Khan - A path less travelled

No I have not triet it yet, but from the description:

At times, it can feel like we are being swept by a river into a specific activity, emotion, a chain of events… These currents, manifestations of different energies, can be chosen and sailed on by an individual with the proper subliminal and with conscious guidance of their minds. Use the Current Invoker alongside with a mental desire to go into a current that interests you (a few examples: love, sexuality, wealth, music), and you will find you rapidly get acclimated to the current, manifesting more and more positive situations from that current, and becoming quickly better at it.

When I do heart based meditations it really feels like I’m jumping in to a current, and by the above description this module would be excellent to strengthen that flow.

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This one I have missed completely. Posting here for future reference, and its compability with Gratitude Embodiment.

Starfilled Night:

Experience the beauty of all that is through the Starfilled Night module. Inspired by the glory witnessed during the nights where the Milky Way is fully visible, Starfilled Night will develop your ability to perceive beauty in all there is – even the darkest places. Your appreciation for reality as well as your overall perception of the world will gradually change, helping you see the hidden beauty of this world. Combine Starfilled Night with Gratitude Embodiment for a powerful synergy that will truly make you appreciate life.

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4 day of processing today. I don’t know if the energy in the world is a bit wacky at the moment, because I feel so weird and tired at the moment. I find it hard to sleep and I flourish during the night when everyone sleeps. Also, I miss the amount of energy I had when I lived in the forest, it felt so much more clean and my head was way more clear.

Something I have noticed is that my vision is a bit strange at the moment, it’s just like I’m blinded all the time and I don’t like bright artifical light from lamps. My body has been feeling tired lately and I have a bit of the sniffles, but its funny, because I know I’m not going to be sick, I just tell myself not to get sick and I believe in it. I just see it as tension being released through healing.


Something just hit me with the whole vision thing. I went to the bathroom and I got a flashback back to when I experimented with lsd. Always in the beginning of a trip in the first hour and before things was starting to float around, my vision always became very reactive to light and colors. I was still very present but all the light sources around me seemed more intense and overwhelming.

This I have taken from my trip reports to be the process where the ego structure and body identification is loosened up and becomes less. Of course right now it is not that intense, and its mostly visual, but vision is the sense that we rely the most on. And during the last two years or so I have noticed less dependency on my vision, which has gone from more focused and attached to observed things, to a more peripheral and less attached vision.


im curious what is the analysis and thought process behind such a combo.

to me wanted and kahn makes no sense at all.

kahn = super dominant go after you want and take charge vibe

wanted = super laid back too cool for school you must come to me vibe

to me the vibe of each product is basically opposite so how does it make sense to use them together?

maybe im missing something?

what made you think wanted + kahn made sense together?


I’ve have gone a changed things around quite a bit lately. There is something I have thought about for quite a while, well yeah pretty much the last year or so… and that is that where I’m at right now in my life, it makes more sense to run Emperor then it is to run Khan for me.

My reasoning for this is because the way I am naturally, which is more Sigma than the more outgoing social type of Khan, and that especially since I withdrew late 2020 from most of society into seclution. Khan has always intruiged me with its social aspect and is something I feel I want, but at the moment it is too far away from how I currently live my life.

With that said I still love Khan Total Breakdown, which is the one I have had the most fun with, which is probably because it just removes so much nonsense and thus naturally makes you more alpha. I have stuck to Khan for a year and a half now and have grown a lot in the process, but after reading up on Emperor I have decided to switch. But Khan is still somewhere there on my map for the future, but as things stand now i need the push and the building something out of nothing aspects from Emperor.


I have played two loops of Emperor together with two loops of Mind’s Eye this week according to the recommended listening pattern. I must say that Emperor seem to gel and fit me very well. After the first loop I got an insane confidence and inner-talk, and also out around people I feel absolutely free and get alot of attention in a good way.

Mind’s Eye ZP has been messing with my perception of reality also this week. Just today as I walked in the city I began to imagine I was back in the 80’s, and boy I got all lost in it and for a while I actually thought I was there before my reality snapped back.

Also over the last two days I have noticed how my mind sometimes goes into a dialogue with itself, and its like the part of me that is insecure talks to the part of me that is already where the insecure part wants to get to, just like the student talking to the enlightened master (or It’s just my schizophrenia :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:). What this does is making it an internal process that whenever ever I notice myself trying to fake it, this inner dialogue goes on and solves it from within instead of looking for the answer outside.

It is now close to June and coming up is the pollen season of grass which often leaves me in a daze for around a month. So I have left a spot open for Paragon ZP for that reason to see if it can take care of that.

Third day of Emperor today and I will update later…


Mind’s Eye ZP - A reality bending subliminal

I remember when I bought this subliminal back in 2021 and thought to myself that I will use it to better my visualization skills. Ever since then I never really played it consistently to reap any major benefit from it.

Now I have 3 loops played in a week and boy o boy is this a subliminal that messes with your perceived reality. Just the other day I found myself walking in the town I live in and just thinking about the good old 80’s. After a while I noticed that my surroundings started looking like an old picture from that time period, and for a while I lost track of what I saw and actually believed I was back in the 80’s before my reality snapped back…

Also it is doing something with my vision, I feel blinded at times like if you’d just opened the curtains in the morning and stared at the sun. I feel less reliant on my visuals for navigation and it results with me being a bit lost at times and not even noticing the how the people around me look visually.

Yesterday I was sitting in a bar, and all of a sudden I felt acutely aware of how the sound and vibration coming from the speakers were bouncing around and the different reverberations coming from different surfaces in the room. It kind of took me by surprise and when my normal attention come back I noticed how most of the room was looking at me. I found it kind of hard to be social the rest of that night because I felt almost dizzy at times.


Paragon - First impression

I have planned to play Paragon for a while now that pollen season is coming up for me. My overall goals I have is to lessen/get rid off my allergy towards grass pollen, and also to make my skin not so dry, and lastly to fix my dandruff I have from time to time.

I just played my first loop this morning, and straight away I noticed my hands becoming softer. I had random spots in my body during the loop that started to tingle a bit. After the loop I felt a bit tired but also a sense of relaxation.

Liking it so far even though it’s too early to tell, will update more as time goes by…


Paragon - Update

Paragon really slapped me hard today, I fell asleep for a couple of hours and woke up feeling very tired. I felt the need to stretch my whole body which is a sign I have skipped that part lately. Also for some reason my skin felt even more dry and itchy than before, but this I suspect is a an effect of the body getting ready to be more moist again.

Dizzy dizzy dizzy…

Waited a couple of hours until I played my loop of Emperor for today. Iately I have been feeling like I live in an alternate reality or something. My vision is still that of a drunk person it feels like, my focus is a bit off and that makes me not feel connected to my environment like I’m used to.

Overall everything is becoming more entangled but at the same time more loose, my perceptions seem to mingle into one another and I loose track of time and day only to snap back and forth.

The way for me forward is to get back to some sense of connection to people and world around me. This whole waking up part is quite rough, it’s been almost two years now of confusion and still I have not found any new friends that I can connect deeply with or some kind of social life at all.

Step by step…
Ooh, baby…
Gonna get to you, WORLD…
Step by step (Ah!)

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Loving Kindness

I have been slacking on my metta meditations lately, and today Youtube reminded me in my feed. Re-read again about the 6 R’s by Bhante Vimalaramsi. Putting the links below if someone feels inspired to learn more.


What happened to Khan dear @Tobyone? :thinking:

Khan who? :grin: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Yeah, I’ve been thinking of changing the misleading name…

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Khan resulted in the same effect for me, and I had my brother even comment on it.

That was just from Total Breakdown.

And I’m still feeling it in the background…

On Khan, I also felt like none was living the reality that I was living and I found it hard to resonate with people, or hard to connect and make friends because often people could not comprehend and relate to what I was experiencing.

Nothing is for nothing, no regrets. Khan has changed me a lot and that I’m grateful for. It changed my whole inner landscape although I lived so long in isolation, that’s probably why I enjoyed St1 so much because it was clearing the way like a bulldozer. When I started St1 late 2020 my whole perceived little world view had just fallen to pieces, and Total Breakdown changed me from the core, or rather removed that which was not my core.

One big thing why I ultimately switched to Emperor now is that it’s more the push to build something from where I am now, which is basically at zero. I absolutely love the calm, nonchalant dominance and sexuality from Khan, but I have to be fair and realize where I am right now in life. Sure I could have paired Khan with Mogul or similar, but just Emperor alone has a lot of this and it leaves me open one more slot in my rotation.

I’m not done with Khan, it is still the subliminal that resonates deep with me.



Some Thoughts

I just re-stumbled over the concept of being very mindful in what we ingest into our bodies. I miss my Alkaline water machine that I cannot use because I don’t have my own place at the moment.

Our bodies consists of roughly:

I remember hearing that one should never drink water straight from the tap because of it having been pressurized through the pipes, but instead be put in a brass container for a while to settle down. I used to do that with my Alkaline water and it was so much more refreshing. Also water has memory in it as well, and there are many fascinating studies done about this subject.

The quality of water is so important to us because it’s the biggest part of us. Then comes Earth, and then the foods we eat, and then the air which is in every living cell of our bodies. Fire I guess is from the things like the sun and such.

I find it interesting with something so simple as the air we live in. If you are in a room with negative people, the air gets polluted in there, but if you go outside in the wind you feel rejuvenated again. I noticed this so clearly when I lived on the countryside last year and the beginning of this year. My energy and aura almost never gets as high as it used to be when I was out in the woods all day.

Being more mindfull is the way to go…


Metta Meditation

Reigniting my zest for Metta meditations again, because nothing even comes close to that ineffable feeling after a powerful Metta. My custom now updated and downgraded from ZPT2 down to ZPS is soon back in my rotation. I can try to kid myself all day long, but honestly nothing beats the power of a strong masculine frame coming from love and compassion, and also who wouldn’t want to feel more unconditional love and less suffering on a daily basis…?

Sacred Heart ZP

Love Bomb
Blue Skies
Transcendental Connection
Chosen of Venus
Depths of Love
Love Without Attachment
Gratitude Embodiment
Starfilled Night (New)
Emotions Unfettered
Mercy Protocol
The Wonder
The Flow
Ethereal Presence
Divine Self-Image
Harmonic Singularity
Intuition Enhancer
Current Invoker (New)
The Architect (New)


I See A Red Door And I Want It…

Today it feels like I’ve been hit by a freight train, so I’m taking an extra day of processing. Saw three different kind of combinations of numbers today pop up, and after looking up all of them had to do with change and new beginnings.

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Beep Boop…!!

There seem to be some heavy programming going on at the moment in my mind. I take short walks often today and just feel lost, not in a bad way, but just lost of my old perceptual world. Emperor is pushing me hard to get going and build my new life…

Compared to Khan this push feels more balanced, with Khan I just felt so overtly sexual most of the time. This makes me feel good about switching for the time being until I have built up a base of something that could be called a life in society.

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Recon Boss

Reconciliation actally is quite easy to handle and work through if one just applies some basic awareness. Firstly, why and what program are you running and what are the goals of that program? If I then listen to it but take no or minimal action towards those goals of the program, then its only natural that the reconcilliation will pile up and become hard.

Even pure healing programs such as Regeneration or Dragon Reborn are easier if one takes some action, such action might just be writing a journal, meditating, or just introspecting.

If one listens to an Alpha program designed to make you dominate in life and you just sit around, it makes no sense to play that program. Action can be litterally anything that breeds more action. Just cleaning your personal space or taking a walk will put you into an upwards trajectory and easier integration of the programming.

Make a list of your goals for the program and then do a brakedown of things that goes in that direction no matter how small they might be, that way you will have tons of small actions to get you going and eventually lead up to bigger things. It’s a game of momentum.



Felt a bit of fear creaping up today as I felt a bit unsure of what to do and being forced into action again in my life. Did my metta meditation and was reminded of the 6R’s:

Recognice → Release → Relax → Re-Smile → Return → Repeat

It’s so funny how the game of life seem to be all about remembering what we keep forgetting all the time. Awareness dissolves all doubts, and all the dirt and cobwebs in the room of our psyche has been there all the time, but awareness brings in more light and making more visible. Don’t we all love when spring and summer arrives, and all of a sudden we see just how much dust there is in the room, or just how dirty the windows are… It’s time to bring out the good old duster again…

I just now saw the book I planned to read a little everyday when I started this trip 3 months ago for inspiration just lying there all dusty. Again we go, awareness is key!

The book is Courage by Osho funnily enough, and in the beginning it takes a lot of courage to expand our awareness until the momentum carries us forward automatically.