If you had 100 000 000 dollars and 10 000 years to live, what would you do?

Just a fun exercise that shows that most people don’t even have a clear goal to strive for.

Ideally you should spend 4 hours on it or more

-well, I’d probably go travelling…
-well, idk…
-you have the money, where would you go first?
-well, idk, probably Italy
-Which city?
-I don’t know…

And so forth lol. People really have no idea what they would do with the money, how can they expect to have any discipline when working on it?

BTW, this exercise isn’t planning! It’s getting clear on your desires

There’s nothing fun if you have the exact plan on how you will spend your “fun money”. You can visit Italy by the guide “Top places to visit in Italy” and get zero enjoyment or you can just ride a bike into nowhere and get much more amazing journey


:ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand: exactly

I remember a course I bought from Udemy about planing your life for a thousand year it was acceptable and gave me a lot of insights .

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Invest it , learn every career that pays 6 figures, learn every language, smash half the female population :rofl:

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Orgy every day, except weekends for regeneration.


I would just relax and chill, what’s the rush… I mean not that I’m in a hurry :joy:


I mean, be real, you will be doing something

It’s a serious exercise. I wasn’t joking that it takes 4 hours

If you diligently complete it, figuring out your exact desires and what you’d possibly be doing with those time and money assets, you will be very motivated and will easily start working on your goals

It’s one of the components of will to live - knowing what to live for

“He who knows why can bear almost any how”



Oddly enough, I’d just be doing the things In already doing but more often. Go gym, create and push through content I want to share… Maybe even employ few artists to do that for me under my guidance. Finance it so it gets a worldwide reach and hangout with people I love in the meantime. Be who I want to be and share the kind of content I love with the world so it can grow like it allowed me to grow. Maybe finance the hobbies of close friends that I care about. Let them live rent free in my apartments. Help them get their shots. Their own reach. Share that wealth with them so they can shine even more too.


I will contemplate it tomorrow thoroughly….but for now….I will probably say pay off all the debts……give my mom one million …then I will first travel around the country….might pick one place to settle down or not…who knows…I will just make sure it is fun……probably do a lot of onstage singing performances ….yeah pretty much like that….maybe find some interesting artist and do some projects together…. :upside_down_face:

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Contemlate on it deeply and come back with the response if you want, that would be great

do you know where exactly? like, imagine you are at the airport already and you only need to buy a ticket

Travel where, do what - the deeper you can go in that fantasy, the more you will get out of this exercise

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I would train MMA every single day all day long and use my money to buy the best food, best trainers, best equipment, best everything.



Feels like this would be a 2 tiered process for me

First stage of life

Buy a house, build a music studio, make a ton of music, escape the rat race and any and all financial concerns. Get to experience life and self growth in a way not available to those under the crushing weight of financial concerns.

Second stage of life

If I’m living 10,000 years. Inevitably I’m going to exhaust my list of very human desires most likely in less than 100 years if we’re honest. Once that happens I’ll probably end up committing to trying to figure out how to help people who are prisoners in their own minds and can’t be happy or fulfilled. I want the shortcut, the magic bullet that helps people get the most of their lives within the limited existence they have. All this talk I hear about the journey and destination and going through trials and self growth and the human experience, mehhhhh. Can we at least try the alternative to see if people like it before we write it off altogether? Admittedly some human experiences are good, some aren’t and don’t add value so I don’t see why we need to hold onto them as human beings.

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This is not a goals question, it’s a survival exercise.

$100M will be practically worthless in just 100 years, so the first thing one will HAVE to do is buy 1000 Bitcoins and 100 kgs of Gold bars.

Then, figure out how to get a new passport / citizenship every 30-40 years, in a way that resets your age in public records constantly.

Everything else is inconsequential. Do whatever you enjoy for now, just avoid scenarios that can kill you prematurely.

You may also run HOM, buy lands in various countries, start multiple families, and launch your global empire. But you’ll need to be more prudent how you go about it, as … $100M is too small an amount.



“Hey, big spender! Spend a little time with me!” that famous line from a song from the 1960s that amount of money would last me a 1000 years :slight_smile:


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Cruel and adorable at the same time

Like you were describing me :slight_smile:

Honestly, me too when I was a kid…

Did you also change the admin code to the database for others?
Or did you add some extra characters in the very long code?