dreams. I do feel my head processing things because I have this slight buzz (not euphoria). Two more days of healing and moving on ST2. I cant say anything as a review yet because cant really see any difference. I cant give an opinion on Libertine because I used it only for one loop while meditating. Most of the time I just leave it playing 1-2 loops from the speakers

I am thinking maybe an exposure of total 14 hours is too much and I might should reduce something but I dont know what


In your journal you stated that women stare at you. Is that because you are good looking guy ? or was that because of Khan ?


Its like this since i was a teenager. I am good looking and i dress well


Hey power to you my friend :slight_smile:


Overkill plain and simple

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What do you think is overkill? What would you suggest?

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DAY 39 Khan hours 350
DAY 6 Iron Throne hours 10.5
DAY 11 True Social Loops 17
DAY 5 Libertine Remastered Loops 7
DAY 1 The Legacy Loops 1

I am still not meditating using the superchargers. I used The Legacy before my muay thai training, first in two months. I woke up i ran 2.5km and then i walked another 2.5km. After 6 hours i had a muay thai training. We started at 1500 and around 1700 i had cramps on my calves every time i was kicking. I guess it is quite normal as i didnt do any exercise the last two months, i was drinking and smoking a lot, every day

I should man up and start meditating when using the superchargers. I need to follow the instructions but i dont like sitting still without actually doing something more ‘‘active’’

Something i forgot to mention about Khan. I am getting very horny the last few days when i am listening st1. I dont remember if that was the case in the beginning. I have sex near every day so definitely i dont miss sex

Sometimes i feel tired when i am listening iron throne but i will always keep at least 1 loop per day. Moving to st2 today. My plan is to listen 4 loops of Muay Thai, 1 loop of Iron Throne and Khan until i get exhausted and i will try really hard to meditate when using the superchargers