Jim's Journal - Protect and Serve

New Journey, New Journal!

Why Protect and Serve? Because that’s the call of life and this journey I’m embarking on. That I become the beacon of light for my students and family. That I can protect what is important in life and mostly serve as much as possible. To be of absolute value in other people’s lives and be the example.

My Objectives for this stack are:

  • Build my already existent Teaching/Trainer business. Become better and make my lessons, being an inspirational leader and speaker. In a couple of years, I would love to speak at things like conferences when I’m 30+ and have more experience. Right Now I’m good to be in the learning phase.
  • Understand finance and my financial situation better. Why? I can make all the money in the world, but when I keep spending it, it doesn’t matter how much you make. I’m also starting to get interested more in things like crypto and the Stock market.
  • Have a mind that can remember the things that I read. I want to recite Scripture more from my bible study and put the things that I learn into reality.
  • I don’t like working alone, I would like to create together. I’m already building up my professional network slowly, but I want to expand it way more. Network = everything
  • Have a very focused and goal-oriented life that’s centered on my business, family, and God.
  • Being able to provide for my future wife and kids. I want to be able to provide and serve them with everything that I have. To give them the chances I did not have as a kid.

I’m looking forward to Smash 2024! After all this healing the last 2-3 years, It feels like the time is now. Let’s get started!:muscle:



Allright Day 1 (Listened to LE yesterday)

Been feeling really motivated these last couple of 4-5 weeks. I did a 5-6 day fast and went Keto after that. Have not felt so good in years, to be honest. My sugar cravings are gone, I don’t drink or do things that distract me from my purpose. I’ll give a quick summary from today:

  • Woke op very well-rested because I did some heavy Cardio yesterday. My body has been stuck for quite a while, that’s why I can’t exercise that much. Still, my legs are opening up more because of red-light therapy and stretching.

  • LE makes me so focused and motivated at the task at hand. It especially makes me think about my time management way more. My plan was to pick up a package today that’s waiting in the store, but I also have to bring back another one. Instead of just walking and get my package, I wait until I can sent the other one so that I don’t have to walk twice.

  • When I went to my new Gym, I had to pay for my membership and everything. For some reason, the gym membership will start on 15 December (That’s their Giro date or something). So she told me “You only have to pay for these 5 days otherwise you’ll have to wait until Friday” and I said, “Sure I pay”. It was 9,95. Before I wanted to pay a thought came into my mind “Wait for a minute, my other gym membership will expire in 15 days, why not just work out there until Friday? That saves me 10 euro” and I said to her I would start Friday. Interesting what the mind does when you put a focus on it. I have not run HoM yet, but that one stuck out for me

  • I really want to get my time management better. Bought a slowcooker to make bigger meals without being that much in the kitchen. Made a routine for the morning and evening (Already had one, but been making it more time-efficient).

  • Was very present when talking to my students today while doing some online exams with them. Another interesting thing is that I was very happy to help. Sometimes I get irritated if a student comes to me because he doesn’t understand the online layout of the school. It’s difficult, but it’s doable if you put some time and energy into it. Now I was making different types of appointments to help them (Not to forget it pays 25 euro for 30 minutes of talking). So it was a win-win for me because I have a 2 week holiday coming up and with this, I’m making some more money for the Holidays and my students are happy that they get some help.

It was a good day. Looking forward to my bible study tonight and to crush it tomorrow. Looking forward to listening to Chosen and LE tomorrow!

PS: Thinking about maybe buying Mogul with HoM. If HoM is too much for me, I can switch it out. Or if LE has given me enough motivation and drive, I can use Mogul to amplify those results. Who knows!

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Another thing I forgot to mention. My clarity in communication was off the charts today. I called a partner/friend of mine to talk about this Friday when we will start our first training about mindset. I was giving him A speech about how to accomplish what we wanted to accomplish and it went so smoothly. He was speechless in the beginning and replied “Wow dude, what have you used today?” It was like butter in my mind and mouth. The feeling that you can switch your thoughts into words effortlessly. LE Keeps surprising me with how fast and great it works. I’m already very good at verbal communication, but this sub takes it to the next level.


Woke up at 04:30? Sleep is still something weird to me. For some reason, I sleep best when I go to bed around 12 PM and wake up around 8-9 AM. This is just not sustainable I would really love it if I could be more of a morning person. Waking up early gives me so much more time to do things before I go to work, but for some reason, it seems that everybody has his own Circadian rhythm. Will do some more research about sleep the figure out the perfect routine, especially because I have a bible study 3 times a week in the evening. I remember years ago when I was studying I went to bed around 09:30 and slept perfectly until 06 AM. But that time, I stopped searching and working on the computer from around 7 PM and gave myself 2-2,5 hours of reading, meditation and just rest before going to bed. With my schedule nowadays, that’s not possible.

Lastly, I love this new bio-hacking routine that I have. In combination with the subs, it’s working magic so far. Especially things like Redlight therapy. No winter blues anymore, and feeling energies and motivated to do things. It’s a magic pill

Did one loop of Chosen and one loop of LE today, looking forward to what this day is going to bring. Let’s crush it!

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Did a 15-minute loop of Chosen and LE. Was slightly irritated today, but still did the things I had to do. Could be a recon of Chosen, but I think it’s the first time integrating 2 types of titles in a long time. Felt more grounded, not very happy like the other days. Not that I disliked it, it just felt like my head was full of thoughts and that I couldn’t do much.

I worked on some projects, did some research for my pilot training this Friday, and had some exams with students. After being in recon, I did some redlight therapy for about 45 min which helped. After that, I just started to walk, do some groceries, and cook for at least 4 days which gives me some peace to not have to think about it.

Now on a positive note:

My body is very stuck, so I can’t really train that much (For almost 2 years). My masseuse told me to do absolutely nothing until we get everything unstuck. Been stretching more, doing some foam rolling and it’s slowly getting better. Also because of the redlight therapy and starting sauna on Saturday in my new gym. Now I need to go to the masseuse again this week, but it’s around 90 euros. That means 360 in a month which is quite a lot. I was thinking about it and out of nowhere this thought popped up into my head “What a minute, is there not something like a massage gun?” and indeed there was. Did some research on it for 1-2 hours, and concluded that the heavily priced guns are extremely marketed hence the price. Found a good one for about 120-130 euros to really hit the spots that need to be hit. This is going to be so good in the long run money-wise. I’m slowly building a routine where I stretch daily, with some foam rolling and the gun to finish it off. I hope that I can start training again in like 4-6 weeks. Love to do full-body workouts 5-6 days a week and become big again (So far that is possible on a keto diet). Interested that I’m already seeing more conscious thoughts about my spending and money without having used the wealth title. It seems it’s all about intention

Got a lot of looks when I was doing cardio and stretching in the Gym. What I like about Chosen, is that is not a seductive look or anything. More like “Who is that?” they are more curious and in admiration than lusting for you. Something that is very good for my students, looking forward to my class tomorrow. Let’s see how the students will react.

A friend/colleague texted me today because he had an internship interview with one of my old students. She couldn’t stop talking about me about how much she loved my classes and me as a teacher. He texted me it and said for fun "Well this one is crazy about you bro haha":joy:

It’s not that I teach to get recognition, but’s always nice to hear when people enjoyed your work. I’ll remember a quote my father made once on the phone (He’s a really good Chef)

“When I’m making soup, I’m just enjoying the process and everything that comes with it. I really enjoy it when I taste the soup and it tastes exactly how it should. When people say that they love it, is only a small bonus and not even necessary to enjoy my work”

That’s the definition of Purpose.

Well, that was it for today. Going to hit the bed early I guess, I am so tired and my head feels like somebody put sawdust into my head lol. Looking forward to tomorrow!

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A wise man indeed. That’s a beautiful lesson. Thank you.

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I’ve been following this dude for around 3-4 years now, but this video has been on repeat for months. I can’t stress enough how right he is about this topic. Yesterday I went to bed at 10 PM and disconnected all electronics at 08:30. I woke up a couple of times at night (Living in the center with noise and light), but felt so motivated and refreshed when I stood up. I’m doing nothing that keeps me off my business. Every morning I’m just pumped to go to work, create lessons, and come up with new innovative ideas. I have not been drinking for months, don’t eat sugar, and I don’t even watch TV or sports anymore (Will watch some UFC next weekend, but that’s it).

It’s crazy how much my personality has changed these last couple of weeks. From somebody who was working at a relaxed pace, just doing his thing and enjoying the pleasures of life. Into this fully focused, ambitious, and dark entrepreneur side of me (What I know I am).

Another thing that’s funny to see. I’m a big extrovert, but for some reason, I don’t have the urge anymore to constantly see and talk to people. That feeling of loneliness just disappeared. The only things I’m focused on right now are:

  • Studying God’s word
  • Growing my business
  • Biohacking and self-development

It seems that that’s everything I need. This weekend I’m going to a conference about a speaker on Saturday with a friend, but Sunday is completely free to work and watch some UFC.

Every day feels like Christmas at this moment, even the bad days

I’m so grateful🙏

In the words of Ice Cube “Today was a good day”

Woke up early full of energy and had some great experiences today:

  • I had a business meeting with a friend of mine. We are starting to make our own training about the things we learned in the last 10 years. We have our first training this Friday and I’m so motivated to start our business together. He also said, “There is something different about you, you are glowing bro”. I spoke to him about the subs and he’s trying it out right now.
  • My class went great today, Chosen is really doing his thing in the class. It feels like being a highly motivated speaker/teacher. Combine that with LE gives the right nudge to perform well. After the class the students were very pleased. (2 girls couldn’t stop looking lol)
  • Even after giving a class, I could study for about 1-2 hours for the bible study I have this evening. I remembered the words so fast, it was great.

I’m really tired right now and need to do the test in about 10 minutes. Hopefully, everything will go all right so that I can go to the next fase. I was thinking about doing Chosen/LE tomorrow and starting my HoM journey on Saturday. But let’s see how I feel tomorrow, Maybe I’ll give it some extra rest days and start next week. If I feel like I’m good, I will do 15 minutes of LE and 5-7 min of Chosen. Will see, don’t want to overexpose too much.

It’s a good feeling of being tired! I’m feeling satisfied after all the hard work today, really looking forward to my bed right now haha. My head is also done for today, the subs are doing it’s job.

I’m going on a holiday to Londen with my family in Spain for a couple of days between Christmas and New-years Eve. For some reason, I’m not looking forward to it. Especially because that means I have to quit my keto journey for a week and it gets me out of working mode. Who knows maybe it’s a good thing. Don’t get me wrong, I think it will be a blast and I’m grateful for going there. But there is this thing inside me that’s burning and that fire wants to expand and consume more.

Funny how things change in such a small time window. We never know who we truly are until we start searching for ourselves in a way that we never did before.

I remember this great quote from Denzel Washington "To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did Seems like this is unfolding in my life right now.

Was looking into my old journals this morning and I came across a Custom that I made, totally forgot about it. I remember I stopped that custom back then because my life was not in creation mode, I was still working for a company with strict rules. Right Now I’m building my own business with a friend. Will think/pray about it if that’s maybe not a bad thing to run. Last time it was really great.

This is the custom:

Stark Core
Chosen Core
Carpe Diem Ascended
Deep sleep
Victory calls
Eye of the Storm
Joie de Vivre
Dragon Tongue
Invincible presents
Khronos key
The Single Point
Inner Voice
Ego Adsum
Organization Perfected
Machine action
Chosen of Venus
Dept of Love
Omni dimensional

Let’s say I run that with HoM it seems to get all the benefits that I need. But it can be recon tho that’s trying to change my stack. Leaving LE will not be in my favor, that’s for sure.

Going to do a 3-day washout. It was a great week to start with. Did have recon on the listening days, but the next day was blooming, Especially Wednesday was the best day of the week so far, also felt very grounded and motivated today. Looking forward to the first pilot training I’m going to give today. Woke up at 5 AM fully refreshed and ready to crush this day.

On Monday I’ll with HoM and NE thanks to @ksub and see how those subs will work together. Chosen really suits my Archetype when it comes to being a leader and positive alpha male. I think the three of them will work very well! I’m also doing it to see how much LE is helping me with focus and productivity compared to having HoM and NR already in my stack.

After Christmas, I’m going to London for a week with my family from Spain that I haven’t seen in 2 years. Looking forward to what HoM and Chosen are going to do that week. If those 3 subs really align with everything that I have, I’m thinking about making 2 customs after New years to start the year good!

It will be something like:

Custom 1: Chosen/HoM → My coaching/training business custom. Focused on relations, be an example, and be an amazing teacher

Custom 2: NE/LE → My dark ambitious and driven custom, focuses on sheer will, determination, Ideas, and innovation with many modules about Productivity and Focus.

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First time doing the training today with my Brother Tino. Wauw, it went so well!

People said they would pay to join this type of training. It just made me feel so much in the zone, a colleague who was joining my class to look at how I was performing even said that this is what I should do. I love teaching, but this is what I need to do. Can’t wait to go home and build/design more types of courses and really write every idea out that I have right now. One girl who was doing the course started to cry because of some questions I asked here about her energy levels. Did some coaching with here while doing the course and God I wished I could work with here more. That burning fire of desire to help people is lit up. Really grateful to be of service to other.s

Very grateful for Subclub. The combination of Chosen with LE is amazing for things like this.

One weird thing is that I know I want to do this and I want to do this with my friend. But something inside me tells me to wait a little bit more before starting it. It doesn’t feel like resistance, because I would love to start as soon as possible. Will see where that is bringing me.

I was so hyped yesterday after doing my first training, that I didn’t want to go to bed at 10 PM lol. I was full of ideas and everything. It’s amazing to have this feeling of purpose and drive, that you really want something. It was also a reminder of how far I have come with healing. It feels like I cleared a lot in the past 2.5 years.

2 years ago I moved back from Spain with no money, no job, no house, and having major depression and panic attacks. 2 years later I have a successful teaching business that makes around 7-10K per month (while working 2-3days a week), having a beautiful apartment in the center, getting to know more people and building up friendships and my business is growing towards something that I really enjoy doing.

One of the toughest things to do is to accept that you need healing. Not trying to move on with other subs or try to "fix’ the problem, just ride it out and embrace everything that comes with it. It’s easy to type this now, but if my former self was reading this post, he would be pissed off.

Lastly, today I was going to drink some coffee with a friend of mine but he had to cancel because his sister got sick. That means I have no social plans this weekend. Instantly I felt this feeling of loneliness after being extremely buzzy these last couple of days. I was just about to make some plans when I decided not to do so. This weekend it’s okay to be alone and do things on my own, even while being such an extrovert. Typing this out already clears out a bit of loneliness and looking forward to doing some reading and working on my Custom this weekend. Tomorrow watching UFC will also be a blast.

Went to the Gym to do a heavy workout and it was amazing. God I missed training… hopefully, my recovery will keep having a steady line that I will perform at the top level soon. Interesting to see that on keto it seemed I could lift heavier. I didn’t feel weak, but I just didn’t have a feeling to push to 15-20 reps which I normally can do. This time I was more in the 6-8 range and it felt great. Still, a lot of stretching and massaging is necessary to open everything up.

I thought my libido was going away because of getting closer to God, well I made a wrong assumption😂 Been supplementing with a testosterone supplement (not the real deal, just some herbs) since Monday and it makes a big difference. Things like waking up with a morning wood and feeling more sharp and focused (of course has to do with Chosen and LE as well). But after doing a hard workout, I really started to feel horny again, which makes sense after not training for a while. It’s a nice feeling to have when you know how to work with it. Now I’m just using that energy to do some research and read on the couch. I remember years ago I would go nuts when I was feeling like this.

Another realisation how much I have grown these couple of months.

Been also feeling a bit pissed today in a good way, maybe it’s a little bit of recon it feels more like that power dominance from the workout this morning. Will see how heavy HoM will be tomorrow with NR and how much of that alpha is coming up. I don’t want my students to get scared of me lol.

Woke up a couple of times tonight because my earplugs and my sleep mask kept falling off. This has been happening a couple of times in the last week and it’s not good because I live in the middle of the center. Still, I’m grateful that it is Sunday and that I can go to the gym and have a massage afterward.

Because I slept poorly, maybe it was a better idea to listen to HoM and NR tomorrow I thought. On the other hand, I’m free today so why not be in recon today instead of tomorrow? Now something strange happened. I did 15 minutes of HoM and 15 minutes of NR without any problems. Normally I feel the pressure in my head after a while and sometimes stop the subs between 5-10min to have no over-exposure. Maybe it was because I was sitting in front of my red-light therapy and was really focussing on the intention I had with this stack. I don’t know, it felt less heavy then Chosen (What I think is more like my archetype). Let’s see how today will go and how much recon there will be. It could also be because I took 2 rest days in between instead of 1.

Another great thing happened yesterday. I had no idea how much discount I would get on my taxes this year :sweat_smile: I was saving 37% of my total income on the side and did not think that the discount would matter that much, I was wrong. I thought I had to pay around 18-19k this year of my profit. Apparently with all the discounts it is around 8.5k. I saved around 11.5k already and there is another invoice coming for around 6.3k which makes 17.8k cash that I just could put aside. How amazing is that! An early Christmas gift for me haha.

Because of this, I invested in custom ear plugs and €50 ear masks to hopefully cancel out all the noise and light to improve my sleep. The better I sleep = The better I perform. Also feeling the urge to start spending even more on things like a laptop, water cleaner, maybe a grand coffee maker, or something. Luckily I can resist the urge nowadays. Maybe HoM and NR are helping me with that already.

Really looking forward to what this day will bring!


Interesting day. I had no idea that HoM and NR would have this type of effect. I thought it would give a lot of recon because of the Wealth scripting, but apparently, I already cleared out a lot of that. I heard there was like 90% of Emperor in the HoM script, but it felt almost less masculine than Chosen to me.

It was funny to see because I don’t listen to subs for attention, but when I was going to the gym the girls couldn’t stop staring :joy: One girl even came up to me and started to talk about how the wall was hypnotizing here and if she could move closer to me to exercise. Another girl kept staring when I was doing some cable pulls that it almost became uncomfortable haha.

Did a 90 min message after that (She killed me again), went home to chill, and watched UFC. But for some reason, I just needed to keep busy. I really wanted to make my keto chicken stew for the next 3-4 days so that I can focus fully on my business work this week and just don’t have to think about anything else. Had no idea what a calm kind of vibe and slow motivation this stack would give. Will definitely keep running these 2 subs this week and see how different my classes are compared to Chosen/LE.

I like both combinations so far. Will run them for a couple of weeks to see if it’s really what I need. But if so, will deff make 2 customs with those combinations.

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Another things to add, the power that I had today while doing some weightlifting. I was pressing being able to press easily 60KG while being on keto. I ate some berries and nuts before training, but still it just really clicked for me while I was training.

Can’t shake this feeling that maybe Emperor is way more aligned with who I am then what I thought I was. Especially because I’m doing HoM that has this social influence with it. Feeling very powerful and dominant in a good way. I always thought that I was more of a Stark person. Especially because it gave no recon which is really weird.

Man, it’s so much fun to figure all this out!

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I did an interesting test today

  • Last week and today there were exam discussions with my students. During these conversations, students must justify their practical assignments and substantiate them in a conversation. This is based on criteria such as “How have you adapted your communication to the client” or “How have you expressed the client’s wishes/needs?” I’m a social work teacher by the way. On Chosen, I was very inspired and profound. I was really curious about what they had done, what cool things they had experienced, and was a really positive leader. In HoM, on the other hand, this was also present, but it was much more of “Get to the point”. 1 student wandered off during the conversation and I kept repeating the question until I had an answer. I really didn’t feel like digressing and just wanted a concrete answer, much more businesslike. Still was eager to help them, but I also had other things to do that I wanted to fix.

  • The art of getting (…) done is also much more present at HoM (I listen to it with NR). Today I had a to-do list that I have expanded much further. I would actually check 10-15 reports today, but ended up with 27. In all honesty, this was purely motivated by money. It’s going to be a holiday soon and I really want to make a big profit and cash in. Suddenly the urge to make money is much more present, and very interesting.

  • At the end of today, I had to stop by school to discuss something with a colleague. I walked in and 3 of my female colleagues were there. Suddenly I was much friendlier and made more jokes. The intensity suddenly disappeared, as if I could suddenly switch to what was necessary. I’m guessing this is the social aspect of HoM.

  • The Emperor script is very much alive. I felt a lot of drive and motivation today. Even after doing more than I intended to do. In the end, I still cleaned my apartment and did the dishes. It just had to be crossed off the list otherwise it would irritate me.

Tomorrow I’ll try the New Emperor to see the difference between the 2. Looking forward to that. Especially because I have classes on Wednesday


Another thing I found out when using these productivity subs. If I’m procrastinating or doing things that don’t really matter or have anything to do with making money. I get this feeling of recon.

The moment I started working again (Was just doing some extra work emails), I was good. Seems that’s why they made the module Machine rest lol