Is Anyone Here Actually Getting Significant Results From The Seduction Products?

I have been told by RVconsultant that i am insulting your brain capacity. This is not what i am doing.

You seem to be living in an Alice in Wonderland world. You think these subs have voodoo magic smells bestowed on them. So girls will magically fall for you this is not the AXE advert.

You think Saint and Fire listened to subs and turned their idea into a million dollar business overnight ? No they never they worked long hours.

If you want a super model become the man who gets super models !!!.

RVConsultant is one of the worlds top remote viewers. Do you think he got there because he listened to a sub whilst guzzling down hot dogs…for sure no !!.

You are an intelligent person now read all the advice in this thread and go forth into the world and find a super model.

Good luck friend.


Love you :wink: :joy: I’ll report soon for that on a new journal
Gotta love the biggus Dickus vibe and make it a lifestyle !

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I totally agree with @OldChap

And @Real007
With all due respect to everyone viewing life that way , To be honest i think trying to get only sex is a poor mentality and its something very not fulfilling i would say, i agree whoever says look for experiences moments good times in life not just sex,

Sex comes as an add on to a good life

We all view life differently and im sorry if my opinion isnt what youre looking for,


Who am i to judge on your lifestyle, i think its your right to find what youre looking for , getting laid or whatever the sales page says something you should get it! Not 100% get it you have to work on that, cause its still a sales page, it shows you the potential it can lead you to, not where youre personally heading and developing

But i think subs do actually work pretty good you can see people with their journals, mine too, so why wouldn’t seducction or sex subs wont work too?

Ive been here for 6 weeks and all i can say that results are huge!(not from sex subs)

So dig up whats the problem

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Problem is some people think life is a bowel of fruit. They want the moon on the stick.

@Budewr i have seen some really positive changes in you and i am very proud of your progress keep it up :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your kind words buddy, I appreciate it

I hope nothing but love 2 u :pray:t3::white_heart:



Awwh now just the kissing is missing

do not click here

Sorry couldn’t help myself, I am real sucker for these jokes

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It could be that you can’t find the quantity or quality of evidence to satisfy you here.

You have a few options:

  1. You keep looking here.
  2. You buy a product at SC with the option of returning it within 30 days of purchase if you are not satisfied.
  3. You can try another company’s product.
  4. You perhaps could think of another option.

As of now, I don’t know what else to say regarding this.


Emperor is good for seducing women i had a whale of a time on it and i am back on it. Will be starting a new journal soon…watch this post


Sure, I would say I was using the subs for a month or two before I actually started having a lot of sex. I was rubbing emperor at first which was not the best choice for pure seduction/attraction. My “crazy period” was going from sleeping with under 10 girls in my entire life to around 25 new girls in a 3-4 month span. Best results were by far stacking Iron Throne with Sex Mastery. This was around the time that iron throne was first released. I will say my results were probably abnormal except by one or two other users like AMASH as we both were approaching a ton of women. I had friends that were really big into pick up and we were going around approaching sometimes 100 women a day, traveling to big cities just to game, going to pick up seminars, and literally going out for hours at a time 7 days a week. On top of that I bartend so my social skills were always strong, the subs just gave me that killer instinct.


thank you posting this.

this is exactly the type of results i would expect to be seeing for the seduction products.

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thnak you for posting Meng.

honestly, depending on the guys genetics (facial structure,height,age), 7 girls in 2 months is not that impressive actually. it might sound like a lot to normal people but im super active in this world. im friends with several of the top PUAs and personally know guys who sleep with 80-120 new women per year.

but also it depends on how often this guy is going out. 7 girls in 2 months is less then 1 per week and 1 per week is really the bare minimum in my opinion to be considered a legit seducer/player/whatever you want to call it.

but again depends how often he went out and his genetics.

if he is a 5 foot 8 asian guy going out twice per week and got 7 lays then that is amazing results

if he is a 6 foot 3 macular black guy who went out 5 times per week and got 7 lays then those are honestly bad results.

but either way thanks for posting.





that seems counter productive.

i can see that being useful as an exercise to help eliminate approach anxiety but as an actual strategy to get laid there is no need to be approaching anywhere near that many women per day,

in fact needing to approach 100 in a day means you are getting rejected super fast by almost every girl or you would not had enough time to approach that many.

or i guess maybe you could also have been doing super fast number closes?

for my friends who sleep with 80-120 girls per week these guys are just naturals.

these guys just get laid like crazy without thinking about it.

they are NOT puas and you would never find them on a forum like this but they just sleep around a lot in the nightlife.

ill give you an example.

one of my friends in a 6 foot 7 college basketball player.

how does he sleep with 100+ girls a year?

very simple, he usually goes out 2-3 times per week to the nightclub and he pretty much brings a girl home every time he goes out.

so 2-3 times per week means he goes out clubbing around 120-150 times per year and gets laid 80-90% of the time.

very simple.

all my friends who fuck around 100 girls per year its all mostly nightlife.

i have heard of guys doing it from online/tinder but i hate online game and find it super boring so i do not know much about that.

lol no

Most PUAS are terrible with women and barely get laid at all.

99% of the guys out there who get laid a lot are just naturals who dont know anything about PUA.

only like 1% of people in PUA community get laid a lot

lol no again.

its usually just young college aged guys who party or go clubbing a lot.

most of these guys do not even think about it.

they are usually just tall/good looking and go clubbing a lot they are in some frat at a big university and party 2-3 times per week and get laid at every party and end up fucking 100+ girls a year without even thinking about it.


What is the measurement for a white dude :)?

thank you for sharing your results bro.

if you do not mind me asking.

what are your genetics like {age, height,race,etc…)

and where you doing mostly daygame or nightgame?

what do you mean?

not sure if serious question or you are trolling me honestly.

No disrespect or anything, but are there pepople with goals such like these in life?

To sleep with 80-120 women a year?

Why not settle with a warm relationship, this might be personal, but really why?

@Real007 Your friends are small players ! In my case it is 365 girls a year (sometimes 366, depending of the year). And when I am done with all the girls in the city, I transfer to another city . For now I am doing the cities of Europe. Then after few years I will probably tackle the American continent, I will see.


Most of these pickup artists who do these kinds of things are Psychopaths/sociopaths.

Most of these guys don’t understand that sex is not just a physical act, it is personal and spiritual. This is why rape is worst than assault. When ppl sleep around usually one of them gets hurt ( I am not saying your a psychopath if you are sleeping around).

There is a certain level, how much empathy you must have as a person or how damaged you must be - anyone who sleeps with so many people is either extremely spiritually damaged and need serious help or they are a psychopath.

I think that @Real007 or like the last guy TheRationalOptimist does not need a good subliminal, he needs real help.


I totally agree that theres something wrong

I have the same point of view, I recommend a healing sub

@Real007 Regeneration would fit perfectly

Also ive never heared of PUA in my life its so weird

I mean once you develop yourself and find your true desires

And you make a decision to fix your short comings and you heal your deepest traumas, you’ll get a lot of attraction from girls without trying

Its not just pure physical, were beings not robots