Jayvee - Starktasmic QV2 & Mega R.I.C.H Ultima

Custom Ultima x1 Morning
StarkQ Custom x1 around lunchtime
Emperor - HoM x1 late afternoon

I experienced some recon this morning after listening to my Ultima. I was able to do the programming course. I was trying to figure out how to create the program as described by the challenge. I looked up solutions on Google because I thought my solution was too easy. Turned out my easy solution was the correct one. I’m starting to realize that when it comes to programming the easiest solution is usually the correct one.

I struggled to get through the stock market course because of the recon. I listened to my StarkQ Custom and felt some good focus after. I finished a section of the course. The instructor actually demonstrated doing some options trades. Which I liked, I’ve always been intimidated by options but after seeing the video on how they work I realize they are complicated but learnable.

I have an idea for a second wealth custom. This would cover the remaining wealth related cores and fill in the gaps concerning my new goals without having to remake my current custom. I like the new explanations for some of the modules in the q store, especially Current Invoker and Tyrant. Here is the custom idea:

  1. Emperor - HoM Core
  2. Ecstasy of Gold ST4 Q Core
  3. Secrets of Akasha – Wealth
  4. Marketweaver
  5. Index Gate
  6. Trailblazer
  7. Current Invoker
  8. Tyrant
  9. Machine Action
  10. Machine Rest

On my second processing day. I’m also doing a 24 hour fast and do not want to listen to subs on a fasting day when I need all the energy I can.

I struggled with being tired yesterday because my kids kept waking up. I still got a section of the programming course and financial markets course done later in the day.

Today I hit the ground running. I did two sections from the programming course. I made some major leaps in my understanding of python. I was able to make the programs just by looking at the desired output for the program. This is incredible, I’m glad that I got this course, it is changing my perspective of programming and increasing my confidence in my own intelligence. Looking forward to the rest of the course.

I did another two sections of the financial markets course. Today’s lessons covered commodities, futures, and the forex markets. Have a couple of sections left and I’ll be done with this one.

I had some kind of Informaticon manifestation yesterday. I had the thought to get back into crypto. That was my initial place where I learned to trade, I made a lot of mistakes, I blew through 3 accounts before I became profitable, plus crypto is insane with how volatile it is. The speed at which the market moves made it really easy for me when I started trading stocks, the stock market is like slow motion compared to crypto. Since I haven’t traded actively since 2018 I reached out to a friend who has a lot of expertise in the crypto space. We chatted for a bit and he told me the best exchanges and websites to reference. After our chat, I reactivated some old accounts. I feel like these subliminals help guide people to the path that will work best for them, everything felt right about what happened yesterday.

I also emailed customer service to ask about the second custom idea I have. They were helpful as always and saw no issues with it. I thought about replacing EOG St4 with R.I.C.H Crypto since it is meant to help with trading in the crypto/stock market. But I cannot find it in the Q Store anywhere. I let the staff know and sent in some screenshots. Hopefully, that gets fixed, I’ll wait on getting the second custom till R.I.C.H Crypto Core shows up in the store.


I was going through some serious recon yesterday. I was mad at everything, everyone, and the site for those who saw the post. I’m going to take a few days off subs and cool down. I understand that Saint and Fire are doing all they can.

Thanks to @Floridianninja for responding, that did help cool me down. Although I sent a rather aggressive message to customer service after. Apologies are in order.


I ordered the new custom this morning. R.I.C.H Crypto Core is now in the Q Store. I’m glad the issue got resolved.

One important thing I learned is that I turn into a werewolf when I’m going through some serious recon. I have the personality of a golden retriever most of the time so being angry is definitely out of character for me.

I’m thinking about modifying my listening schedule. I like the every other day protocol. Here is what I came up with:

Day 1: Ultima, StarkQ Custom
Day 2: Processing day
Day 3: HoM Custom
Day 4: Processing day
And then repeat.

The reason behind this is because the recon came in strong after listening to my Ultima, StarkQ Custom, and HoM in the same day. Hopefully splitting that up helps alleviate the symptoms of overload and recon.

I changed one thing in the custom. My initial plan was to replace EOG St4 with R.I.C.H. Crypto, but I decided to get rid of Secrets of Akasha and have three cores in it.


I finished the Financial Markets Course I mentioned about a week ago. I have to say I really liked the course. The instructor sets a good foundation for anyone looking to get involved in the financial markets and presents all the various vehicles to grow wealth in a well-structured manner. I would recommend the course to anyone interest in getting an overview of the financial markets.

Made some more progress with the python course. I’ve done 10 of the challenges out of the 40 now. Making some excellent progress with the learning. Today’s one was by far the most challenging because the instructor pooled from every previous challenge. I opened all my previous programs to reference what to do. Took me close to an hour to solve the challenge but I got it done. Now I’m onto loops.

I’m back at work this week after having 17 days off. I’ve noticed that people have really opened up to me. My boss told me about all the plans for the training this week, which was great because I was able to let the shift know, so we will be prepared for any exercises. Also, the guy who runs the snack locker keeps offering me free soda, snacks, and candy. I couldn’t tell you guys why, but I do appreciate it.

Do you think it’s okay to add the ST4 Quantum Limitless core to a custom if you haven’t done stages 1-3?

@Billions I personally don’t see an issue with it. The sales copy says that it combines all three stages in one and even states that you can run ST4 as a standalone product. The recon from the custom was tough for the first two weeks but smoothed out after that.

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It can be okay. Different experience, I’d imagine.

I’ve only skipped the stages once. That was with Emperor Fitness. The logic of how the different stages were set-up seemed less dependent on sequential progression.

With Alchemist and Quantum Limitless, I followed the stages because I really wanted to. Those areas were really personally important to me, so I wanted to move through it gradually, and to build a house with a very wide and solid foundation. If I were more casual or more focused on a particular result, who knows? Might have done it differently.

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It definitely seems to be helping with programming. I’ve noticed that when I actually sit down and start working, I have a lot of focus and will stick with it until I finish whatever I’m working on. Also, I noticed something this afternoon, even though I spent a lot of time working on the program, I didn’t seem to notice the time going by. It was only after that I noticed it took me close to an hour, but it didn’t seem like much time had passed at all. I remember you talking about the time dilation. Did you experience anything like that @Malkuth ?

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I got curious because lately I keep seeing people here post their personality codes. I took a test and got ESFJ-A. After reading the description I have to say it is spot on. I’ve always been very popular, even in high school I didn’t consider myself popular but everyone knew who I was. I think the ‘A’ at the end makes a huge difference because I can be very polarizing. At every fire station I’ve worked at, most people like me, but a few really DON’T like me. At my current department all the old negativity spreaders actually filed a complaint with management because I was too happy and friendly (I wish I was joking here). I’m glad I took the test, it gave me some good insights, and I was also a little creeped out with how accurate it was.

Over the last hour or two, I read your journal from start to finish. I loved it. Like someone said, there’s good story telling here, and great results.

I was very interested in seeing everything you’ve accomplished in your journal because I see a lot of similarities between us. I’m building a business, for one thing, and in my business I spend all day talking to, servicing, and selling realtors. My end goal with business and everything I do is to own an empire of rental properties, or, as I like to put it, I want to own 150 doors.

I also have a committed relationship, same as you, so I’m not one of the guys on the sub that are looking to manifest more sex and seduction.

Even further, the wealth custom that I’ve been tinkering with for the past few weeks looks EXTREMELY similar to yours. Mine just has a few tweaks considering it’s a “Business+Sales Skills” custom. Maybe I’d call it Yung Jordan Belfort.

It’s actually AMAZING AND EERIE how similar our customs are. The only real difference is I added in some of the sales modules like Dragon’s Tongue that you had contemplated adding into your “likability” Ultima.

The first version of the wealth custom that I was going to build was StarkQ Core, Mogul Q Core, RICH Ultima Core, and 10/13 of your modules. I also listen to Beyond Limitless Ultima during the day, for productivity, so… that’s quite like me putting in QLQ ST4. (Since then, I’ve switched to listening to Limitless Executive Ultima).

So, why am I writing this…

I feel like I have to tell you like your journal started off extremely inspiring, but quickly became worrying. It seems like you’re going through A LOT of recon… You’re collecting new subliminals like crazy. SaintSovereign has directly said that one of the symptoms of reconciliation is the desire to stop listening to your current subliminals, and from first hand experience, I know that a big symptom of reconciliation for me is wanting to start listening to more and more subliminals when one is giving me good results. All I end up doing is overwhelming myself, diluting the effectiveness of my stack, and becoming less consistent.

When I was going through my first phase of reconciliation after getting amazing results on Ascended Mogul (building a business), this is EXACTLY what happened to me. I wanted to start experimenting like crazy. If one subliminal is good, two must be great, three must be amazing, 4 must be mindblowing!


You really should stay focused for your best results. Honeymoon phase kicks in strong for the first two weeks, but then the effects diminish a bit after that, and it takes maybe 3 months for subliminal scripting to become permanently embedded in your subconscious, rather than just being a short-term high…

Your results at the beginning of this journey were amazing. You’re getting offered a promotion, you took charge and exhibited more leadership, you were more social and connected with people. Your confidence about your business took off at the beginning. You were even enjoying your job more than usual.

I would say that since Raphael’s journal inspired you so much, you should take this into consideration too.

This massive urge to learn could most likely be a combination of QLQ, Limitless Executive Ultima, and StarkQ.

After you started listening to HOM, you started reporting a lot of anger. I listened to ONE loop of HOM and it made me yell at a prospect who I was trying to sell when she “didn’t accept my alpha frame.” Emperor often can be very agitating/aggressive, and as I understand it, it’s mainly for people that have already fully integrated other alpha scripting, or otherwise are already in some major alpha-like role in their life. It’s for when you don’t give a fuck if anyone likes you or if you like anyone.

I would say to drop it completely because of what you said here… tbh, being angry sucks. More importantly, though, it’s already such a dense script, that it seems like a lot to be listening to HOM, AND your 4 core CustomQ, AND your 3 core wealth ultima. As your washout and processing days have already been proving, when it comes to subliminal, less is more.

So yeah man, that’s my two cents. Based on everything that I’ve read, I think you should start listening to your StarkQ custom more regularly, if it’s not giving you reconciliation. And on top of that, listen to your Custom wealth Ultima a few times a week, when you feel like you really need what that ultima has to offer.

Good luck with everything that you’re doing, and I hope that your business takes off! Ascended Mogul is amazing for starting businesses, and then once you have a business that’s doing extremely well, that’s when you might want to look at Emperor.

And of course I want to point out that everything here comes from a place of concern and comraderie. Not trying to tell you what to do. Just telling you what I see. Cheers!


No problem at all, I appreciate your input.

Oh don’t I know it, I have way too many. That was a problem from the beginning. My first subliminal here was alchemist and I got so depressed on the healing that I switched to weight loss subliminals. This wasn’t necessarily a bad thing because I lost over 40lbs on Spartan and Emperor Fitness, and I’m still following the habits I started during that time.

I think the stock stuff also is coming from my custom Ultima because it has Limit Destroyer Ultima Core in it. I grew up with really bad ADD and struggled in school. I’ve learned to manage it but the lack of confidence from struggling so much in school still affects me. One thing I realized was that I can learn but it has to be on me like the desire has to be there for me to focus. I went to college online and loved the structure of being able to do whatever I wanted. I could do all my homework in one day and be done for the week, or stretch things out, I loved the freedom. There were times I got frustrated but I stuck with it to the end and graduated with honors.

Just a tad… Haha, Tuesday was probably the worst recon I’ve felt since I started listening to subs. I sent a nasty gram to customer service here because they weren’t answering my question the way I wanted them to(I’m still embarrassed about that and sent an apology email). This is not normal for me, I’m so happy go lucky all the time even my wife was like, “are you doing okay?”

Back to the recon, I think it could also be coming from Limit Destroyer clearing stuff out. I’ve avoided doing any healing since I started listening to subliminals, which I know I need to do, probably would have lead to less recon. I think the reason the StarkQ Custom doesn’t give me much recon is that I have a Stark-like personality, I’m talkative, social, and love being around people. I’m also taking a lot of action towards my goals.

My goals shifted because the promotion at work will require me to go in every day. Right now I’m a firefighter that is on shift, so I have 4 days off per week. Those 4 days would have been perfect for doing home inspections, but with the promotion and changing to working 5 days a week I had to shift to something I could do while still working full time, that’s why I’m focused on trading. Specifically algorithmic trading, I want to make a robot that makes me some extra money, so I don’t have to work overtime ever again. I like being around my family and that is where my desire for more wealth and abundance is coming from. In my previous journal, I wrote about my son coming up to me one day before work. He asked me to make a money machine so I can have more time to hang out with him, that’s what started this wealth journey.

Once again, I appreciate your feedback and insight. It’s nice to have someone piece it all together to give me a better picture of what is going on. :smiley:


I remember having similar experiences. Actually, I may have had one yesterday. I was pulling together notes from a topic I’ve been studying recently. I ended up creating a kind of template that I could use to conveniently combine and recombine bits and parts from the overall framework. When I was done, I realized that I’d kind of put a lot of time into that. (And I’d also originally expected it to take much longer.)

I’m one of those people who has a relatively large long-term vision in mind, so I don’t pay that much attention to ongoing short-term results. Sometimes I notice them and sometimes I don’t.

Every so often I’ll notice results and coincidences manifesting. But I’m focused on the bigger, slower ones.

A funny coincidence from the other day. My wife’s usually on top of my son to study and practice Chinese. He’s not very big on languages, but she’s very persistent, and the class is at school anyway, so he’s been learning and making progress.

Recently she got a couple of books for them to practice with together.

I was at the computer finishing up some busy work from my job a couple of days ago, and she came out to where I was and asked me if I’ve ever read The Alchemist. (The novel by Paulo Coelho). I wasn’t really paying attention, just said, yes, I read it 24 years ago, but never again since. She said that’s one of the books they’re going through.

Only a couple of days later as I was mentally reviewing my modules did it strike me that The Alchemist is the core module in the flagship custom that I’m running. It’s basically the core of everything I’m doing. And I laughed at the synchronicity of them now working with the book of the same title.


Omg that’s so cute. But really motivating too! Sometimes kids will just tell you exactly what they want and require you to level up as a human being in order to give it to them.

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My recon started settling down a couple of days ago. Been doing great. We did some training yesterday, which involved communicating in high-stress and high hazard environments to solve a specific problem. We broke into teams. I took a lead position and found out later that my team solved the problem the fastest. I think a little break from listening to subs was all I needed.

I’ve also been enjoying my journal/planner. I’ve noticed on here I clean things up a bit and write to the crowd sometimes. When I write in the journal I really let my thoughts go free. I’m thinking about strictly doing offline journaling once I get the second custom. That way I can work through the recon on my own, and not get banned on here for yelling at someone like a CRAZY person.

I’ve been sticking with the programming course and am now taking a cryptocurrency investing course. I struggled with the first program of the section on loops. I could not get myself to grasp what was happening. I admitted defeat and ended up looking up the answers for how to solve it. I wanted to make sure I really got the concept. I watched multiple YouTube videos and read some articles on the topic to gain a better understanding of it. I’m not afraid to admit when I struggle with something. I know everything is learnable, some things just take more time.


I listened to Emperor - HoM late last night. While listening I went into some trance/daydream state and had some vivid experience. I couldn’t tell you guys if I was fully asleep or daydreaming. In the dream, I was many years into the future. My daughter was getting married. We rented out an entire winery for her wedding. After the wedding, the groom greatly disrespected my daughter which led to her being upset and crying at her reception.

The rest of the dream was like a mafia movie. My brother, brother-in-law, son, and I ended up pulling the groom aside and roughing him up for being so disrespectful. I’m not sure if this is somehow connected to a dream I had when I was listening to Ascended Mogul. In that dream, I had started some kind of mafia and my wife hated what I was doing but loved the money we had. The funniest part of the dream was I had her driving me around in a Lamborghini because she knows how to drive a stick shift and I do not. :joy:


LOL! Don Jayvee


I was thinking about that last night.

Everyone else listening to wealth subliminals: I’m going to start a business.

Me: I guess I’m gonna start a crime syndicate… :joy:

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Haha! Hey, that’s another way to build wealth…and power!

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Boy, do I have a story for you guys!

I don’t know if this was Stark, R.I.C.H., or any specific modules but it was an awesome experience.

I ordered Denny’s for my family. I go to the store to pick it up. Once I get there I get out and try and open the front door, locked. The other two doors, locked. I’m like, okay, guess no one showed up today…

As I’m standing there trying to figure out an alternative a car drives up and a chef gets out. I go, “hey are you guys open today?” He looks super confused and says, “well… uhh… we are supposed to be.”

He starts making phone calls tries to get in. No one is answering, doesn’t look like anyone inside, he looks as lost as I am at this moment.

All of a sudden the chef that was inside by herself opens the door waves the other chef in asks if I’m the pick-up order. I tell her yes and she waves me in. I go into the Denny’s and start chatting with the chefs. Apparently, the manager never showed up at 6 in the morning. They end up chatting with me while cooking my order.

While I’m waiting the waitress and the manager show up. I ask if I can go let them in. I go to the doors and say, “good morning, welcome to Denny’s, please come in.” It gets a good laugh from both the manager and the waitress.

I chat with all of them while the chefs are finishing up the food and packing it. They apologize and give me a couple of large coffees and a large orange juice to apologize for the wait. I told them it was no big deal and thanked them for letting me come in and hang out with them.

What a good experience, things didn’t start off right, but things worked out, I got some free coffee and orange juice out of it and made some new friends in the process.