I don't know what to do anymore

Some fantastic recommendations here for you regarding subs! Taking action is a crucial part though, so I’ll offer my 2c in that area.

In terms of healthy diet & fitness, most of the conventional wisdom out there is complete and utter SH*T. Insulin is a huge driver of fat storage (and fat loss, when used properly) which is part of why both fasting and keto diets work. There are definite benefits to being in a ketogenic/fasted state, one of which is effectively reducing blood sugar and correspondingly dropping insulin.

I’m not a doctor, so I’ll recommend reading all of Dr. Jason Fung’s books on insulin, diabetes, and fasting. If you’re so inclined, his book on cancer prevention ties the previous books all together with more of a long-term health perspective, but it’s not a necessary read for just improving health.
As for lifting etc at the gym, check out the book Body By Science, by Doug MacGuff. Spend an hour a day in the gym if you enjoy it, sure… but results can be achieved with a much lower time spent. It’s like vitamins… no point in taking a 1,500mg pill if your body can only absorb 200mg at a time and you pee out the rest. Minimum effective dose is important.


Thank you for the Dr. Jason Fung book recommendation on fasting approaches, @BLACKICE. That’s exactly what I’m looking for right now. I know of the work of Dr. Peter Attia, but was looking for something a bit more portable and rapidly applicable. This is a great place to begin.

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Dr. Attia is one of only 2 doctors I follow actively, the other is Dr. Rhondra Patrick. I should follow Dr. Fung too, so far I’ve just read his books.

@ksub - the DR sales page itself says to not run DR as a first title. One needs to have run something like Emperor before running DR. And we need to understand that such advice isn’t given lightly.

Also, titles like Ascension and AM has healing components included in it like Rebirth. Best then to start with titles like Ascension and Ascended Mogul that will give quick results that will encourage a new user faster.

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Then something like Regeneration would work too.

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Elixir, Regeneration and Rebirth are excellent healing titles to begin with, I agree (especially Elixir + Regeneration).

But if the guy wants to start with something like AM, it would still be a solid choice. Healing is inbuilt into most of subclub products (except Iron Throne).

Want more healing? Go right ahead. The excellent thing about subs over here is that we can build foundations later too.


It might feel hard but it’s just your perception. Once you start feeling better about yourself life will glow up.

I would go with dragon reborn. And also add some workout can be walking or anything+ meditation.
Just changing your diet and talking a walk help a lot. You can also drink cinnamon and lemon which increase your metabolism.

No matter where you are at right now it don’t matter. Just improving yourself 1% everyday will change your life after a year or more.

I wish you luck and love on your journey. And welcome to the forums :slight_smile:

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@Malkuth I recommend this new quest on fasting by Mindvalley, it’s pretty awesome.

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Ascension is the way to go as a lot of people have mentioned.

However, I would also look into some personal development/self help material that can help you setting some goals and making a plan for achieving something you’re proud of.

I know that a guy like Tony Robbins is a dividing figure, but I think that the book Awaken The Giant Within or even better the audio program Personal Power II are great places to start, if you are completely new to this kind of stuff.

Good luck - With the help of these subs and other ressources, in a year or two you’ll be much further along than you could ever imagine!!


Many of us have been in a similar dark pit and we’re all here for you.
First let me say, you are going to have to be patient here. These subs are the fastest way I know of to make deep personal change, but it still won’t seem that fast when you’re in it.
For you, I’d say start with Ascension. Run it by the book for a year. Maybe add in Regeneration or Rebirth after six months, but stay with Ascension for twelve months.
The main thing you’ll get from that is an increased sense of self esteem and your own value. Everything all of the other subs do works off of that base, so take the time to build it.
If you do that, and journal, I promise you your world will look very different on 10/18/2022.
Only after you’ve done that would I recommend Dragon Reborn. That is a rough one and not a good idea to start with.


Two choices:

  • Ascension
  • Dragon Reborn. Warning: this is a challenging title. But very rewarding. You may hear about my eight-month run in A SubliminalUser is Reborn.
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Welcome to the club, where zeroes could turn to heroes!

You’ve been offered great insights from everyone. I’d also throw my coins into the Ascension hat as a major. You need that foundation!

If by this you mean that you’ve followed diet programs and exercise routines, yet your body just won’t let go of that darn fat, then I would recommend checking your Thyroid levels, it could be the culprit! If not, I’d recommend a Ketogenic diet for a quick solution. Fasting could be even quicker, but depending on the setting and one’s life situation, it might not be the best option long term. Especially with the winter approaching.

I get you, its one of the society conditioning that does a lot of harm. Adopt a practice of meditation and start connecting with your self and your heart; never too late.


Thank you so much for all the great advise. This seems like a great community

I have been thinking what my most important goals would be and for the first one I think it is best go with ascension.

My second goal is just to find my perfect woman and just settle down. What would you recommend for that? From the store it seems heartsong is great, but wanted is a great too. What would you guys recommend?

Heartsong for Love, Wanted to be the mysterious wanted man.

You say that as if it’s an easy goal. :wink:

But, it is possible.

I was using several random dating sites and met girls that were cute, but I had NOTHING in common with them. Finally, a friend convinced me to try E-Harmony specifically, and honestly, the girl I met on there was so perfectly matched to me that I couldn’t have done a better job if I’d spent a year trying.
I went from feeling alone and despondent after ̶a̶ ̶r̶e̶l̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶h̶i̶p̶ an “it’s complicated” crashed and burned to dating a new girl within 3 months… we got engaged on the 1 year anniversary of dating, and were married within 4 months after that. That was 7 years ago.

I didn’t have the benefit of subliminals back then, but I did have some Hypnotica-style confidence boosting hypnosis which definitely helped with my approach. I was still a bit of a potato back then (and I think I still am now) plus I was a recovering sad sack too… I still went after the cutest girl I matched with, and to this day I’m not quite sure why she picked me… ok, I’m kidding. Mostly.

The best advice I can give is to make yourself the best possible version of yourself that you can be first (and then keep working on it). Then, and this is important… Look for a girl you like that you find attractive… not a girl that you find attractive that you like.

aka… Narrow the selection to what is a very good match, and then find the prettiest one from that group.

Good luck!


I would add to this: Enjoy your life. Do things that make you happy, but also at the same time make you an interesting person.

Be passionate about something.

Do something wild like sky diving.

You’ll have stuff to talk about.

Aim to be happy on your own. The girl will not make you complete.

When you are happy, the girls will see/sense it. And they will love it.


YES, this. :+1:

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I agree with Ascension but please give yourself at least 6 months before switching to something else. You could also add Regeneration for healing.

As far as your second goal… my opinion is : don’t be in a hurry to settle. You still have to find what type of woman you like. Play around a little and experiment. Have fun using your newly established alpha male status. :rofl:

The amount of times I’ve seen people suggest this to new users is amazing to me. That isn’t a good thing. I completely agree with you.

This really shouldn’t be suggested, at all, to new users.

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Regeneration (maybe reimagined as DR Lite) would be better than the full DR as a starting point to healing, but I’m eager to see how the ZP rollout shakes things up. Too many things changing right now to really estimate what the options will be after the subliminal dust settles. :slight_smile: