Khan Black The Journey of untapped energy

Same situation here.


Yes, Alchemist is more suited to assist with any kind of daily practice.


I take full responsibility for This .

It seems to work great . Since perinerum is connecteting to sexual energy , and something I never really been able To circulate super well.

It’s like tapping into a energy source I did not have avalibale


I also have contact with super advanced spiritual teachers as well so all good

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What spiritual practice did you do for opening chakras @Malkuth ?

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In the formal, conventional sense? None.

I see the chakras as natural aspects of our body minds. (What we might call psychophysiological anatomy.)

In general, I think that striving to live a healthy, balanced, fulfilling life will give them all of the stimulation that they need. Sort of similar to heart rate and blood pressure. Just more subtle and advanced.

There are certain parts of my life where i clearly have a lower level of capacity or awareness. Sort of like when a person has a weak or injured muscle or body part. Three principles will generally help (there are others too):

  1. Taking in good ‘nutrition’. (means much more than just food, but food is beautiful too.)

  2. Gradually and incrementally stimulating the weak part

  3. Working on flexibility and exploring range-of-motion

Those principles can apply on the level of the 1) gross physical body (i.e., muscles, respiratory system, bones), 2) emotions, 3)thoughts/cognition, 4) intuition, 5) life’s meaning/existential/purpose, and 6) interpersonal engagement and others. In other words, they apply on all of the levels of our beings.

And, hey! what do you know?! Those levels just so happen to correspond to all of our energy centers, chakras, xue wei, dan tian, or whatever your cultural context happens to call them.

Explore, establish, and expand healthy functionality on all possible levels. This will naturally stimulate development. Whether we specifically think about the chakras or not.

And as you explore, you’ll find many useful practices and resources. From walking in the sunlight to contemplating the arising of phenomenal structures within consciousness.

May we thrive and enjoy great wellbeing!


So This was a interesting weekend events in the world triggered my old abandonement trauma wound and absolute terror arised.

And anger , Went to a bar next to the water and had 2 drinks feeling like absolute hell.

My brain started doing Self Inquiry , and after a while Something clicks and my brain just go How I ever be abandoned if god is always with me and Im one with everything.

Feelings of absolute bliss and extasy started pouring through my body.

The sheer differenxe in emotion was so strong I felt like I was flying.

Took a walk got approached, Got invited to a festival . Talk to one girl There , 7 of her female friends come.

Started flirting with one of her friends.

As it’s going really well , Her entire family comes .

Completely unreactive to the situation and just mess around with them.

Then some more stuff happened.

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It’s just really fashinating How when you spike in conciousness it’s such a big differenxe you feel like you are on hard drugs.

Also starting to feel more comfortable with arousal in the beginning of interactions

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Also did some reparenting and the wound really feels like it’s healing fast .

It was like first the universe was testing me Then giving me the map to the Kingdom

What a week first i got ghosted by girl and felt abandoned now same girl texted me back .

Said she likes me and so on but been very busy .

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The universe love testing you😂

Today was just a day of processing the craziness

Also going back to gym again after being handicapped for a while for the stupidiest drunk idea ever

Like I asked a 100 kg Guy that trained fighting to do a 100% leg kick.

Not my brightest moment

I really am intrigued by how This Will pair with a super spiritual custom

Like rob ros ascension chamber and all other fun spiritual modules

Cool results. Have you thought about consolidating stuff into fewer posts?

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Yea I should prolly do that.

So I might have the opportunity of a lifetime for dating.

The model girl I went on a date with said she likes me But is not really looking for dating atm .

She also runs a modelling agency.

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