JCast Dragon Reborn Stage 1

That is correct

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Day 18 Stage 1 - I have the opportunity to run ma loop this morning so I’m taking advantage of that. Already got a few things done today so hopefully I will have time for additional loops later in the day. I find the thing to increase is that I am easily or quickly bored and over trivial distractions and I’m able to let go of things faster.

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That’s inspiring. You will end up embedding the Dragon if you run it for a year

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That’s what the plan is

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I posted the in @subliminalguy 's journal and it rereading it helped me realize that in a way being or becoming more of an optimistic nihilist has allowed me to let go of a ton of shit

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I sometimes feel that if I was to equate any sort of spiritual healing for myself as a part of Dragon Reborn it really comes down to self discovery and building self awareness. Becoming a truth teller as it were. No delusions. No avoidance. Embracing and accepting reality


If my math is correct I will begin Stage 2 on February 14 , Stage 3 on May 15th, and Stage 4 on August 13th

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Seriously debating listening to Stage One all night while I sleep. I kind of want to see if I can go over the twelve loops that @Sub.Zero did and see how I feel afterwards

Did you just throw down the gauntlet, monsieur? :sunglasses:

I understand you perfectly, all that talking about running one/two loops make me wonder if they really read the general recommendation which suggests increasing the number of loops and ends like this:

Eventually, you’ll be able to determine how many loops you can run without having negative side effects.

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It’s very possible. I didn’t last night although I did fall asleep listening to a Polish black metal band

Running one loop right away this morning.

It must have been Behemoth than. It’s like a lullaby for you. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Be careful James, I know everybody is different but after playing 12 loops I felt a bit like I was going crazy, I felt overloaded.

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Blaze of Perdition not Behemoth

I will be careful but curiosity has definitely gotten to me to see how far I can push things and create healing on an unheard of level


Day 19 Stage 1 - Currently running my second loop of the day.

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I’m only doing 2 loops myself, and damn, it digs. Doing rest days over the weekend, but it actually shows up during these days. I’ve not even journaled about it since it’s actively helping me make healthier choices.


This journal motivates me to run DR for a long time once I get it, though I probably won’t run it solo for the majority of its journey. However, it’s precisely the fact that it will be stacked with most of the time that I’m willing to give most of the stages 90 days.


this is a commitment i cant take but i will be running the same subs for a year next year all custom tho, i wish you all the best and i know you will come out on top of things, looking forward to see how you at the end of you dragon reborn journey


Day 20 Stage One - Rapidly approaching the end of the first 30 days with Stage one. I feel like I’ve changed in ways I always hoped I would but never found the proper direction or vehicle. Dragon Reborn is that vehicle. Of all the things that have changed the most so far it has to be my way of thinking.
On my second loop of the day so far while I get laundry done


Surprised at myself today but not really. While it seems or feels like folks insist on making drama out of minor inconveniences I have gotten a few things done and way faster than I initially thought I would. Seems like Dragon Reborn is working on issues that in the past would cause procrastination and self sabotage and I still have 70 days to go on Stage one before I move onto Stage two which as @Hermit stated works on the deep trauma.
Just started the third loop of the day.
I ran somewhere between eight and ten loops yesterday