Jules’ Journal: Dragon Reborn Extended Cut

8 June:
1 x LE
Day 17/21

Adding LE back in because I want to be the same level of social I was earlier.

I may run all three from now on at varying loop lengths maybe starting at 7/7, 15 for DR/PS, LE.

I will say that LE is definitely responsible for the butterfly feeling in my gut. Just finished my loop and I can feel it mildly.

I have stopped smoking since Memorial Day weekend. I kept almost doing it (this past weekend) and then I realize how it will make me feel and I stop myself. My drinking is also down. For a couple weeks I was drinking and smoking on the weekdays late into the night. I haven’t been doing that at all and this past weekend when drinking did not drink to get drunk. Mind you, again, this was not a typical thing for me, so probably some recon or something.

Yea so LE is going to stay in my stack. Maybe next cycle I do 15/DR AND 7,7/PS,LE

I’m not disappointed with PS but surprised how much more I like LE, having run both this past month. I just love the social part, it makes me happy to feel so at ease talking to people. And yes some of the stuff that dissipated after switching to PS is coming back.

This is a good stack. I’m very excited to see where it will take me from here. Any input on programming days and loop lengths is welcome.

10 June:
1 x DR
1/3 x LE
Day 19/21

People from my past just keep popping up out of nowhere, totally random but no coincidence.

12 June:
1 x DR
1 x LE
Day 21/21

Ending this cycle with LE. Washout until the 18th. Not much to report right now.

Quoting this from another thread for emphasis, agreement, whatever…

Yea, day 4 washout today and it’s rough. I feel anti-social, haven’t replied to any of my texts. Been laying in bed almost all day feeling almost sick. I feel incredibly tired. Been sleeping a lot more this week, napping.

My workouts haven’t been suffering too much but on Monday I couldn’t finish it for feeling faint after my heavy squat sets.

I feel unsure of my path ahead. If I want to stay in my career. If I want to move, or renew my lease. If I want to stay in school. That’s been happening some during the cycles too though.

18 June:
1 x DR
1 x LE
Day 1/21

20 June:
1 x RICH

22 June:
1 x DR
1 x RICH
Day 5/21

Switching because I need to shift my focus. I’m getting sick of my job and my industry and want to continue working on my business.

24 June:
1 x DR
1 x RICH
Day 7/21

Interestingly with RICH I have had two very productive days that not even LE helped me with by comparison. I have been making moves with my business and working towards getting operational finally. Weirdly though I feel much less social in general… just less outgoing, more careful with my words, etc.

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26 June:
3/4 x DR
3/4 x RICH
Day 9/21

Need to cut my loop times again.

28 June:
Extra rest day
Day 11/21

I think I’m experiencing some pretty bad recon, I’m feeling pretty anti-social right now and just bad in general. So I’m going to take another rest day today. I’m at a breaking point with my job and login every day wondering how long I’m going to let myself stay in a career/field I’ve come to hate so much. I have 10 years in software now and I started working on my bachelors during covid to make me more employable, but it feels so useless to work on that when I know that I don’t want to work in software anymore, and that it will only serve to bolster my tech resume.

But I digress; the pay is so “good” for being just a job, that I find it incredibly difficult to leave. Air quotes around “good” because its ceiling is so much lower than running a business. I think that RICH is what is causing the recon because it differs so much from my reality, and I feel like I’m the equivalent of a 14 year old who just started going to the gym hoping to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I’m not sure what DR is up to lately but I’m just trusting that its script is working in the background of my psyche.


29 June:
1 x DR
1 x RICH
Day 12/21

1 July:
1 x DR
1/3 x RICH
Day 14/21

3 July:
1 x DR
1/3 x RICH
Day 16/21

5 July:
1 x DR
1/3 x RICH
Day 18/21

I think DR has been more prominent this past week. One cool experience is that a couple days ago I met someone who lives on his sailboat and sails the world six months of the year. We talked about chasing material gain, wage slavery, and a bunch of other stuff and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. He reminded me of my time volunteering on a farm and how much happier I was then. I don’t know how to reconcile my desire to earn big money and my will to be free besides perhaps as a bridge. I don’t necessarily care about the nice house, badass car, etc. as much as I care about being able to be free.

I’ve been having some recon so am keeping my loops short. I definitely had not gone through this much until RICH.


7 July:
1 x DR
2/3 RICH
Day 20/21

Washout tomorrow until the 13th. I am thinking I would like to do a custom for DR stage 4. I built one yesterday just to play around with the builder since I never have yet. Here’s what I came up with but I think it is lacking on the romance, maybe. I’d really like something that combines the outgoingness I got from LE, the swagger from PS, and of course RICH because I want to build a sizable pile of cash to escape wage slavery and start on my bigger life goals. Who doesn’t. Suggestions welcome.

Debt Annihilator
R.I.C.H. Core
Dragon Reborn ST4 Core
Furious Ascent
Lifeblood Fable
Leader of Men
Chosen of Venus
Approachability Aura

As far as progress is going, it’s going. Little changes here and there and I just feel more on track with little habits, even though my life feels very much not on track right now. For where I want to be, anyway. RICH has definitely attuned my attention to making money, prior to running it I couldn’t be arsed to even watch youtube videos about building my business etc. and at least now I’m doing that and making some small moves. Baby steps. I very much know that I am capable because of the way I built my career to a six figure income without even going to college. Now I just need to start over and stop selling my time.

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I’m going to nix that idea, making a custom for DR4. I’d rather DR just be my foundational to make way for whatever I run in the future. I am only doing 1 cycle stages so I am on stage 3 right now. I will run stage 4 for at least a cycle or two and see if maybe I should circle back and do another full cycle or not. I definitely have noticed every stage take its effects, for example now on stage 3 I have noticed the “seeing my traumas from afar” in passing thought and my internal dialogue.

RICH is really pushing me to do a ton of research into entrepreneurship. I have actually been interested in it for a long time and used to spend hours reading r/entrepreneur or watching those “youtube gurus”. However, I haven’t been naturally adept at seeing and seizing those kinds of opportunities so this is a struggle for me. I’ve always been better at marketing myself.

Anyway, nothing tangible manifested from it this past cycle, for example:

I am wondering which deep rooted beliefs I have that may be inhibiting me in wealth acquisition. Consciously, I’m not constructing any new barriers to it, I am for example axiomatically accepting of the fact that wealth is a reflection of the value you provide to others, and have come a long way from my pre-redpill days. However, I think as with sex, Christianity and its beliefs on sex and money that were instilled in me early are no easy thing to reframe and have taken a lot of time to deprogram. I think one axiom that still holds me back is “the love of money is the root of all evil”. It has made me more cautious and limited because I fear that large amounts of money could corrupt me. If I think through it, it’s really a rather oversimplified truism. If anything I think it is more a warning against the miser, a la Scrooge, or Mr. Krabs. I need to trust that my values are deeper than mere money acquisition for its own sake, or the hoarding of resources.

Anyway, that’s really just my rambling attempt at resolving that cognitive dissonance.

New cycle tomorrow. I am just going to continue with what I’m running. I do wish I could add LE back in there, the effects I had the first cycle are very desirable for me. But it did almost nothing for my productivity or working on my business. One thing I am struggling with is the “less is more” aspect of ZP. I suppose I could do the 3 sub pattern but I worry about focusing on too much at once and therefore lowering the overall effectiveness of the stack. Although, now day 5 of washout from RICH and I am still more productive at work and also more productive on my business stuff. My general outgoingness is back to baseline, RICH actually has had a net negative effect on that I think. We’ll see.

I can completely relate to this; I was also raised in a (seemingly) Christian household, and heard the same words I don’t know how many times. I’m sure you’re also still exposed to it from family or old family friends. The power of suggestion is insane; that is one thing I have learned from studying self hypnosis and hypnosis in the past.

I don’t know if you’ve heard of Ross Jeffries or not, but basically all that guy did was to embed the power of suggestion into seemingly innocuous stories, so that they appear to be “normal” conversation. Anyway, my point is that ideas such as “the love of money is the root of all evil” is a suggestion - it’s an idea that we take in, and think about, and can become our own internal thoughts if we hear it enough.

You seem very intelligent and self-aware, so I would side with you on this one - your values will help guide you so that you can use your wealth in constructive ways - I remember one thing Tony Robbins used to talk about was how you can only help others (financially) if you are wealthy yourself - that is also a suggestion.

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Thanks for your insight, that’s a good way to look at it- that our thoughts are not always our own and may be the long forgotten suggestions of others. It is definitely through intentionally reprogramming that I’ve been able to rewire so much of that upbringing, both from SubClub and from various other sources.

It’s interesting that you give the “seemingly” caveat, I think many who were raised in it feel the same and have realized the damage it can do, because of the rampant hypocrisy even at the highest levels. Which, I think comes from the staunch repression of innate human needs. (Not to start any flame wars here, I still believe in the merit of some of the moral tenets, in the Petersonian “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater” sense).

I read about this guy in Neil Strauss’ “The Game” where he talks about NLP. It was fascinating to read the kind of stuff he did, although it seems a little bit like gray-bordering-on-black magic to me.

Yes this is definitely something I have internalized at this point- the adage “you can’t help others until you help yourself” is something I’ve lived by for the last few years. That and that you can’t help someone unless they want it for themselves. I learned that the hard way with my brother. I digress. I think at this point it is just the stage of resolving the conflicting beliefs. I used to intentionally do this in a private journal where I’d state two conflicting ideas and attempt to resolve them. It does help.

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13 July:
1 x DR
1 x RICH
Day 1/21

Reflecting a bit further on my previous cycle and having to cut the loop times on RICH to limit exposure, I think I will indeed try LE added in. I suppose I will have to run my Stg 3 longer since I’ll be getting only half the loop plays per cycle. So I’ll run it like that for the next cycle too before going to Stg 4. I think LE and RICH could have a nice synergistic effect wherein RICH helps me find the motivation and LE helps me execute. We’ll see.

PS apparently still doing something in the background, my ex I had mentioned in a previous entry straight up asked me for a one night stand before she moves away. Not sure how I feel about it.

15 July:
1 x LE
Day 3/21