How To Cultivate The Mind's Eye?

Perhaps successful manifestation requires one to first learn how to “unsee” before “seeing”, just like sometimes one has to “unlearn” before “learning”.

If your glass is already full of the thing you don’t want, you have to empty out the glass before you can fill it with what you want…

I’ve been watching a lot of manifestation videos from Joseph Alai. My interest and willingness to do this kind of stuff has gone up since starting my custom which has Mind’s Eye and a few spiritual elements. I tried out the list method today, let’s see what happens.


All I can think of when I see his name is Jai Alai. :smirk:


(he probably gets that a lot)

ps. Think I’ll check him out. Good luck with the manifesting.


*I have manifested some stuff and will continue to do so. I mentioned this in Man For Himself, will continue to do so. This is quite a change. :smiley: *

His channel is really good. I can’t say I’ve been hooked on any manifestation channel before. Also found this nugget of wisdom (to answer questions using blue ink when writing) from yourself thanks to @PurpleRT73 :slight_smile:

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I bought his coaching session a long time ago. He recommended to me a self-hypnosis book.

Well, here you are in a subliminal community!

Yep, and this is why healing is so important. Here’s some of the angles I’ve approached healing recently:

  • Subliminal: Blue Skies module
  • Other audio: Chakra Healing. Currently listening to this for the heart chakra.
  • Meditative: A meditation for “completing the past” that I’ve been doing daily.
  • The general introspective process and awareness to catch my thinking patterns. I continue to be astonished at how some of the things that are in my life really can be traced back to certain thinking patterns, such as “People are always like this.” So I can see how I have always been manifesting.
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Looks like I manifested your post.

That’s from feb ‘19. Wow.

Yes… But well your manifestation doesn’t always come instantly.

Yep that’s true. Did nobody else really post about this in the meantime though? That’s surprising.

Also by the way that original post is written, it is as if it itself is its own manifestation

Read more in the post to find out.

@Hermit/@Malkuth what are your thoughts on such manifestation methods such as 55x5? I tried that one in the past and it didn’t do anything back then.