Jayvee - The Wayfinder

How about taking 3 days off?

MEGA R.I.C.H Ultima x1
The Wayfinder x1

I’m back to listening today. @RVconsultant I did take three days off. It was a good choice to do three days. Even with the one day on, one day off schedule I can still tell I get overwhelmed from time to time.

I put in a lot of work today. My organization and planning skills are improving. In the past, I have used hands-on planners, but I lose interest rather quickly. I went the digital route and turned my phone into a planner for me. I’m using Google Calendar for repeated tasks, and an app called Tasks for daily tasks. Here is a screenshot of how I set it up on my home page on my phone:
Home Screen Planner

I’m also trying a new manifestation method. My goal is to see if I can add more conscious guidance with R.I.C.H. Ultima Core. I bought a book called It Works yesterday afternoon. The book was incredibly short, took like 10 minutes to read the entire thing. I’ll sum it up for you guys here. Write down everything you want to manifest in order of importance. Doesn’t matter how far-fetched it is, write it down anyways. Then follow these rules:

  1. Read the list of what you want three times each day: morning, noon, and night.

  2. Think of what you want as often as possible.

  3. Do not talk to anyone about your plan except to the Great Power within you which will unfold to your Objective Mind the method of accomplishment.


I’m making some good progress on the exterior inspection course. Plowing through the last couple of courses helped me out this week. This course is massive (around 35 sections). It covers everything from the base of the foundation to the fascia at the edge of the roof line.

I can see the benefits of QL ST4 starting to shine through. I’ll read through a section, take the quiz, and get a score of 90%+ on my first try.

Motivation has been high lately and I can feel my personal belief increasing every day. I’m getting more and more serious about running for office. I even started researching different positions that are opening up in my state/local area next year.

The support center helped me out with specific modules they recommend for someone wanting to run for office. I have the custom designed and started getting some of the modules. I won’t purchase the custom until I fulfill the goal I set with this journal.

Here is the final design for the political custom. I initially wanted to include Inner Circle but decided against it and went with True Sell instead.

Political Custom
  1. Emperor: House of Medici Q Core
  2. Power Can Corrupt Q Core
  3. Mastermind
  4. Leader of Men
  5. Lifeblood Fable
  6. Informaticon
  7. Transcendental Connection
  8. Emperor’s Voice
  9. Dragon Tongue
  10. True Sell
  11. Torchbearer
  12. Lion IV
  13. Manipulus
  14. Gloryseeker
  15. Dynasty
  16. Natural Winner
  17. Carpe Diem Ascended
  18. Tyrant
  19. Productivity Unleashed
  20. DEUS

Today started off rough but ended up being great. As I wrote in my APX custom journal, I slept like crap last night. I had signed up for an overtime shift today. I woke up early, loaded my car, and headed to work. During the entire drive, all I could think about was how the last thing I wanted to do was go to work. I kept thinking about how nice it would be to just stay at home, relax, take a nap, and not have to worry about anything.

I’m not even exaggerating here. The second I walked into the fire station my chief called me to tell me my overtime was canceled. He kept apologizing because he had to cancel it at the last minute. I kept my composure because I was surprised and relieved. Then he hit me with the best part. He said that it’s department policy that if someone shows up for overtime and their shift is canceled at the last second, that the person still gets paid four hours of overtime pay.

Not only did I get what I wanted, which was to not work today, I got paid four hours of overtime pay for showing up for five minutes.

I got my nap in, listened to my custom, Alchemist ST1, and have been working on the home inspection course. Feeling like a Natural Winner! :sunglasses:


I’ve been relaxing and partying the last few days because it was my birthday weekend. Work consisted of a lot of eating and watching movies. Home consisted of cake, beer, and hanging out with family. It’s been a great time.

Today it was time to get back to work. Because of my excessive partying, I fell behind on my one course per week goal.

I made up for it today. I finished the exterior home inspection course. I got a 95% on the final exam!

I’ll be working on the interior course this week. It feels good to be making progress towards my goal of starting a business.


Last week I re-evaluated my priorities. I realized that all this focus on studying and getting stuff done for the certification I’ve lacked in the area of taking care of myself. I threw in a loop of Emperor Fitness ST1 every listening day and started a new workout plan.

I also noticed that results had started to slow down over the last couple of weeks. I think it was a mix of overwhelm and recon. I’m doing a washout this week. Everything is going well so far. I’ve been blooming since Saturday. I’ve been plowing through courses for the certification and also purchasing equipment that I’ll need when I start the business. Things are getting close and starting to feel real. I even updated the Stark custom and got it in the solace [A] mask. It’s a really good mix of my writing and creativity custom I was listening to and the political custom I was thinking about making. I took the best of all three customs and built it into one. I also dropped it to three cores, I have R.I.C.H. in my custom ultima so I’ll still get abundance manifestation from that. The focus is on creativity, sales, communication, fame, and planning.

I’m planning to do the washout for this week but might extend it another week depending on how I feel. The biggest difference I’ve noticed is that my productivity and planning have been great. Before I would kind of take each day by shooting at the hip and figuring it out. I’ve been planning out each day and following through on everything I task myself with.

I’ve also been journaling offline for the last week. Which helps me process everything because I can write my thoughts in an unfiltered form. Here I tone down the craziness a bit. :wink:

Anyways, here is the updated Stark custom:

The Renaissance Stark
  1. StarkQ Core
  2. Ascended Mogul Q Core
  3. Renaissance Man Q Core
  4. Mastermind
  5. Ultimate Writer
  6. True Sell
  7. Sacred Words
  8. Dragon Tongue
  9. Story Teller
  10. Lifeblood Fable
  11. Instant Business Tactician
  12. The Way of ROI
  13. Leader of Men
  14. Gloryseeker
  15. Transcendental Connection
  16. Overdrive
  17. Natural Winner
  18. Carpe Diem Ascended
  19. Tyrant
  20. DEUS

The washout is complete. I had minimal recon throughout the week. I was slightly emotional but no more than I normally am.

  • Stark shined more than anything during the washout. I was social, networked with people, and had a lot of people call me during the week.

  • Motivation was slightly lower than normal. I just took it as a sign to relax. Most of my days at work I would play video games and hangout with the guys. Yesterday I watched Dune with the shift. Good movie, great cast and beautiful visuals, the pacing was slow but the other stuff made up for that.

  • Stark made me realize I don’t need a political subliminal to be a politician because I already am one. The guys in the union sat down with me and want to nominate me as the next union president.

  • I got some cryptocurrency. I’ve also been reading articles on different coins and have been thinking about building a mining rig. Only thing is that it doesn’t seem profitable because of the energy costs and initial investment. I might consider it if I get solar panels on my house to offset the electrical costs.


I had a great week. Another promotion came up at work and I put in for this one. Not only would this position be a good fit for me, it would also give me even more power as the union president which is the current plan in the works. The position would give me a direct line with management and an opportunity to interact and solve ongoing problems for both shifts within the department.

The promotion is why I’ve been so silent on the forum for the last couple of weeks. I’ll keep everyone posted on if I get it or not, but for the time being, I’m focusing on preparing for the oral board interview and placing business stuff on the side.

Here is a recap for this week:

  • I mined my first small amount in crypto. I was doing pool mining through Vertcoin and have to say it was not worth the amount of energy I used. I have two high-powered gaming computers, one desktop, and one laptop. I made about $7 and that was after having both computers running non-stop for the entire week.

  • I set up automatic investing on coinbase. The allotment is set to do Ethereum 50%, Cardano 25%, and Shiba Inu 25%. This is all for a long-term investment. Once I have an established portfolio I’ll start trading again.

  • With this new mix of Stark, Renaissance Man, and Transcendental Connection I crave connection. On Wednesday evening I went to my room and was hit with some of the worst recon I have ever experienced. All of a sudden I got a knock on my door. The guys wanted me to hang out. We went outside the station and sat on the patio watching planes land and take off on the airfield nearby while the sun was setting. I felt great after that.

  • On Friday we did some training that involved a major vehicle accident. They brought in old cars and threw them in a ditch to simulate a real emergency. I helped a lot with getting the dummies out of the cars and took a lead position when using rescue equipment to get the crews and dummies out of the ditch.

  • I can tell that Dragon Tongue is working already. I’ve noticed a major improvement in my ability to respond to questions, tell jokes, and communicate in general. Yesterday while sitting in the TV room one of the guys was like, “Hey Jayvee, did you hear about (political nonsense) and blah blah blah?” Immediately I said, “oh, did you hear that from (insert propaganda news source) or (other propaganda news source) because what you said doesn’t sound true at all?” He looked down at his phone and didn’t have a response. At that moment I thought, well looks like Dragon Tongue is working.

  • Today I’ve been taking it easy and have been watching UFC fights with the shift.

Wishing everyone a Happy Halloween tomorrow! :smiley:

Edit to add more:
Listening wise I did Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. All one loop of the new custom. On Friday I listened to my custom ultima upon waking because I wanted a boost for the training.

I also got a new custom Ultima. It is going to be dense so I’ll take it slow, like one loop a week slow to start with. I got it for more proficient trading and to build a solid portfolio in cryptocurrency and stocks.

Here it is:

  1. Emperor: House of Medici Q Core
  2. R.I.C.H. Crypto Ultima Core
  3. Marketweaver
  4. Intuition Enhancer
  5. Virtue Series: Temperance
  6. Secret Source

Before listening to the new HoM ultima I prepped for some hefty recon. After my experience with unbearable recon to my HoM, EOG ST4, and R.I.C.H. Crypto QV2 custom I made a couple of months ago I was scared as to how I would react. I had chocolate, meditation tapes, questions to ask myself in case I got anxious. I was ready for anything. I looked like this prior to playing my first loop:

I listened to the new ultima and the recon never came. All that came was a focus to study, research, and look at charts.

  • I read white papers for coins that guys at work had been talking about. That made me realize that the coins everyone was talking about are pump and dump coins with no actual purpose.

  • I made a trade in my retirement account after doing some stock research after doing some fundamental and technical analysis.

  • I noticed Shiba Inu started correcting, but I had a feeling to just ride it out. Even with the downward movement, I’m still up close to 200% on it.

  • I networked a lot with management for the promotion. I sat down with the two top managers and kept asking questions. I started the conversation with questions like, “if I get the position,” and finished the meeting with questions using, “when I’m in the position.” I was never corrected and they were receptive to what I was saying.

  • I found out only one other person in the department applied for the promotion. I have a good chance of getting it.

  • In regards to R.I.C.H. manifestations I got a lot of free meals at work. I even offered to pay people and each time I was told to not worry about it.

  • This morning, while coming home I experienced some strange intuition. This giant bro truck turned in front of me. For the most part, they drove normally and went at a good speed. When I got close to the stop sign I had a bad feeling. The giant bro-machine started to stop abruptly and at the intersection waited a good 20 seconds before moving forward. Even as they were moving forward they were going at most maybe 1 mph. I’m not sure what they were trying to do but I got the intuition to not provoke the guy. I also didn’t turn on my signal so when he turned in the opposite direction I quickly turned and floored it away from the intersection. As I drove off I could see him turning his car around and started heading back to where he turned out in front of me. Not sure what the goal was but I’m glad I had the intuition to not escalate.


I had a busy week but it was well worth all the time I spent preparing for things.

  • I worked on some stuff with veterans affairs (VA) on connecting medical stuff from when I served. That will result in some extra income coming in.

  • To prepare for the appointments I mapped out symptoms and a timeline to show progression of stuff since my time in the military. One of the doctors told me I was one of the most well organized veteran’s she has ever seen.

  • Still waiting on the promotion at work. The application closed out on Friday, so I’ll likely do the interview this week.

  • Throughout the week I’ve felt calm and confident. I was also incredibly social.

  • I’ve been reading Mastering the Trade by John Carter.

  • The stock I mentioned last post is currently trending up. I have a target set and a stop loss set in case things don’t go as planned.

  • On Friday after listening to the new Ultima I had the urge to learn about options trading. I bought a couple books on the subject.

  • My dreams this last week have been vivid and all centered around growing wealth and power. I’m assuming that’s from HoM in the new Ultima.


Not much to report this week. I went on vacation with the family for a trip to Legoland. Which was awesome. If you have little ones, I highly suggest it.

  • I’m all in on the ZP hype train. When Saint announced that the titles will only be 15 minutes long I was sold immediately. I’m thinking about doing some healing depending on what’s in the ZP roll out.

  • I’m still waiting on VA stuff and the promotion at work, no updates there.

  • My crypto account was like an insane rollercoaster this past week. I wasn’t worried, I’m glad I have Virtue Series: Temperance in the Ultima. In the past I would have panic sold seeing my account drop down as much as it did. I stayed calm and rode out the storm. Everything is back to what it was at the start of the week.

  • I’m also thinking about doing some freelance copywriting. I read some stuff on Reddit about a guy who started doing small things on Fiver to start and worked his way to doing stuff on Upwork. In the post the guy said he is now making close to 3k a month after a year.


I got the promotion at work!

I didn’t even have to interview. This morning I checked my email and the job offer was there. I called the chiefs and they said they knew I was the right choice.

I couldn’t be more excited. The job is different than anything I have ever done and involves prevention and logistics for the fire department.

Since the job involves a lot of learning regulations and laws in regards to money management I’ll be listening to Chosen, Spartan, and Limitless with the new ZP release.

I’m also going to be nominated for the union president this Thursday at the upcoming union meeting. Big changes are coming and I’m excited to see what is to come. :sunglasses: :muscle:


Amazing Jayvee! Congratulations!

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Thank you!

Congrats @JayFlex !

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That’s huge, and well-deserved…congratulations @JayFlex !

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I listened to WANTED and Chosen ZP last night while going to bed. I shared a post this morning in the main ZP thread. Here it is:

I’ll listen in the morning from now on. I’ll add in Spartan tomorrow before I go to work.

As the day went on I noticed a few things.

  • Even with the lack of sleep I still had a strong focus. That focus led to me reading a book on sobriety. Alcohol is something I’ve had issues with on and off for years. I think Chosen was trying to show me that continuing to avoid alcohol is the best choice for my current path.

  • My body language is strong. I noticed it while dropping off my son at school. I was standing tall, shoulders back, chest out, and my head held high. The same thing happened while I waited to pick up food.

  • People were more friendly than normal. I noticed this while dropping my son off and while grabbing food for lunch.

  • I fasted until 10 am and worked out for about an hour. I pushed myself hard and felt great after. While working out I started getting this feeling as if the subliminal was going to help me find my purpose. It is a hard feeling to describe. The feeling is nothing like I experienced on Q or QV2. It was like having a mentor tell me, “let me help you figure things out.”

  • I’ve been talking to my wife non-stop about the ZP stuff, she has no idea what I’m talking about but wanted to listen to Spartan. This afternoon after Spartan came out I loaded it on my phone and gave her my headphones. Turns out she responds to ZP the opposite of me, she ended up taking a two-hour nap. As I was typing this out my wife looked at me and goes, “you know what, I think I’m one of those people that gets tired from the subliminal.” :joy:

I also told @aaa that I would upload pics of my new dog. Here is Patches O’Houlihan, he’s a 3-year-old Alaskan Malamute.


That dog is absolutely beautiful.


Thank you! He’s been awesome and great with the kids. The previous owners trained him well.


Spartan was similar to my previous run. I had a lot of energy throughout the morning and afternoon. By late afternoon that energy slowed down. I didn’t want to workout but knew it was something I had to do. Working out and powering through any task whether you want to do it or not is classic Spartan.

  • My workout involved doing a 30 minute DDP Yoga tape. Lots of squats, pushups, planks and various yoga moves. I pushed myself hard throughout the workout. I needed a few minutes to recover when I was done.

  • Lots of guys at work were giving me shit about getting promoted. I brushed it all to the side. They are upset I’m leaving them. In fire departments you live and work with the guys on your shift so when you leave, that breaks the dynamic of the group and people don’t respond well to losing someone they like.

  • I ended up turning down the union president nomination. A friend on the opposite shift got nominated. I don’t want that much work on top of the promotion. To maintain my spot in the union I made a deal with my friend so I’ll get a higher position in the union if he wins the election.

  • The shift in consciousness happened again around lunch. It was a slow day and most of the morning was spent watching TV with the shift. While watching TV all of the sudden I felt like I woke up and had the thought, ‘why are you wasting your time.’ I went to my room and read.