How is Subliminal Club's scripting different

Long story short: SubliminalClub’s subs are scripted to work WITH your subconscious, not AGAINST your subconscious.

A longer explanation:
That’s an old post, but still gives an idea as to how SubClub is different. Now HOW they manage to do this so effectively is a trade secret.


Are you taking a stab at me? :wink:

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Funny enough, your reply popped up on my screen a few seconds before I posted mine!

So you really reckon that listening to fewer subliminals is more effective? What about if you’re not getting results after three months? Do you switch then?

Thank you

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This is great, thank you for the response. It is very interesting and it does convince me to some extent to try it out. I guess I will never find out the exact way in which this is done

Thanks. The issue I have is that the number of topics on here is limited, whereas on YouTube it is pretty unlimited. But where possible it would be great to make the switch

The free subs on YouTube are of low quality at best, and at worst actually contain malicious material. It’s kind of like free software, it’s likely to be junk, and likely to contain viruses. That’s why they’re free.
I would suggest you at the very least go with an actual sub company. I have found two, and this is one of them that get better results than the rest.


May I ask which the other one was?

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I won’t recommend another company’s products on this one’s forum. If you look around, you’ll see some references though.


When Q goes public, there will be more than enough choices for you to get exactly what you need.


Looking forward to the physical change modules

Listening to fewer subliminals will provide quicker, concentrated, more noticeable results ye definitely.

Not getting results could have many reasons.

First it could be a bogus or poorly made subliminal. Check the source.

It could be that if your playing ultrasonics your having equipment issues.

Also you may be in data receiving mode. If you stop listening for a week you would go into data execution mode. your mind would start pushing you in the direction of the subliminal and you would notice results of that was the case.

Or somewhere after you started listening to a particular sub you started getting results, but then you started going against the subliminal by not taking action. When that happens your subconscious will block the subliminal out because it got the message that your not approving it. In this case you would take a break say a week or two then go back to listening and this Time taking total action.

Or you may not be noticing results because it has been designed in a way that makes you not notice the changes ( an attempt to bypass the resistance to changing, which i don’t think they do that here at sub club). In this case others would notice the change depending on the type of subliminal.

Also I’ve noticed personally that listening to subliminals whilst in a theta brainwave state (hypnosis) significantly increases results speed. That’s my way of listening actually.

These are just some of the reasons. Many more.

Also don’t wait for the subliminal to make all the changes for you. Start transforming your life now consciously and your subconscious will follow. Take care

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Wow! Never thought of it like this

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So does that mean if I was to start working at someones real estate brokerage in six weeks and I stopped listening two weeks prior to starting I would do better since I would be in doing mode?
what gave you this idea?

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This is pretty much conjecture, the rate at which people absorb subliminal programming is not generalizable.


It depends on you and how the subs are affecting you. Nothing is concrete. You would have to experiment to find out really if this is The case for you. These are just a variety or possibilities that have been observed by people who noticed these results on subliminals. Most of them i have experienced in my self as well. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is applying to you.

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Your right man. Everybody is different and reacts differently. It’s kinda like how pharmaceuticals effect people. Strength Dosage and time of action are all different from person to person.


@R.E.M.P.O how do you put yourself in theta wave? Like meditation or some sort?

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Whoa, way to wake up an old thread. Here’s another one you can wake up: :wink:

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@DarkPhilosopher did you buy that and try it though?

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