Instilling Greatness - Part II - (Khan/Chosen)

That took courage, will power, and self-discipline!

(I hope you did not get a nutritional deficiency in the process, though.)


It was actually so nice in a way, I lost all cravings and my body had a reset. It was not about survival for I had people I could contact if in dire need, I just didn’t want to be bothered. Although I went down to 62 kg which is quite low. Also it eradicated any FOMO I had left in my system.

It was actually kind of funny when I contacted the authorities in my country a while back to ask for support to get back on my feet. She said in a degrading tone that I could only eat for like 6 dollars a day if I was about to get funds… I told her I lived on 3 dollars a week for 2 months. You could hear a pin drop after that, she was completely silent for a while :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: That’s like so low that even refugees coming would be seen as rich people in comparison lol.


Interesting journal, lol

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:wink: lol

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Godlike Me

Played a 3 minute loop of Godlike Masculinty ZP V2 today. It was the first time in the new updated version, and I got to say it felt very smooth. Just after I got the itch to do stuff, and to work on myself which I did. Ecstasy of Freedom is also pushing me harder to just solve things that I have procrastinated on. Now I’m finding myself without a payment card because the expire date came about, and I’m in another country than my bank. So I’m looking into other options right meow.

Also I’m beginning to feel a push to stand up more for our humanity, and the fact that we men today have been so polluted and scared away from our true nature. Most men are just meow instead of woff… Dare to stand up for your right to freedom and your right to your own choices.

There seem to be 3 kinds of people in this world, or at least how they are wired through all the programming. The first kind is just following whatever they are told, like they have no capacity to think for themselves. The second kind see the bullshittery going on, but are too afraid to go against the grain and say no. Lastly, the third kind is those who see for themselves and stand up for themselves and others.

In the end it always make me shuckle thinking of man and his perceived little problems. Take away all the stuff we humans think are our problems, put us all on the sideline, and you’ll see that the universe and the world we live in just peaceful as ever and chugging along fine. The virus is in our head, just like a leech sucking your blood. The answer is not loking the other way and hoping for it to go away…

Face it, look at it, and deal with it (Emperor Black is a good example). It’s not us looking and seeing our so called dark side that is dangerous, but rather supressing it and being afraid of it (the word toxic masculinity good example here). When we push it away we end up in imbalance and that’s when we do all the crazy things. Masculinity for a man is as natural as anything and is what makes you what you are. The toxic part is pushing it away and denying its existance.

Muddy water is hard to see through, start cleaning the water and you’ll start seeing further and more clear. Anyone who has been scuba diving knows the difference between good and bad visibilty in water :diving_mask:


From Godlike Masculinity objectives list :point_down:

  • Dive deep into what it means to have power, strength, ambition, character, discipline, dominance – and more importantly, develop them.

Internal power, internal strength, internal ambition, which brings out your character and makes you disciplined and motivated, and with that comes natural dominance. Or in other terms, a man.

This sub is not messing around lol :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I always imagined what GLM would be like stacked with Stark.

It sounds like a perfect balancer for Stark if someone doesn’t want to run full Khan.

Just my thoughts :thought_balloon::yum:

How would you compare Khans ground opposed to GLM’s grounding?


I have a custom with Stark and GLM core.

Just finished my first cycle, so I can’t say much about it.

But I can say that Stark’s energy can get quickly super overwhelming when not directed towards a goal - when I’m not working on something, I’m feeling anxious and restless like a little child :smiley:

It’s hard to relax on most of the Alpha subs :smiley:

GLM seems to help manage this and helps calm me down and stay in the present moment.

I’ll see how it’ll express itself further down the road, but I think GLM is a very important complement to Stark.


It would surely be a good fit. For me personally Stark is not really vibing with me, had it in an old custom.

Khan is just more heavy hitting and overall a beast. GLM is more a precision tool and it does exactly what the description says, just as I mentioned in my earlier post. It necessarily isn’t pushing you to be more sexual like Khan do, but just developing masculine traits and to practice them, which in turn makes you more sexy if that makes sense. On Khan you feel more of that sexual energy flowing, and on GLM you feel focused and ambitious. Not saying Khan does not have that too of course. Khan you could say is your dinner, and GLM then might be taking extra supplements of masculine vitamins.


Time To Wash

Ok I just felt an intuitive nedge to end my current cycle on 19 days instead of 21. It’s one of those where you just feel full, just like after a dinner and someone offers you more… No but no thanks :poultry_leg: :-1: So I’ll be starting my probably 5 day long washout today :clock1: Tik tok tik tok…

Next cycle is still planned to be Essence of Man, Ecstasy of Gold St1, and Alchemist St3. Everything now in this stack is ZP-V2 as well :grin: :+1: I have missed Alchemist and really want to pivot a bit more back to the spiritual side to strengthen my meditations :muscle: :brain: Last time I played Alchemist was the 16th of December, so it has been a while.

Also been taking up some dancing :man_dancing: :mans_shoe: again, which is something that I’m sure if I was :one: :five: again, that I could easily have made a big part of my life. At the moment it’s just in front of the mirror messing around with some moon-walking, glide steps and similar. I want to expand this later when I move to include couple dancing :dancer: :man_dancing: I used to do Swedish jitterbug a couple of years back, and it was so much fun :smiley:


EPIC! God’s Masculinity is among the best subliminal. I used the powers from the program to rename it. That’s how strong it is. @Tobyone


Yo @Tobyone , did you feel a huge surge of energy after playing a loop of GLM V2? Or am I being hype? I definitely felt some potency here.


It sounds like putting a V8 VW bug :laughing:

Gets squarely out the hole :hole: But once you grab that steering wheel 🛞 and direct down the track it gets good :+1:

Sound about right?

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Yeah I liked Starks Fame, but not the ungrounded feeling I got ever time I ran it.

But Still Good Subliminal for the playboy archetype :ok_hand::yum:

If feel the same way about Khan, it’s directing me towards self development and meditation rather than sexual pleasure. :wink::fist:t2:

Great description of GLM, it sounds about right. I ran it back at V1 and it was vey masculine driven.

I love the way Khan makes me feel, especially Zp V2… it’s that much smoother than previous versions :raised_hands::sunglasses::heart:


Hah, yeah a bit lol. I just immediately started to do all that I had been procrastinated with all morning. I would describe it as a masculine flow, a soothing energy and a quieting of the logical monkey mind. TIme just seizes to exist and there’s a pull into all that is in the current moment. Your focus is just engulfed in the task just in front of you and nothing else. So if you would call that a surge of energy, then I definitely felt it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Mm, I know what you mean. In my Khan/Chosen custom I have Gloryseeker plus Invincible presence, so that’s pretty much covered the fame part for me in a way that suits me.

Yeah it’s all about what you direct it towards. I have been very introverted in my focus for over two years now on Khan and its been great. But now I’m on a path where I be socializing and building new connections, so I will for sure start to experience a lot of the sexual parts of Khan. This program has completely changed me from the ground up.

Yes it’s way smoother now for sure :metal:


It’s kind of interesting that I decided to washout early this time again. The same thing happened recently with a cycle, and it was just before the full moon that time as well. Maybe there’s a connection, I don’t know. But what I do know is that just as the last time I lived on the country side, I’m so much more aware of the lunar cycles and the way it affects me. My dreams usually becomes more intense and vivid closer to the full moon.

:full_moon: :full_moon_with_face: :new_moon_with_face:


Washout Day 2

Damn I’m already at my second washout day. Not feeling heavy or anything and the night was restful and I’m in a high vibration I’m not at all jinxing myself here :grin: :+1: Also, come to think about it, I’m very much grounded in the place I’m at. I’m able to walk barefoot for long periods in nature here, sun has been shining everyday for the last week, and it’s overall just a warm and calm outside :sunny: :sunglasses:

Yesterday I signed up to a mastermind class within the self-help community with coaches I really like, and that I have been following for a while now :metal: This marks the first time since my awaekening 3 years ago since I’m actively engaging with others a lot except for on this forum, and I notice the social momentum picking up a lot :racing_car: :zap: :zap: Also, I receive daily friend requests on FB again, just as I used to do back in the day. It’s just nice to connect with like-minded people again.


Washout Fun :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops: :crazy_face:

During this washout I had a nudge to start looking into a future custom designed to take relaxation to the absolute limit, and to embody more the masculine polarity of relaxation. I already have my Khan/Chosen custom which focuses on the overall character, but this one would act as a compliment to further my relaxation practice.

This is just first draft of mine :point_down: I might not have 3 cores which is a lot. LBfH is all about love which deeply relaxes you, and is a big part of my Metta meditation. Sanguine to soothe the mind, and Mind’s Eye to aid in the visualization in daily practices.

A Love Bomb for Humanity

A Love Bomb For Humanity attempts to achieve one mission: To instill an incredible sense of self-love within every fiber of your being, and then energetically radiate that love out to everyone you encounter.


The core of Sanguine, a subliminal designed to enhance your ability to maintain your optimism and sense of personal power in all possible situations.

Mind's Eye

Mind’s Eye Q is the subliminal core to add if you desire to take your visualization to the highest levels. Seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting in your Mind’s Eye in incredible detail is now within your grasp.

Harmonic Singularity
  • A no brainer as it does exactly what I intend with the custom itself.

We all hold incredible tensions in our body which ripple through our whole being, affecting not only the body, but the mind and spirit as well. Harmonic Singularity is specifically focused on removing these tensions and making your whole body relax and release more and more. Every bone, muscle, ligament and nerve will progressively become more and more deeply relaxed, helping you excel in any area – physical, mental or spiritual.

Alpha Body Language
  • A relaxed body language is the natural result of relaxation, so seems logical to have.

Develops your body language to the most relaxed, attractive state.

Formless Clarity
  • Synergizes well with my meditation practice, and also nothingness is relaxation.

Have you ever wondered, who are you truly, beneath all the thoughts, beliefs, ideas? What would happen if your mind was truly empty, if you were completely clear? Formless Clarity pulls you into a journey of self-unloading, where all that which is extra is gently let go of, and you are allowed to tap into that purest sense of being without the buzz of thoughts, beliefs, ideas and even the ego – and then helping you bring that profound clarity into your day to day life. For anyone into practices that deal with the ego, Formless Clarity is the module for them. Works beautifully with modules such as Everpresent and The Flow.

The Flow
  • Talks a lot about flow which is being present, and also inner peace, so sounds amazing here.

If you ever believed you were part of something more, The Flow will help you truly understand this. The Flow will help reveal to you the interconnectedness of the universe and the secret of inner peace. You will develop your sense of tranquility, becoming a walking beacon of serenity.

  • Another module that focuses on the present moment, and when not in the head, the body relaxes.

EGO ADSUM will put you into the present moment, helping you shift your focus from constantly thinking about the past and dreaming about the future, and into the present where life is happening.

  • The same reason as the one above this one, and also they synergize well together.

Many of us are living in the future, dreaming of what is to come and of yet to come greatness. Even more are living in the past, repeating their greatest victories and lowest losses. Yet, life is happening in the current moment… and we are missing it. Everpresent puts you firmly into the present moment, making you highly aware and mindful of the present moment and of yourself. Use it to become more in tune with the present or for your spiritual endeavors, and you will see yourself becoming more and more aware each day. You can also use Everpresent if your spiritual practices involve techniques that work with imagining or visualizing future things in the present. Combining with Ego Adsum will provide a powerful synergy – while Ego Adsum shifts your mental aspect into the present, Everpresent will do so from the spiritual standpoint.

Gratitude Embodiment
  • The thought here is connected to love, and gratitude is a nice flowing feeling to be engulfed in, which then also relaxes your whole being.

Gratitude for the things in your life can make you appreciate the gifts you have been given and the possibilities you are provided with. Furthermore, gratitude is a powerful emotion that can help open wider the ways for manifestation in your life, be it in regards to business, love, sports, or simply living. With this module, you will become a powerful beacon of gratitude and appreciation.

Deep Sleep
  • Better and more deep sleep rejuvenates you and therefore is relaxing to your whole being as well.

Sleep is integral to our life – simply think how it is when you don’t get a good night’s sleep, or when you have insomnia. With Deep Sleep, you will fall asleep quickly, easily and deeply, and wake up completely rejuvenated and ready to take on the world. If you have problems with falling asleep, this is a must have.

Hm :thinking: Lion :point_down: looks interesting as well, but it might be a bit too much off the topic and already covered by my other custom.

Lion IV

Calm, nonchalant, focused, dedicated. The Lion module is about creating a sense of relaxed mastery in you. You will notice yourself becoming so relaxed, but at the same time an unshakable sense of power will be coursing through you. You will also massively develop your social abilities, your wit, your composure, your body language, and you will see your status steadily rising as you become more and more in tune with the Lion.

If anyone wants, feel free to come with suggestions.


Washout Day 3

Damn this washout has almost not even been felt. I had a small moment of tiredness today after having eaten a whole chicken :chicken: But after 1 hour of TWIM meditation in the afternoon I was on fire again. This makes me eager to get the next cycle going, although I know I should wait 2 more days :thinking: I’m mostly stoked about using Alchemist St3 again to dominate in my meditation again.

I’m really going through some fundamental change right now! My masculine training I’m doing at the moment is quite intense, and It’s going to change my personality on a fundamental level :weight_lifting_man: :weight_lifting_woman: :muscle:

I’m instructed to focus a lot on the meditation right now, so that’s good and a real challenge. Thinking of going up to two sessions a day, one hour each :thinking: :sunglasses: Guess I will have to see how my state is tomorrow and decide there and then about my washout length.


In 50 words or less, what do you want this custom to do?

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