Instilling Greatness - Part II - (Khan/Chosen)

LOL! Skål my brother, here is to the way of the viking

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Re-Mind (ECHO - ECHo - ECho - Echo - echo)

I just saw a short clip of someone mentioning the circle of control or the circle of influence :recycle: This is that you can only control what your own mind is doing, and that trying to change things outside of yourself is just wasting your time. He said the word remind :point_right: :exploding_head: and it got me thinking of the word it-self :grin: This is something that I do a lot nowadays, to understand the words I use better. The word re-mind to me sounds like mindfulness, to remind yourself to be mindful.

All is just some kind of programming, and lately I also have been very mindful in re-minding myself not to I-dentify too much with the “We” or “I” in conjunction with social constructs such as a sports team or a country :football: :sweden: Examples can be that our country’s national team won a tournament and I say “We won!”… But wait a minute :exclamation::exclamation: I was not there, so they won, but I can be happy about it. Small difference, but big difference in perspective :thinking: “We” were neutral in WW2, damn I must be old as fvck :laughing:

Just think of the international conflicts going on, wars and disputes :angry: :gun: All stems from our identification with a certain country, cult(ure,) or alliance, and then we’re being tricked into a conflict because “they” did something. It’s like little Timmy 4 years old hitting John at school :baby: :hammer: Why did you hit him little Timmy? He made funny faces at me… :crazy_face: That’s about how ridiculous most conflicts are. Our leaders are deeply traumatized, but we are allowing it because we are too, and are unwilling to face it :face_with_head_bandage: :sneezing_face:

Why do we take something so personal because of what we see or hear? Because we have been programmed to be associated with X or Y, and then also trained to listen to authority. But if what we can control according to the circle of influence is ourselves and our own mind, then the only authority should be ourselves, right little Timmy :+1: :baby: And when we are our own authority, we can be guided by our own In-tuition, because HEY, we trust ourselves… :grinning: :+1:


I’ve read about that in the late Coveys book 7 Habits Of Highly Effective people. Good reminder for me to reread that one, because that was more than 10 years ago.


I’m pondering over these words :point_down:

→ Ruthless Acceptance

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Washout Day 5

So currently on my last day of washout. I feel a bit weird because I drank some alcohol yesterday and upset my gut health, but nothing too bad. Most pressure feels like it has gone away from the recon and I otice passive manifestations a bit here and there. A clear one is Direct Influence Aura in my custom, when today I got asked if I wanted to come along to do some shopping. I felt like I did not want to go, but I never had to verbally say it, because ultimately as they talked they steered it in the direction of me not joining and saying that they’ll leave alone without me. I was not even in the same room when this happened.

I have not had those insane moments of flow that I usually get at the end of my washout periods, but that’s just a nice bonus and not something I always expect. I only played 1 loop of LBfH this period as well which might factor in, and Alchemist not even once because I’m still waiting for the upgrade. This gave my custom front row which was nice to really let it go deep right away.

As mentioned in an earlier post, I started this custom in the middle of another cycle after two rest days over new years. All in all I have played it in total of six loops since then before ending the cycle. In the beginning I played a couple of 5 minutes run and then went up to the full 15 minutes.


Today it’s been 5 days of my washout and the beginning of a new cycle. I’m noticing a pattern after having been off from subliminals in that I hesitate to play them again. It’s like going to the gym after some time off and you feel that it will be hard, but once you get going, you are loving it. My mind knows it is going back to processing and integrating, and a small part of it is resisting the change lol.


Smack Baam Boom

First loop during the day of Essence of Man ZP (Khan St4/Chosen) after5 day washout, followed by an immediate boost in comfort and confidence for about an hour. After that I felt like I was hit by a truck :woozy_face: :arrow_left: :truck: or something lol. I found that I couldn’t even read a text properly… :dizzy_face: Not that I felt bad in any way, just very affected by the scripting in it.

This all lifted a bit later in the evening, and I became aware of something that I had planned out last time I had Khan and Chosen in a stack but never followed through with. I will add Chosen: The Way of Nature :christmas_tree: :monkey: :deciduous_tree: :rhinoceros: :palm_tree: to my stack for a cycle or more. I’m still waiting for the Alchemist upgrade and will remove it for this cycle, and I will keep LBfH in as a third.

I thought to myself that I’m already a lot in nature out here on the countryside. I watch the stunning sunsets :sunrise_over_mountains: and sunrises :sunrise:, I work in the garden and with nature almost every day here, and I’m at the beach sometimes, etc. This is a perfect time for me to use CWON in a good way and to really benefit from it.

Also I already have the regular Chosen in Essence of Man, so this combination will be interesting :point_down:

Stacks extremely well with Chosen and Chosen From Within

Chosen x 2

Just reading on CWON’s forum page, it’s quite amazing results people are reporting on there :metal: I have played around 5 loops in total before of CWON, but never regularly. It’s one of those programs that has been on my radar, but that I never really committed to.

After My First Loop (3 min)

I was still feeling the effects from my custom I played earlier, but as soon as I played my first loop of CWON, I became more loose. The tension in my jaws (earlier recon) almost disappeared and my whole body relaxed. Other things I noticed straight away was better vision, increased sensations through touch, and feeling very emotionally stable and strong.

OMG, it just dawned upon me after the loop that I experience literally everyday here the sunrise and the sunset already, it’s amazing! That awareness is something that I love with subliminals, and it leads to more gratitude also just by becoming consciously aware of it.

I took a shower about an hour after the loop and it felt like I had been to a spa or something. My body was all soft and mushy, and I fell asleep like a little baby :baby: :sleeping_bed: :zzz:


I have Harmonic Singularity in my custom, and it seem to work really well together with CWON’s emotional balance and relaxation :point_down:

  • … Complete balance of your emotional life and your emotions. All emotions are healthy when moderated.

I’m ending with the fact Kiwi’s are amazing :star_struck: Best fruit ever!


Tomorrow I’m going to try the new combo of CWON together with LBfH :heart_eyes: I believe that could be a pretty good one, we’ll see tomorrow :drooling_face: :+1:


I was going to report on how I felt after CWON and LBfH yesterday, but life had other plans :poop: :skull_and_crossbones: I never eat crayfish but my family do sometimes, so I said ok and ate 3 of them yesterday evening. For me it’s so much effort to get someting edible for the time spent lol.

What happened was that I started to feel a bit nauseous :dizzy_face: :exploding_head: late in the evening, but did not bother me too much so I went to sleep. I have some small memories of having to turn around all the time in my sleep and my back hurting like crazy, and at last in the middle of the night when I stod up I almost fainted, and I knew what that meant… :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :toilet:

It’s just like a major hungover but without the dizziness, and where you can’t eat almost anything because of the bloated stomach :nauseated_face: :tired_face: I get it why they speak of gut health, because without it, you can’t do almost anything, and the same for the back pain.

Today it feels like I have injected anaesthetic fluid up my frontal lobe, I can’t think for shieeeeyyyy, and my IQ today is probably single digits. Lastly my back is hurting ike crazy after having reacted badly to the food poisioning during the night :dizzy: :alien: And I’m somone who never ever gets sick from foods, at least in many years now.

So if that was CWON’s way of lovingly through LBfH trying to say to me to not eat crayfish :heart: :fish: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Rest my case lol.


Godlike It Is

I been thinking about something lately :thinking: :thinking: Yesterday I tried my Khan/Chosen custom and later that day I played 3 minutes of GLM ZP. It is for sure an advanced stack if you have a lot issues around what true power and masculinity is, and especially in regards to the environment and people around you.

I think that if you are constantly thinking about it, like how everyone gets spooked of you and your awesome powers :ghost: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: then you’re not really there yet, you are just visiting :wave: But keep going and develop and yourself and you will reach the point where it all becomes natural, and you don’t even think about it :thinking: :x: unless for example someone asks you that very question outright.

Maculinity for me is all internal and all the traits that gives men the feeling of being a man (also why I have realized that all the talk about toxic masculinity is just a controlling tool for people to be afraid of exploring their own masculine side, it’s not a weakness but a strength) :point_down:

Power, strength, ambition, character, discipline, dominance.

All traits that describe a masculine man.

And Godlike Masculinity was created to bring out these qualities in you, and not only bring them out, but develop them in the most natural way for you.

But there’s polarity, and as a man also working on the other side is to me a holistic approach to take. I would consider parts of Renaissance Man and such :woman_farmer: :ok_hand: to deal with a lot of feminine traits, and we all have both sides, but just different levels individually.

But there’s no inherent evil :japanese_ogre: :ghost: or scare other parts of it, but it can for sure be off-putting for some (their internal scrapyard) because you are emitting frequncies that just to high and pure for some to bare. But for them to feel afraid of you in the sense that you might hurt them, that is all on you and your beingness :point_right: :angel: Just as I described earlier about you just visiting this place and not living in it yet.

Here’s comes my train of thought to further build upon this IMO :point_down:

  • Raw mascukinity paired up with a radiant Metta energy :muscle: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: which has strong loving boundaries and a high level of compassion, is the most attractive masculine combination IMO. Also add to that extreme mental and physical relaxation.

I’ve seen a rare few men have these qualities, and it’s like they are walking around in a kind of trance state :innocent: :heart_eyes: a flow-state. For those who think that a loving aura is a weakness, you have not experienced what I’m describing yet. A Metta aura is almost impenetrable :melon: :gun: and the most OP-state you can have. How can a man that is so full of self-love and good emotions ever need something out there :man_shrugging: :grin: when he already has it all inside? He’s just enjoying the outside world for what it is eating popcorn :popcorn: :star_struck: and having fun… (hint :wink: it matches his internal world of mushy awesomeness)

Also I have experienced it in it’s raw format years back when I was doing a lot status training and then took MDMA and went out clubbing :grin: :heart_eyes: I became super high status, but I couldn’t care less because I was walking around in my own little Metta bubble of love. I became a natural instantly, and I was exuding all my inherent talents and instincts without effort. But as with all stimulants you take, there’s an upward trajectory and then a downward one, just like a rollercoaster :roller_coaster: :roll_eyes:

As with any state and skill, it can be worked upon, and you will reach higher and higher just naturally by moving forward :walking_man::point_left: Taking a stimulants to get there can show you what is possible, but it’s not the ultimate way (same with subs, it’s a tool), because you are skipping all the steps in between that needs to be worked out. Because when you come back, you are still where you started before the high :grin: It can easily just turn into an addiction and coping mechanism to feel good.

Lastly, an interesting thing that popped up yesterday in my mind; appeal to other’s self-interest. It’s so easy, if you don’t need outside validation, then you don’t need to talk about yourself all the time, and you easily become the most charismatic man in the room :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Just stand out, and you don’t need to look like a :clown_face: doing it. Makes me think of the whole peacocking thing in PUA :joy:

The Effects

Godlike Masculinity just goes to work as it says in the description at anything that can be considered a masculine trait in you :weight_lifting_man: Those things that most men usually skip nowadays in the transition persiod to adulthood, and I’m thinking of all the rituals and hardships young men were put through to detach from parents and go into a independent life :hot_face: :cold_face: :exploding_head: :sunglasses:

This is something I have noticed lately in my life, that I’m more interested in traditional survival things and handycraft. Things like how to make a fire :palms_up_together: :fire: or to grow some stuff by myself :tomato: :cucumber: or just work with my hands (not talking about masturbation here :laughing:) to create something raw from nature…

I wonder what will happen if the internet and it’s domino effects that comes with it would happen? Most people dont have the skills anymore to survive :thinking: Imagine a lengthy blackout and loads of young people dying because they coudn’t order their food from Uber Eats, or Google how to make a fire :rofl: Imagine having to explain that to Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates at heaven…

Right after my loop I did my daily squats and brushed my teeth without even noticing it lol. I had food poising the day before so I was hesitant at going to hard, but that just flew out the window :wind_face: :crazy_face: Talk about multitasking big time.

On GLM, you just get shit done! Because that is highly masculine thing to do, and it’s up to you decide if that is how you want to do things. Sometimes I just maybe want to paint something or sit in the sun doing nothing, and thats okay. But be aware that GLM will push you… :smiling_imp: :boom:

Ok, so that was a long rant :laughing: What did I achieve in portraying :thinking: I can’t remember lol. But to wrap it up, GML is an awesome little sub that does exactly what it says, no need to complicate it. It may be to heavy for some to pair, but if you have done a lot of ground work on yourself, I’d say it’s just an awesome compliment to any stack :+1: :100:


This is exactly how Khan/Chosen Feels… Reminds me of my high school days where I used literally ditch class to go dance in front of like 50+ kids. OMG I freaking love it :heart_eyes:

I can see why GLM gives you a boost to get up and get it done, but I will say I experienced the same thing with just Chosen/Khan. It felt more like inspired action compared to me forcing myself to do something. As a Manifesting Generator according to Human Design that’s exactly how I’m meant to live - Inspired Action :heart::sunglasses::fist:t2:

Love reading your experiments with your stack, something different everyday :ok_hand::star_struck::joy::heart:


I don’t understand what you want/can to achieve with Khan + Chosen. To make it simple for me could you give me an example of someone in real life or fiction that would embody this archetype?


There are 2 forces at play here. Khan is like Gravity. The Gravity of Dominance and Masculinity. Chosen is like Light. The Light (and warmth) of Inspiration.

Both Khan and Chosen also have leadership qualities. Khan is similar to the Alpha of Alpha module while Chosen is closer to the Leader of Men module. Not exactly but am mentioning them for illustrative purposes.

Being close to a person who is running Khan + Chosen is like going close to the sun. You will be pulled in by the gravity and there’s light galore.

Khan is hard while Chosen is softer.

The yin and yang balances things out.

Unfortunately no examples come ro mind immediately. Think of it as a warrior (Khan) who knows when to sheath (Chosen) his sword and lead by his being instead of only using violence.

A soldier who is also a gardener.

“It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in war”

But then there’s Samwise The Brave from Lord of the Rings. A gardener and warrior. That’s not a bad example I guess.

Only got to know a couple of months ago that am a MG too. Don’t know much about but I read the general description and it sounded like my type of manifesting. Waiting for stuff to happen lol.

As I get older, I think about this too. Wisdom comes with age while knowledge drowns the youth.


Archetype IDK 🤷

But it does feel like a dance between the Sun :sun_with_face: and Earth :earth_americas:

The moment the Sun breaks through the clouds my body begins to fill with absolute joy :heart_eyes:

It feels amazing :star_struck:

But do remember you have to go through Khan St1 before stacking these together. :sunglasses:


Hmmm :thinking: I find that most schools of thought teach Doing something to manifest something, whereas a MG waits for the manifestation to arrive from the universe and then waits for a gut response as to whether to take action or toss it out. I find the moment I’m in frustration I back the fvck out and go do something that the fastest path to my joy :star_struck: works every time.



Spot on description :ok_hand::wink:


That’s the way it should be :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

Thanks for the kind words :pray:

We already have it, but we have forgotten it. When we find our own expression and align with it, magic happens.



I don’t really have an archetype or idol, never been interested in fame and other people that much. I just want to find out what works for me and after 2 years of Khan, I added Chosen and it made it click for me.

I have always been the calm quit typy that attracts people into my energy. Khan to me is just pure Zen and it puts me into that deep masculine presence and flow that is so nice. Chosen gives me that crazy vibrant aura and charm, and also crazy levels of inspiration and hope. There’s just something for me at least with this combination, hard to explain, but easy to just know how it feels.

In the end I’m just unabashedly me, unapologetic and authentic, I guess that’s my archetype :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Good examples, and a lot of truth to it, thanks @Lion :pray:

I have heard of Lord of The Rings but not the guy you mentioned, that’s how little I know of the fame world :laughing:


A Crazy Triad

I went to a restaurant today with my relatives. When we got there the guy working there was extremely courteous and laid his hand on my several times with a big smile on his face, and I was just feeling crazy zen and in a Metta-loop I was doing in the car. The dinner was really good and the waiter asked me if I wanted some more vegtebles, and I say sure. I didn’t expect him to go and cook more of them and also bring in more free complimentary potatoes as well :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Ever since adding Chosen: The Way of Nature, I have noticed how people are more nice to me and everything around me seem more harmonious. At the restaurant they had a rescued :ambulance: stray
:cat2: that was roaming around, and it went straight to me, and it wouldn’t leave me even though they tried to call it back :point_down:


This is something I have read other’s have reported to on CWON. And I got to say that it goes very well together with the regular Chosen that is in my Khan/Chosen custom. I really like the idea of lines of sublimnals that build up on each other :+1: :ok_hand: