JCast Dragon Reborn Stage 1

thank’s, I don’t get recon in any way except one these days
and its tension and pressure in one side of my face lol. I do 4-6 loops a day.
If it weren’t for that I’d keep pushing to 8-10. I used to get tired and negative effects.
Now every loop a run makes things better and better. Except the physical symptoms get worse.
What a trade off! This won’t last forever I’m sure.

Oh and I may get subtle recon I don’t recognize as recon but I couldn’t comment on that currently

I just got overexcited about my idea of enough which could replace that whole debate on how many loops, how many hours, how many days. Anyways, maybe it’s all just about your guts ultimately. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Even when tired, I’m not irritated or angry. More like non-reactive. Don’t know if that’s the correct word for this case.

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All im saying is that its difficult to assess healing subliminals as compared to alpha subliminals.
They do work 100%.


Day 37 Stage One- …

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About to run my first loop of the day. I noticed in the new instruction manual that it is recommended to run between two and six loops five days a week then two days off. Yesterday I ran a total of four and I feel good today. A bit bored but that could easily be my ADHD brain more than anything else. Not agitated or irritable thankfully.


Not new info :slight_smile: How many loops can you do without feeling overwhelmed (for DR)?

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No less than three a day and I’m not sure yet what the upper limit is

I just posted this in another thread

The even weirder thing that I just realized is that I feel that I sabotage myself a lot because I’m scared or afraid of doing better than others and alienating them. Why I have no idea.
I think some of it has to do with drawing attention to myself because I would rather be left alone
It’s as if Dragon Reborn is showing or revealing to me issues or blocks that I have that I wasn’t aware of

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I once strongly related to this, particularly due to the fear/worry about not fitting in.

Unfortunately, to fit in also means to fall in line with the mediocrity of the populace


Exactly. Who in the fuck wants that?


It seems we think the same idea. Plus, you don’t lose shit fitting in, but it’s not worth it, gives you a special outer perspective to be away from it.
Why would anyone want to fit in?


Being afraid of being smart or successful or appearing that way makes perfect sense if you were picked on for it as a kid. That’s quite common.


Conciously, no one. Think about how everything nowadays about being special.

Yet you will be kicked out of your social group if you actually are different.

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Running a fifth loop of the day. Probably the last for tonight
I seriously debated running a loop of Quantum Limitless Stage One after my conversation with @lrw but staying with Dragon Reborn. This time of year always reminds me of a lot of shit I would rather let go of

Day 38 Stage One-

Did you noticed extreme fatigue from DR stage 1?

A bit. I wasn’t sure if it was the audio or mine inability to get decent sleep most of the time.

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I tested one loop and was extremely fatigued…

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