JCast Dragon Reborn Whatever



All the best, @James!!!


Isn’t PCC about a career where you have colleagues at work? It’s seems to me Ultimate Artist or RM (or even both) would be much better for your career than PCC. I would suggest you could think through using:
Ultimate Artist/RM, Mogul, RICH and LE Ultima instead.


Stack hopping, sounds like recon to me.

Just your friendly sauna certified reminder :wink:

I guess you are feeling stuck… That will not go away until your action taking brings you real results. AKA money in the bank.


Yes exactly copywriting is a kind of art so Ultimate Artist/RM is very accurate.

On top of that, Mogul increases your creativity and productivity too, plus it changes your beliefs on money. LE Ultima improves creativity and productivity too.


After a few days off starting tomorrow June 28 I am back with Dragon Reborn. It may sound crazy but I plan on running each stage for six months. A modification to stage one as I am running that for three months as I have already spent quite a bit of time with that but I wasn’t always as consistent as I would like to have been so there it is.
Two loops a day Monday through Friday with weekends off


I ordered a custom that has all 4 of the EoG cores and R.I.C.H. in Q format. Has other stuff, too. But those 5 are the “theme”. Everything else is just healing or wealth-focusing goodness.

Seeing you get back on The Dragon kinda makes me wanna order a similar custom that’s all 4 DR modules at once. It should work on me in layers if my thinking is correct.


I find myself becoming more mentally and emotionally self sufficient and I’m enjoying it so much. I really want to build and expand on that.


Damnnn 6 months for each stage? So much respect for that man, youre not just gonna come out as the dragon, you gonna be the goddamn king of the dragons.

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That’s the plan

I wouldn’t do that. That would likely scramble your brain. Besides it’s redundant, you could just do stage four.
I do think that The Dragon is best run one stage at a time.

You are running each stage solo for six months?

I am nearly two months into ST4, but only the first three weeks were solo. Trying to decide how long to keep running it as I’d like to do Renaissance Man, but I do not want to stack more than two titles + Ultimas.

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You are correct.


Will you run the Ultima, too? I have been running DR Ultima and Paragon, though pretty irregularly. Maybe two or three times a week for each

Are you sticking to Saint’s recommendations?

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Two loops five days a week and weekends off. So yeah

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This might be a crazy idea, but how would it be to listen to st4 for one day/week and the the other days according to your current plan?

First day back with Dragon Reborn. Two loops each on weekdays with weekends off. A big thing for me at the moment is when I observe toxic or self sabotaging behavior in someone else I ask myself if I do that or something similar?