I came across This Review of Subclub. It's so cool!


He’s how I learned about Sub Club. He’s been pretty quiet lately. Hope he’s okay.

Is he on the forum?

I remember him doing a live stream and people asked him if he was @DarkPhilosopher lol
I first found his channel by looking for reviews on pheromones that’s how I came to know about him

I think I saw a review of him for Alchemist on a link to some Forum here.
I do find Sub Club do massively shift my state and experience of life though.

I learned a lot from this thanks for posting,
I have a lot of experience with the other place mentioned as well
and it’s good to hear the differences.

I don’t know if this is DarkPhilosopher lol but sounds like he knows the founders

I am very inspired after watching his review.

He mentioned that after listening to Ascended Mogul for a period of time, he had some customers out of the blue for his own business after a long period of zero sales.

Well, one of the things that I always wished for is that some companies that I went to job interviews with but rejected me a long time ago would call me up suddenly out of the blue and want to employ me for a certain role.

Same for the girls who had rejected me in the past.

Not like I would definitely jump back and take up these opportunities if they come again because times have changed.

I guess it is the craving of that feeling, the feeling of being in the position of strength at the end of the story, that feeling of not being the loser that I have been yearning for. It is the feeling of being in the position to choose and not waiting to be chosen.

Perhaps, I may not accepted the belief that I should just move on just because because “one door closes and another door opens”. Often, I felt like that line is just a means of comforting me for my loss and on many occasions, I didn’t see any other door opening.

Anyway, I am motivated to carry on listening to my subliminals now. The day may come when I make a review online like this guy.


He said that he isn’t. Though he has liked one or two posts.

what’s up y’all?

it is I, Arjuna Adjinna.

I do visit this forum every once in a while, to see what’s new with the subliminal space. I am a huge fan of Sub Club (as you may have been able to tell from my videos). I also think this company is dedicated to its customers by creating ultimate value for us.

Nice to see there are people that are getting value from my video(s). It inspires me to make more.

I haven’t put a video up in a long time, so I’m over due for one :woozy_face:


And you are part of the testers and founders club which is probably why you dont pop up a lot lol.

I believe he is however he prefers to remain shrouded in secrecy. He is good guy I like him see his other videos.

uhh…you saw that he just posted 2 messages above, right?

Anyway, yes, agree with you. Great videos.

@Nameless are you considering a new subclub video soon?

I did not see that ahaaa :slight_smile:

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If you follow his channel, which is very informative and/or entertaining, he most recently reviewed
a different subliminal program in May it looks like. Perhaps we’ll get another sub club review soon.

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First off i want to thank all of you for your support. I enjoy making videos and speaking about topics I’ve spent half a decade obsessing over. It gives me a great sense of satisfaction and honor that my pastime hobby serves you all and brings value to your life.

I have been largely inactive on YouTube because I have an opportunity for major success at my career, so my attention has been focused on that.

I think I know a way for me to combine both my channel and my career and not detract away from my purpose.
With that being said, I’d like to do a review on a financial sub.

Which one do you suggest I run and then review?


First of all, welcome! And thanks for the great videos! Your video on Alchemist (when it was first being released) was what got me here. I usually watch you to connect with someone else who works with Damon Brand and Gallery of Magick workings.

Secondly, one idea would be for you to create a high-powered wealth generation Custom subliminal. Have you already run Ecstasy of Gold? I thought you might have talked about it before, but I can’t remember. If so, then adding EoG stage IV into a custom with the seven main wealth modules in the Q store would be cool. And then adding in any general Results Enhancement modules that appeal to you.

(The 7 main wealth modules are: Financial Success Reality Shifter, Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy, Debt Annihilator, Wealth Limit Destroyer, Sultan, Positive Being Attractor - Wealth, and Secrets of Akasha-Wealth.). Those could be combined with Manifestation super chargers like Jupiter, Yggdrasil, and so on or with other results enhancers.

Anyway, that’s one possible idea. The benefit is that this (i.e. custom built subliminals) is the leading edge of current Sub Club tech and has name-embedding for much more effective integration of the subliminal messages.

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For a financial sub review the 4 stage Ecstasy of Gold :slight_smile: !


I got a video up! Most people probably won’t care about this type of content. it’s just me placing an order on the Q store, and talking about it as I go through the site. You can expect a video on my results in the not so near but not too distant future :wink: