How to stack ZP and Qv2 titles?

I had extremely good results with Khan when I ran high loops.


@Sub.Zero am i right in saying there should be a 24 hour window between running ZP and terminus/qv2

I really hope Saint can come up with an official recommendation for terminus and ZP.

Yes, definitely.

Mind that the routine Iā€™m using is experimental and although Iā€™m getting nice results I feel my mind being saturated all the time and that indicates that my mind needs some more room for processing so a lighter protocol could be of better use.

I needed only two loops to get great results but running sixteen was effective tooā€¦ but not proportionally more effective.

Anyhow, ZP is just another story although it feels as if you could run it at higher loops. I havenā€™t tried that and I donā€™t really see any need to do so. That being said, on ZP you will have to find your sweet spot too, Iā€™m afraid. But I would never go crazy on ZP as I did on Q when it comes to the number of loops.


I think my Qv2 T2 custom was good practice for me. I kept strictly to the recommended patterns even if I didnā€™t notice any results. Iā€™m guessing I could have pushed the loops up, but for some reason I felt like I needed to get rid off my old listening habits. And it seems I was correct with that.

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Ia there any difference from the list of titles Saint announced a few days ago?

You may be in trouble on ZP then. It feels so ethereal that you can easily assume that nothing is going on. Sometimes you need to be really attentive and introspective to see how much youā€™ve changed, especially since ZP doesnā€™t enforce changes on you like Q does. Almost all the changes youā€™re experiencing occur within your natural pathways of manifestation, therefore, mental frictions (previously ā€œreconā€) donā€™t occur almost at all.


I didnā€™t notice anything with the older tech eitherā€¦ But still got the results. I do not remember my old mindset. I just changed. Not a problem for me.

Now I just know to be more mindful about the changes. Maybe I will notice them more.

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Iā€™m sure you will since theyā€™re really dramatic. The thing is those changes come to you so rapidly, naturally, and ethereally that you may assume they were always part of you. That is not far from the truth since ZP is about opening and reinforcing your natural pathways of manifestation. Opening and reinforcing those parts of you that responded to the scripting since they were both in alignment, in alignment with who you really are deep down.

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The talk about the archetypesā€¦

Been wondering if itā€™s possible to change yours, if you donā€™t like it. Intellectually wondering about the theory.

For example, Iā€™m highly introverted and there are times I feel like it is a weakness for me. Other times Iā€™m happy that Iā€™m introverted, as there are situations where it is an advantage for me.

If it was possible to ā€œflip a switchā€ between the two sides when needed, it would be great :smiley:


@Lion had that experience:

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Speaking of introversion vs. extroversion; aside from being more talkative/social/expressive, as I understand the main differentiator between introverts and extroverts is where social interaction drains the introvert and energizes the extrovert. I was wondering if the testers here can chime in on that aspect when they felt more extroverted or the other way around. From @Lionā€™s experience, he desired to be around people more, but did those interactions also charge your social battery?

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Like @Sub.Zero said, I did have this experience.

Also @Invictus did mention before that he could switch between CHOSEN and WANTED archetypes whenever he ā€œchoseā€ to or ā€œwantedā€ it.


This is a good question.

In fact, previously I was an introvert who felt drained when in social situations. Even with WANTED Qv2.

After running WANTED QZP for 4 to 5 days, I began to feel energized in social situations.

Either it changed my personality to more of an extrovert from introversion or it made me adapt to the situation so that I could take advantage of it by being more extroverted.

I began to love people even more, became more talkative and felt like an extrovert.

This was a surprise to me as a person who took pride in being an introvert (am an INFJ and if you know them, they like to harp on about how rare their type is lol).

The funny thing is that i took an MBTI test after a few days of running WANTED QZP and ended up being ENFJ. Previously I always got INFJ but now this.

More interesting was that I actually liked the result. In the past few years, I had a desire for more extroversion and I think Zero Point pushed me towards what I ā€œwanted.ā€


I wanted highlight the good news.

So people write this date in their diaries.

Myself and WhiteTiger are celebrating on wednesday feel free to join us. If anyone want to join feel free to come along.


Awesome, thanks so much for your detailed answer!

I think the last thing you said is so interesting, building on what @Sub.Zero said about coming into alignment with your true self. I know Subclub has never been about forcing something on our subconscious, but rather working with it and advancing everyoneā€™s personal potential. Not necessarily thinking in terms of archetypes but rather your personal blend of desires of what you think is the best version of yourself.

Iā€™m an INFP myself, Iā€™ll definitely do an MBTI before and during to see if something changes. Would be funny to see if thereā€™s gonna be a change, or if I truly believe that this suits me best and gives me the best chance at success in life.

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Ohhh yeah mate, Iā€™ll do a MBTI a month after I start my ZP stack, currently am ENTP and always have been (Iā€™m close to ESTP).


Exactly! Even though past builds like New Dawn, Q and Qv2 also did this, Quintessance Zero Point brings us closer to our true selves.

And hence why it is called Zero Point since ZP means (0, 0, 0) on the mathematical co-ordinates, our center, our point of origin.

Looking forward to it :+1:

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It would be interesting to see the results, bro. Do let us know on your journal.

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yes this is true, everytime I want to ā€œbecomeā€ an archetype (to bring it out more), I just close my eyes and command my brain (by thinking, not out loud haha) to bring out either WANTED or Chosen.

for example: I went out yesterday and before I left my car, I closed my eyes and said ā€œokay brain, bring out WANTEDā€ and I was embodying less of Chosen.
then at night when I was posting on the forums, I told my brain ā€œbring out the Chosen leadershipā€, and well, you can see the posts and judge for yourself.