Jules’ Journal: Dragon Reborn Extended Cut

I’ve had exactly this same sort of feeling (both before and after working out) as well. I know the unconscious mind is said to be able to reason deductively, but not inductively, so it is possible to have a belief like “getting to the gym sucks” but also have a belief like “I love working out and being at the gym” simultaneously. I’ve experienced times where I had to literally drag my ass out of bed to workout, but then once I start, I feel on top of the world.

If you want to read up some more on deductive vs inductive reasoning, here is a link I found that seems decent: Inductive vs. Deductive Reasoning | Indeed.com

Keep going man, I’m enjoying reading up on your experiences with DR as I’m running it too, now.

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I was once in the IT field, years ago. I taught myself how to run MS DOS (because I had an older brother who used to taunt me with all the cool stuff he could do with just a black screen), and then I got into mIRC for a while, then mIRC scripting, then programming with Visual Basic, etc.

Long story short, I had a job working as a computer technician at a JC College, and I felt exactly the same way as you. That is the year I quit the job, joined the military, and served as military police for 4 yrs.

I’m not saying that you should quit anything, but maybe it would be good to take a step back and ask yourself if your goals are still the same. Is it possible you started the tech/cybersecurity journey because of someone else wanting you to go in that direction? Would you ideally like to be doing something else?

I know these are hard questions, especially when you have invested a lot of time and energy into something; one thing I have learned in my life is that everything is cross-compatible.

I work for the state here now, and I (all the time) use my skills in computers to help my co-workers figure out things that they don’t know how to do. I’ve been shocked at just how much I use all of my skills in a field totally unrelated to what I am currently working in. So, my point is, there really is no wasted time, a skill is a skill, and it can be applied in just about any context whatsoever.

I hope this helps.


They are absolutely not the same, and the career I am in is 5 years past its prime, but I feel trapped by my past decisions and am working like mad to sort everything out.

I started by building websites in high school and learning about hacking (more than a decade ago, now) and back then I had intense passion behind it. Then, it was a convenient avenue to support myself into adulthood without even needing college. Years later, after a new job fell through and I was left in the lurch, I decided to volunteer on a farm for a while. It was so much more satisfying, but highly unsustainable. Later, I started college just to be more marketable on the job market after COVID, since the job market got so much more competitive during that.

Ideally it would be as you say: a skillset for me to tap into when needed. Or something to explore as a hobby again. What I can do and am working on doing is applying my internet skills to get into ecommerce or some other digital business.

I know it is not always that easy; yet I also know that when we have a genuine obsession to do something, magic seems to happen, and we can usually get it done. I’ve seen this in my own life, I’ve read it in multiple books (Think and Grow Rich, The Magic of Believing, Psycho-Cybernetics, It Works, etc)

Napoleon Hill called it a definite chief aim, and I think it is like magic to some degree. Basically, when we know exactly what we want, we can start to visualize ourselves doing it, letting it occupy our thoughts, etc.

If you have a clear direction of what you’d rather do, and are chasing it, then completely disregard this. If you don’t have that, I would suggest you do the brainstorming thing and just sit down with a pen and paper and ask yourself, “if I had all the money and time in the world, what would I want to do?” That is a great question, because it eliminates all the limiting answers we’d give, like “I don’t have enough money to do x” or “I don’t have enough time to do y”.

In reality, we can always make money, and we can shift our time around and make it work for us - it’s really all about desire, and if a desire is strong enough, you will get what you desire.

If ECommerce is something you really want to do in your life, I say go for it; if you are just thinking of something you can use with the skills you already have, I’d say do the exercise above, and really find something that motivates and drives you - if you can find that, you’ll have all the motivation you need to accomplish it.

In my own life, I did not like IT, because it is not very social (at least not what I was doing). I’m a pretty social guy, and don’t like working on my own all the time.

when I did military police, I loved it - I got to shoot guns, tell people what to do, train with sim rounds, guard the base, etc. I’d honestly still be in law enforcement, except I injured myself when I got out of the military, and doctor told me not to do LE.

So, I drove big rigs for a while, I loved the pay, hated the isolation, and I knew I needed to have a change.

So, I did management for retail stores for a while, and I liked the social aspect, hated the customer service aspect, and I left that one too.

I now work for the state, and I love being part of a specialized crew, I like being trained in lots of things, I like doing something different every day, I like the comradarie we have as a crew, etc. It’s definitely not my ideal career, but it has a lot of tick marks hitting the right boxes for me to enjoy it most of the time.

I guess I’m saying this to say it’s okay to explore and find out what you do and don’t like, if you haven’t done this. The good thing is that you have experience in the tech and cybersecurity field, so you can always use it as a fall-back plan if needed. Just like I could go and sign up for a regional job with a trucking company tomorrow, and land a job in a heartbeat if I needed to. That gives you security, so you know you are not going to go without, but also some freedom to try different stuff.

I’m just speaking from my own experience, I hope it is somewhat helpful to you.

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29 July:
1 x DR
1 x RICH
Day 17/21

31 July:
1 x LE
Day 19/21

2 August:
1 x DR
1 x RICH
Day 21/21

Washout begins tomorrow till 7 August. Planning on switching to Stg 4 and then running that for a few cycles. If I like it enough I may incorporate it into a custom or just keep running it. But I really would like to try the name stuff in customs.

@aklimatize Although I didn’t yet respond to your last post, it has given me much to think about and I have had it in mind quite frequently. I’m not altogether unfamiliar with a chief aim nor the meditation on “what I would do if money were no object”. I was introduced to these things by a spiritual guide of mine who refers to it as one’s “soul desire”, or, the desire which caused one to choose to incarnate and towards which the life should be directed. To be honest, my desires have nothing to do with working for a living in the sense that we know it. So it is hard to put my finger on it.

Now I’d like to review my progress so far and see how it aligns with the stated goals of the subliminal.

This is for myself, a form of written introspection, but maybe it will help someone in the future.

  • Achieve overall success in all areas due to the intense transformational effect of Dragon Reborn

Not there yet, but I did just pass a great milestone for my fitness journey. I’ve never been able to maintain a weight lifting habit beyond 3 months, and I’ve just passed 3 1/2 months. I have taken many other steps to improving my body’s health, as well. My dating and sex life have been quite satisfying. I no longer feel the need to try to validate my sex life or pursue women the same way I did before, preferring to relax into myself and let life unfold naturally. The one area I feel underdeveloped in is my finances. I make plenty of money but have made even more mistakes. Perhaps this time has been spent identifying those mistakes in preparation for whatever is to come.

  • Destroy, heal and transcend any and all societal or self-created limitations, traumas, negative beliefs preventing you from reaching your goals

I have had a lot of confrontation with my past in the last few months and have been working past all of it quite diligently. Lots of dreams in this realm, as well.

  • Free yourself from your misconceptions and the limitations others placed upon you

Whatever is happening here is mostly unconsciously. I am a fiercely independent person so I’ve rarely let these sorts of things affect me, but my unconscious certainly holds on to things. That is what I mean.

  • Become more assertive and prevent others from abusing or misusing you
  • Create strong boundaries against those who habitually and intentionally attempts to “cross the line” with you

Great results here with several people in my life. I am much better at defining and maintaining strong boundaries and being direct about them.

  • Detach from the views of others — be true to yourself
  • Discover exactly “who you are,” what you believe your life mission is, and how to overcome all obstacles preventing you from reaching those goals.

I am deep into this process now and the picture becomes clearer by the day.

  • Develop your inner child from that of a “kid” to that of a mature, powerful “adult”
  • Develop your internal self-image from negative to positive, and from unattractive to incredibly attractive

I have been much less “childish” and have noticed a shift in my relationships, the way I present myself to others, and the way I perceive myself. I am excited to see my full expression of these.

  • Release all physical tension in your muscles, promote total relaxation

Although I still hold tension, I am seeing that I notice it and actively release it much more than before. It’s an all the time thing now that I catch myself holding tension, especially in my shoulders and stomach.

  • Eliminate, dissolve and overcome all sense of fear, especially those preventing you from living an emotionally healthy life

I have experienced a quasi state of fearlessness before, although in retrospect it was largely based in naïveté. I notice my confidence returning to similar levels, but in a cooler and more sophisticated way, accounting for my lacking and working through that instead of living in denial.

  • Generate a profound, incredibly potent energetic and physical aura of power, respect, status and strength

Pssha, I’ve always had this. Kidding. I am not sure- on one hand, I rarely feel disrespected, although I do sometimes feel that I am pigeonholed by other strong men as “lesser” in their minds. Regardless, my aura is beginning to grow into a more commanding presence and I have been more deliberate with my body language, responses to shit tests, and the respect that I give to others.

  • Cultivate a strong sense of wisdom

Sometimes I figure myself a fool, and other times somewhat wise. I will never know if I am truly wiser or not, but I will always chase after it.

  • Cultivate a strong sense of self
  • Cultivate a strong sense of internal power and structure

It’s coming along. I mean, I’m certainly cultivating it.

  • Easily develop strong and assertive masculine body language and masculine voice
  • Easily develop assertive, strong masculine language skills and manner of speaking

See above + 3.

  • Manifest friends, colleagues, partners, etc. who will help you achieve all of your self-development goals
  • Manifest mentors, books, courses and other sources of information that will help you achieve your self-development goals

I guess this portion is not wholly “un-manifested”, but I would like to see more here. There are certainly new people in my life, new sources of information I’ve been taking in, but I don’t feel like any are focused on this directly. Maybe a direct mentor is what I mean. Although I am thankful for these people and what guidance they have shared. S/o to @aklimatize for being my subclub friend who has challenged me the most (in a good way).

  • Develop an extreme sense of internal power and strength

Extreme? TBD. But I am happy with my progress so far.

  • General masculinity boost, including boosts in confidence, power, strength, invincibility, self-assuredness, and being comfortable in one’s own skin

See above.

  • Develop a relentless sense of power, ambition and motivation, with automatic harnessing of this power to achieve all your goals

Not there yet.

  • Body shifting — muscles, physical shifting, fat burning, increasing overall toughness

Not there yet. Muscles have been filling in nicely. Have been trying f*cking everything to get this stubborn 15-20 lbs of belly fat to go away. Consistent working out (weight training and cardio), improved diet for recomp, fiber supps, red light therapy. I think the weekends do me in with alcohol and such. Or I’m still overeating. Anyway. Doing jiu jitsu I’m already pretty “tough”, or rather, calmly dealing with being in bad positions.

  • Reframing of past adversities as learning moments—giving you insight on how to overcome all future challenges (replacing the “manifest challenges” scripting).

I’ve seen some of this showing up in my dreams. Probably more of an unconscious effort.

  • Energetically and physically release trauma as it happens, remaining unaffected by negativity
  • Shield yourself against future trauma, making it harder to be affected by hurtful or toxic events, people and environments

I am pretty stoic as-is. But I haven’t had many, if any, traumatic events recently that I can think of. Does getting stood up for a date count? Meh! I probably have been better with negativity though, I was dealing with a lot of it up till my breaking point maybe 6-8 months ago. I don’t let it swell.

  • Grow your wisdom

Already covered somewhere above.

  • Develop and unleash your true power the charisma hidden deep within yourself

I have certainly seen baseline increased charisma, especially first running the stage along with LE. It seems to come and go.

  • Attract better and better situations and people

So far so good!

  • Run future subliminals with a clearer, more advanced mindset



7 August:
1 x DR
1 x Stark
Day 1/21

I switched back to Stark this cycle since it is sort of similar in goals to RICH, LE and maybe PS. It was the first ZP title I ran (as well as having run it back when the title itself was released way back when) and what got me interested in subs again. I also had intended to switch to it way earlier but was having fun with other stuff.

Today I got 4 hours of sleep. Went to bed at 1 am and woke up at 5 am, and could not fall back asleep. So at 7 I got up out of bed and went to the gym. It’s there first time I’ve done either of those on a weekday in years, highly unusual. But I’ve wanted to start getting up early like that and know it is a secret tool of the wildly successful. So, thanks, Stark.

I’m going to try just these two this cycle. DR is now the final stage, which I’ll run for several months.

9 August:
1 x DR
1 x Stark
Day 3/21

11 August:
1 x DR
1 x Stark
Day 5/21

13 August:
1 x DR
1 x Stark
Day 7/21

15 August:
1 x DR
1 x Stark
Day 9/21

17 August
1 x DR
1 x Stark
Day 11/21

Not much going on. Just grinding. Losing some fat, been taking a lot of progress pics and doing good. Soon will finish my second 8 week run of a hypertrophy program I got from Jeff Nippard. This is the most consistent I’ve ever been with weight training, which is good. My jiu jitsu professor low key told me I’m at purple belt level, he asked me on promotion day if I wanted to wait until my competition.

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19 August:
1 x DR
1 x Stark
Day 13/21

22 August:
1 x DR
1 x Stark
Day 16/21

24 August:
1 x DR
1 x Stark
Day 18/21

I’m gonna start my washout now until next week when my custom comes in.

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