Is it harmful to listen to too much subliminals?

Yeah, I meant we learn more about it through your testing and these threads I randomly come across where you actually give out a little bit of backend detail :wink: So thanks.

This is simultaneously horrifying and soothingly interesting.

Probably not when you experience it…

Your mind be like:



I think the point is that even if you are one of those rare people that simply doesn’t notice a thing while dumping subs into their memory banks all day long, it doesn’t mean all that data is also getting processed at the same speed. It could be you end up with a 12 month back log of subs in your head, meaning you would still need 12 months of rest to get through it all.

With all the experiments done, Saint and Fire figured out that in the vast majority of cases running subs for a certain amount of time per day would give your mind enough “free” time in the day to work through those subs and integrate them. And adding a few rest days in as well would allow your mind to come back in a clear and receptive state, ready for more.

You may not notice any difference between the time when the subs run and when they don’t, but maybe that’s because your mind is actually still working on them when you stop listening.

When people reach that “all clear” state, they tend to notice.


I agree! No recon does not necessarily mean someone is successfully processing all the subliminal input, it could just as easily mean he/she is not processing anything at all for that matter, if they are listening way more than they really can handle.

People have different strategies to process and act on the sub input (or to avoid doing so) besides that, different people have different levels of awareness of their bodies/emotions and results.


One of the only sub reddits I subscribe to. Came across it by accident from an article on Bored Panda. Makes me even more curious about alternate universes or realities

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But that’s the thing. I get great results from SC subs. Including manifestations that I can only attribute to the subs.

My frustration is that I don’t feel anything usually. And I know there is something just outside my reach. Something more to reality.


It was custom scripted by @Fire called Elite Coder. We want to release it someday, but we can’t come up with a royalty agreement with him (the custom was part of his compensation).


That would be fun as fuck to run with Beyond Limitless and Quantum Limitless

I can relate to that… its ussually how it happens for me too. I stopped feeling frustrated when I realized that its results what Im after and I dont really care much how my mind comes up with the necessary ways of getting them.


I can’t find the actual post that I wrote, but @Hermit also experienced the same thing, where he kept waking up to his brother asking the same question, but slight details of the reality around him seemed to be “off.”

As for Q-Programmer, his fiancee has a Monroe piercing. In his time loop, the piercing had fallen off her face, and she kept waking up him to ask if he was laying on it. However, each time he woke up, something was different about the room. Like, major differences. The bookshelf was in the wrong place, or his girlfriend’s hair was the wrong color, etc.


It’s the part that I cannot see that I’m curious about. Always have been.

The results I’m having allow me to concentrate on that. My results being great in the wealth side of things.

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damm… tbh i really want to experience something like that… might abuse T2…

btw how long until things went back to normal with him?


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I will openly admit I have been running a ridiculous amount of loops of EOG and I fully expect @SaintSovereign to get on me for it but so far the only thing I have experienced is something I shared with @Hoppa last night about if being frustrated and not understanding why people willingly continue to do things for others who complain about it or don’t appreciate it

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The thing is, I don’t think you should be running that many loops. You have had awesome results with few loops, why fix something that isn’t broken?


@Hoppa Feelings of desperation I guess more than anything.


I will be 53 years old in less than two months. Probably one of the older people on the forum. I don’t want to wait ten to twenty years to be wealthy or financially independent


Exactly. The notion that more loops = better results came from the subliminal producers of the past, who didn’t have the tools that we have now to collect and analyze objective data. You guys don’t realize (and some don’t believe us), but Q actually skims the board and pulls posts based on certain parameters, and Q-Engineer goes through the posts and marks whether those posts are positive or negative. They will then proceed to build a report for us, which we discuss and strategize over because we know exactly what’s in the scripts. So yes, we do rely on “observed patterns.” Data coming from our actual users will ALWAYS be better than our personal beliefs – hence why our titles work so well.

What we’ve found is that more loops isn’t ALWAYS better, especially with our stuff. There are some wack producers where more = better because their subs are exceptionally weak. With ours, you need time for the subliminal scripting to integrate with your current belief system, and your life.

That being said, CONSISTENCY is more important than overloading loops. For example, running your subs like you’re supposed to, and working on a project, everyday, without fail. That opens the “pathways to manifestation” and allows you to see how the subliminal is enhancing your work. You’ll get some people saying, “well if you take action, of course you’ll see results, even without a sub.” Yes, of course. But the sub makes it easier and opens more doors. You just have to be honest with yourself when you’re observing whether or not you’re getting results.


@SaintSovereign It’s not that I don’t believe you or @Fire it’s just frustration on my part. Not with the subs but things not moving as quickly as I would like

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It only took two years for us. But we work consistently, everyday, without fail. Take six months to a year to learn a craft, then start building.


I can see the headlines now.
“JCast first person to reach 4-digit IQ.”

Unfortunately he lost what remained of his sunny personality in the process.

Me too. For now, I’d be very happy to get some feedback. Anything that confirms that something is happening. That way I know it’s time to take a break from listening.

Impossible. You do not abuse T², T² abuses you. :wink:

I think it’s human to get something good and wonder if you did more, can you make it even better? Not fixing it, upgrading it.

You just wrote what I think 80+% of the people here are thinking about wealth and sex, myself included. It literally hurts to read it because I agree so much with that.

I don’t recall having seen Saint hang around a thread for this long in quite some time…