How To Stop Wanking (To Porn)

Awesome man. Funny as kids we are the most free and outgoing and in tune with our primal beings. We are not obsessed with getting laid to feel whole. So we aren’t running to porn to fill in any void. But then society shits us out. Check out Elliot Hulse on youtube he’s awesome when talking about things like this. Been looking into his bioenergetics videos. I think you’d really like his video with Troy The Health Nut lol. It’s gold.

The triggers are big. Porn literally rewires our neural pathways. Studies show the rush is similiar to doing a line of blow. Takes time to heal. YourBrainOnPorn helped me understand all this. The more we are aware of the underlyingmechanics of a certain process, the less it can blindly controls us. I believe that is the key. Whether it is journaling about why you jerk off, discovering your triggers, learning about the physical/psychological changes to the mind/body/spirit, etc.


This is getting too reductionist. You can keep going further and further. What are we coping from? Is there any activity that isn’t a cope? Well that doesn’t even matter and isn’t the point. The point is that, you can replace porn with better practices and activities other than useless shit like video games.

I don’t feel like analyzing that big wall of text that was pasted. But I think you’re making it harder than it needs to be. Just read the whole thing with no biases and see if it helps you.

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I still have the common diaster luring around waiting for any opportunity to devour me, I have to shatter any beliefs that leads to this cycle.
I can say I mostly go into this when I go back to

•my mum’s basement,
•have no plans for a particular day,
•any sense of loneliness and frustration,
•browsing beyond 11pm in the night

Read this

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Do you think masturbating for a long time (9yrs currently) could reduce ones growth -size, height ?

Well, there is no evidence/studies that directly tested this.
What we know from studies is that repeated ejaculation has the chance to reduce prostate cancer when you’re over 50yo.
Under that age, it actually increases it. Then again, just by a small margin.

However, your best blood cells are used to create the sperm and it takes roughly 4 full fledged meals to replenish the nutrition. That’s the body usage. If you grew up with a shitty diet, it could have had an impact.

See COULD. There is no hard science on that. It’s all bro-science so far.

Outside of that, we know it makes you irritating, depressed, feeling lethargic etc.
We also know that our body is shaped and created/grown by our feelings/mental setup/subconscious mind.

If it weren’t, physical shifting with the subs weren’t a thing.

That negative energy surely had an influence on how your body developed.

This means, it definitely didn’t HELP your growth to shoot your load daily.

We don’t know for sure, because there is no way to test this yet. But by what we know about the subconscious and new findings on how our feeling DIRECTLY influence the body, it should have definitely stifled growth of your body on all areas.


Depends on your genetics … Could be yes, and also your lifestyle.

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