Jayvee - The Wayfinder

Congrats, bro!


Made some progress with the electrical inspections course. This one is a lot harder. I’ll be taking my time with this one. At the end of the first section I did the quiz repeatedly until I saw every answer. Doing this will save me some time when I get to the certification test.

One section was all I could get in today. I was incredibly busy at work and it was hot today. After working hard all morning and part of the afternoon my energy was low. Hopefully things slow down tomorrow so I can get more done.

The blog has become a low priority. Really it just comes down to I don’t have a purpose for it. It’s hard for me to nail something specific down because my interests change about every quarter. I’ll find a topic, learn a lot about it, and then move on to something else. Maybe I could write about the topic I’m learning about and give people some insights. Not sure if that’s what I’ll do. I’m brainstorming here.


A lot of focus coming from my Stark custom. I woke up at 5 and listened to the mask in bed until 6. This morning we did some pretty intense training at work. It involved crawling through an entrapment box. The box is designed to be similar to a building collapse. The inside of the box is filled with wires and wood boards. To get through you need to stay calm and figure out the best path.

I have never done anything like that before and was nervous about doing it. I think Furious Ascent helped me out greatly this morning. I went into the room where the trainer was and told some of the guys I have not done this before and asked for some guidance while going through. I got snagged on wires a couple of times but the guys helped me stay clam, figure out the problem, and get through the trainer.

Today was less busy than yesterday, plus I slept like a champ, which always helps. I got a couple sections done for the electrical inspections course.

Not sure if this is a R.I.C.H manifestation but I’ll take it. I got an advertisement for a course I’ve been wanting to get for a while at a huge discount. I picked it up and have been switching between that and the home inspection stuff throughout the day.

Life is good!


I hit the ground running today. Got up early with a surge of energy. I plowed through another section of the electrical inspections course. Things are coming along great. The textbook arrived so I’ll start plowing through that over the next week.

Before writing this, I read a post by Saint(from the Zero Point thread) and it made me realize how much abundance I have been generating.

I listened to Ascended Mogul for six weeks from the middle of April through the end of May. In June I picked up my original Stark custom. The current version is the same as the original except for the five modules I added in.

While my initial goal of starting a business is still in the works, I am actively working every day to make that happen. The big shift, the one I haven’t noticed until tonight is, how I’ve been managing money. My income stayed the same, but the way I spend and prioritize is much different.

My approach to managing money and buying things I want has completely shifted from, “I’m not sure I can afford this,” to, “how can I afford this?” I don’t see things as expensive, I figure out how to get them. While I’m not at the point where I can do that with say a Ferrari, I know I have the ability to get there, if that is what I desire.

Prior to buying our home, we paid off our credit card in full. We then proceeded to buy furniture, pay for movers, buy other items for the house, and go on vacation. I was stressed about the card creeping back up. After shifting my focus I got checks from family to help with the move, was able to get some overtime shifts(when overtime is currently slowing down at work), and we got most of our security deposit back from the place we were renting. We have paid down 1/3rd of the debt in two weeks. It took seeing Saint’s post this evening to open my eyes and see that these subliminals work better than I ever thought.


What is your sense of AM compared to Stark when it comes to actively and effectively working towards the goal of starting your own business?

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My direction circled back to the home inspection business once I started listening to the writing custom. The writing custom has AM/RM/UA in it. Those three helped me figure out what I really wanted and take action on that goal. I think AM helped me gain my personal power back and get clear on what I wanted and not what others wanted for me.

Overall, I do think AM is more effective at starting a business because it provides the listener with belief in themselves and the drive to work towards their goals.


So AM custom turned out to be your real Wayfinder in a way. Of course there is likely some synergy with your stack / Stark. But belief in oneself and the drive to work towards one’s goal is truly essential and strong domain of AM.


The Wayfinder x2
Best Selling Author x1

Today I took it easy. I watched movies, played video games, and chatted with people at work. I haven’t played video games recently. I noticed a lot of focus and an increased ability to figure out patterns in the games. I’m assuming that’s from QL in the Stark custom.

The social aspect of Stark shined through today. I did a lot of talking.

Last week I mentioned that I’ve been more quick witted lately. That is still the case but the quick witted responses are turning into debates and discussions.

In general I’m not interested in debating people. For the most part I see it as a waste of time. But lately I’ve found myself challenging people. Not in an aggressive way. I’ve challenged people in the form of questions.

My boss and I were discussing different religious topics. He started to go on a tangent about my view point and I responded with a question that completely reframed his tangent to show him his side does the exact same thing. The moment I said that it was like his brain shut off. He stood there staring into space for a good 10 seconds before he promptly changed the subject.

Not sure what is causing this, it could be True Sell. Especially since a big part of overcoming objections is asking questions.


Rest Day

I thought I was experiencing recon today from my new APX/Dreams/ME custom but can’t really say for sure. There is no desire to switch subs, I still feel motivated, am in a good mood, and I feel a strong focus. Today I did a lot of work around the house, did a section of the electrical inspection course, and did a section of the course I bought the other day. The focus is so strong that my normal ADD patterns of hopping from one task to another without finishing is gone. The Single Point is in the new custom. So maybe the subliminal is working as it’s supposed to and this kind of focus is so far out of the norm I’m still working on processing it. Is this how normal people feel?

This is how I’m feeling right now:

Visible confusion.


The Wayfinder x2
Best Selling Author x1

I almost didn’t post this because I am in a state of disbelief.

So today my wife and I checked the mail. We received a check from some relitaves that covers the rest of the amount we owed on our credit card. I’m in shock because we didn’t tell anyone about the debt we grew, nor did we ask for help.



(quickly scrolls up to the top to see if R.I.C.H. Ultima is present. Yup. It’s there twice!)



@Malkuth I’m starting to wonder if it’s from the R.I.C.H. and Current Invoker combo that is making all this happen. Regardless of what is causing this surge of abundance I’m incredibly grateful.


Wow nice. RICH manifestation with Secret Source module effect possibly?


I can’t really say if it was one specific module or core. I still listen to my custom Ultima that has R.I.C.H. in it at least once a week. I’ll give more details.

In the post from three days ago where I mention that we paid off our credit card in full. It was $5200, at the time we paid it off. We then proceeded to put on $8000 on it.

In two weeks we got it down to $5000 from gifts, overtime, and the security deposit we got back.

Today the check we got in the mail was for exactly $5000. Like I said in the initial post, I’m still in shock that this happened. I’m thankful, grateful, happy, and any other adjectives you can think of. But I couldn’t tell you which specific module or core this came from. I’m just happy it happened.


The Wayfinder X1
Best Selling Author x1

Leader of Men was my jam today. I had my first union meeting as a representative today. I gave my opinion on topics and helped address issues.

After the meeting, I was chatting with some of the guys near one of the trucks. One of the shift leads walked over to us. He looked at me directly and goes we are going to the training ground at 10 am, so let’s start getting ready to go. I responded by telling him we aren’t doing that and that we will do the training tomorrow. He looked at me, then said, “okay, I’ll go run that by the boss.” Two minutes later he comes back and says the boss man is good with that, we are doing training tomorrow.

I was genuinely surprised that worked. Anyways, I kept my composure and thought, I’ll take this win. The guys I was chatting with started thanking me because they didn’t want to do the training. Maybe I picked up on their vibes and spoke for the group.

The electrical inspection course is coming along well. I did two more sections today. I’ll have the course done by the end of this weekend.


And this is what it looked like to the other guys…


Leader of Men just moved up on my list


Hahaha, that gif is hilarious and accurate. :joy:

Did SubClub figure out a way to give us all Jedi powers?


The Wayfinder x1
Best Selling Author x1

My single point of focus today was solely on getting the final sections of the electrical inspections class completed. I’m still at work today. The guys paged me downstairs to the kitchen because they were all chatting. As soon as I got there, I realized all they were doing was gossiping. The Way of ROI kicked in because I immediately thought, ‘I don’t have time for this.’

I went back to my room and got back to work. I plan to inspect my electrical panel when I get home tomorrow morning. Once I have that done I’ll take the certification test. With the notes and textbook, I will have no issue passing it on the first shot.

Last night I looked at my certification path. After the electrical course is done, I will have eleven courses left. I can easily get one of these courses done in a week if I work hard. That leaves me eleven weeks. In my Google Calendar, I marked the sixth of December as the day I will create my LLC. :muscle:t2:


I finished the electrical inspections course this morning. This was by far the hardest test I’ve taken so far. Difficulty wise it was tougher than the roofing inspection course.

The notes and textbook helped me get a 93% on the final exam!

I’m feeling incredibly confident and motivated this morning. All this forward momentum towards my goals is making me feel unstoppable. The last week I’ve had a lot of energy and drive. It’s as if I know I’m going to succeed and nothing will stop me.


Congratulations!!! :sunglasses::champagne::clinking_glasses: