Journal: Emperor/Rebirth

I did it for a week but didn’t notice enough of a difference to give up the night-time hours of listening to SOMETHING. Whether it’s Lloyd Glauberman as mentioned above, or subclub. Of course, I’ll be getting EoG when money permits so the wife and I can become much more grand versions of ourselves.


@AMASH . I am sitting here listening to Emperor in the office some more (at 11.5 hour so far for today). I realized the reason I don’t want to pause on Emperor and go full-bore on EoG yet is that if I pause on Emperor before I reach my 500, it’ll further confirm that I don’t finish stuff I start.

This has been a pattern for me my whole life. I suppose it’s possible that EoG ST1 might turn that belief to dust, so not sure. That’s my reasoning for wanting to keep up with Emperor. There’s no good reason NOT to.


I understand, @Palpatine. And showing yourself you can and do finish things is powerful and very important.

At the same time, to what extend is having a sub you can listen to with your wife in bed help you get the life you want fast? I think that is another important thought to consider.

How could both desires and needs be fulfilled at the same time, if at all possible?


No offense to both you @Palpatine and @AMASH. I was just thinking, because my wife also has that scarcity mindset where in we often spend on frivolous things and the reason why I decided to go with Khan first.
Given that emperor not only sets your mind towards wealth generation, it also gives you that alpha/sigma mindset. If you were to introduce your wife to EoG right away, the reconciliation from stages 1 and 2 may cause her to push back. Without enough foundation from the alpha/sigma mindset provided by emperor, wouldn’t it be possible that your wife may give enough push back to also cause your reconciliation phase to be even more difficult? Now if you had enough foundation from emperor, it may give you the strength to push through with EoG for the both of you.
Of course, this is just me and you know yourself and your wife better that any of use here in the forum.

Sub: Emperor
Start Date: 9/20/2019
Projected Competion 11/27/2019
Day 15
Goal (Hours) 500
Completed (Hours) 140.49
Percent Done 28.10%
Hours listened today 13.5

13.5 hours today! Woohoo!
Been a bit up and down today. Mostly up the first half, mostly down the past hour or two. I was looking for an empty flash memory stick to put Rebirth on for wife and I to listen to for now until I get the funds together to get EoG.
Came across a few pics of someone I loved a few years back…I thought I’d gotten over said person fully…had previously done stuff like self-hypnosis, submodality shifting, and other things.
These specific pics though…hit something hard in me…made me miss her. I’ll be using Faster EFT style tapping once I can bring myself to it…to clear this out.

The hesitation there is there’s a part of me that doesnt’ WANT to let that go…even though it isn’t healthy to hold on to that. Got that bit of pre-session fear some people using releasing techniques get… “If i get rid of this X, who will I be as a person after that?”

I KNOW the right answer is I’ll be a more full and vibrant version of myself.

I doubt EoG ST1 would fix this, since it’s an issue about “women”…but FEFT should do it.

Nothing else to report for today.


4 rounds of Faster EFt and 5 minutes later, I’m feeling better now

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@Palpatine, I remember when Rebirth came out, some people ran it exclusively for a while with great results.

And please correct me on this, if I understood you correctly: Are you going to play Rebirth on loop at night while your wife is around so you both start to eliminate deep stubborn limiting beliefs?

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At least until EoG is in my downloads area of my account :slight_smile:


Let us know how it goes!

Rebirth all night can be intense and transformative.

I really look forward to reading your reports.

Sub: Emperor
Start Date: 9/19/2019
Projected Competion 11/30/2019
Day 16
Goal (Hours) 500
Completed (Hours) 144.99
Percent Done 29.00%
Hours listened today 4.5

i put Rebirth on the iPad in bed. I didn’t track hours on that but it ran while we were asleep.
Got woke up 2 hours after going to bed by a call from out daughter. She has our car at the moment for school/work travels. She was in hysterics letting us know that the battery was dead when she got off work, and when she was getting it started with a jump-starting power unit from her job, it caught fire.

The car is in the shop now, we have to pay a $500 deductible, and insurance is covering the rest, including a rental car, the cost of towing the car, etc.

I doubt that rebirth alone contributed to a sudden manifestation like that. At least I hope not :smiley:

Nothing else to report as of tonight.
Working tomorrow so should get in 9-10 hours minimum of Emperor.

Sub: Emperor
Start Date: 9/19/2019
Projected Competion 12/1/2019
Day 17
Goal (Hours) 500
Completed (Hours) 152.665
Percent Done 30.53%
Hours listened today 7.675

Just went over 150 hours! WOO.
I didn’t do any Emperor loops in bed. I had enough loops of Rebirth to cover all by the last 30 minutes of sleep (along with 1 loop of the 74 minute sleep MP3 I made in 2008 in the middle there somewhere).

I wanted to see what would happen if I had 2 loops of Rebirth followed by the ambient music of the sleep mp3 kicking in. I barely remember it coming on and I dropped back into sleep.

I went to a thrift store today finally to get more gym shorts. Wife and I have been doing weekly workouts in accordance Body By Science by Doug McGuff. My gym shorts got to where they were falling off. Yay for fat loss.

I was in the changing room at the Goodwill store trying on the new shorts to make sure they got snug enough fit. I saw myself in the mirror when changing pants into shorts, and usually where I’d judge my belly as being “fat,” today I instead saw myself and thought “Damn I look good”.

I’l chalk that up to adding some Rebirth back into the mix. I know Emperor has Rebirth built in and all that, but I think having the separate SM might be helping me as far as whatever self-image or belief issues might be there.

That’s the most noticeable change I saw today. As I was driving us to the grocery store earlier tonight, I said something to her and noticed my was deep again. Not BOOMING, but deeper where I noticed it. I don’t think wife noticed this time, or if she did, she didn’t say anything.

Side note/question: Does EoG have the Limitless script built in at any of the stages? I’m not jumping ship on Emperor, but I’m thinking along the lines of when I get EoG in a few weeks, just curious if I’d need to get Limitless separately if I also want the benefits of Limitless for the wife and I (assuming Limitless is gender-neutral)

Grazie mi amigos and amigas!


I think it has a modified version of Limitless in it, but Im not sure

Yes, Limitless is in almost all Sub Club products because it works with everything.

I think all the stages have a basic Limitless core script, but ST4 has the full Limitless.

This happens to me to on Khan!

Same man. Some body and face. But before Khan, not so much self acceptance, with Khan “Damn, I look good!” :smiley:

Sub: Emperor
Start Date: 9/19/2019
Projected Competion 12/3/2019
Day 18
Goal (Hours) 500
Completed (Hours) 158.665
Percent Done 31.73%
Hours listened today 6

Worked today. Time dragged…Hella impatient. Starting to think (resistance?) that maybe Emperor indeed isn’t the greatest sub to listen to while at work. I experience the impatience…wanting to quit and do my own thing. Not really doable yet due to money stuff of course.

I will take this as a sign to keep listening naturally. May need to add rebirth back in to my daily stack. Took it out before to maximize loops of Emperor.

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Sub: Emperor
Start Date: 9/19/2019
Projected Competion 12/6/2019
Day 19
Goal (Hours) 500
Completed (Hours) 164.665
Percent Done 32.93%
Hours listened today 6

No real happenings today. Dream last night that I wasn’t wearing my glasses, so everything was blurry as usual. I realized in the dream I had the ability to fix my eyesight with my mind.
So I exerted some level of “will” and my vision cleared up as I focused and concentrated more on making that happen.
I tried after waking up to see what would happen. It didn’t work :slight_smile:


I cherish Rebirth. First Sub Club purchase and deeply effective.

Those awesome manifestations are the result of you literally “flipping the script”!

Sub: Emperor
Start Date: 9/19/2019
Projected Competion 12/9/2019
Day 20
Goal (Hours) 500
Completed (Hours) 164.665
Percent Done 32.93%
Hours listened today 0

No listening today. 25th anniversary, so we were out doing stuff.
I’m back to my “day job” tomorrow so will try and squeeze in 10 hours :slight_smile:


I’m experiencing a horrible sense of “Don’t wanna be here” in terms of job. It’s like i should be doing something else instead…the urge to quit and build an empire is great.
I can’t do that though. Can’t just quit…no savings to fall back on, because of shitty money decisions before.
Is it Emperor making me like this? Is this just “reconciliation”? Should I have bought AscMogul instead?

ok I feel better now…not really much . better, but seriously. I’m only at just about 170 hours total so far. Am I doing something wrong with this? If I keep up with Emperor to get to my goal of 500 hours, will I be putting my stable income at risk by doing so?

I’m definitely wanting to be The Emperor, but I need to get there in a “safe” manner.

Sub: Emperor
Start Date: 9/19/2019
Projected Competion 12/11/2019
Day 21
Goal (Hours) 500
Completed (Hours) 170.135
Percent Done 34.03%
Hours listened today 5.47

Less time than expected today due to system downtimes at work so I had to spend time working that out.
Basically had to reboot the computer several times. The one I listen to subs on :smiley:
Felt like shit today.
I think it’s starting to feel daunting just how much more I have to go to reach my 500-hours goal.

Resistance is a bitch :slight_smile:

Sub: Emperor
Start Date: 9/19/2019
Projected Competion 12/12/2019
Day 22
Goal (Hours) 500
Completed (Hours) 179.135
Percent Done 35.83%
Hours listened today 9

Today dragged ass at work as usual. Not sure if it’s Emperor making it seem like that more than usual.
After work, felt kinda rundown. so listened to more Emperor :slight_smile:
I started with masked Emperor on my work headset at low enough volume I could still hear customers talking to me.
but after 3 loops, it started to annoy me so I switched to ultrasonic from speakers on a separate computer.
Tonight I’ve been sitting here reading journals about Limitless whilst listening to Emperor.
Headed to bed now. I think I’ll invest in Limitless V2 next go-round…Might listen to that at night in bed and listen to Emperor during the day.
Limitless’ learning benefits sound very enticing to me.