How does Recon Manfiest into your life?

hello ! if you guys would kindly write down how does recon manfiest in your life

Since everyone is diffrent, theres no size fits all sympton

would be grateful if you guys can mention how do you know if its recon that youre feeling :heart:

ill start first:
i never feel recon hahahhahaha
no seriously, ive never felt recon until i made a washout, before that no recon whatsoever

just overload when i increese loops, recon hit me once ive done a washout, a harsh one

:pray: :prayer_beads:


If I felt like my girlfriend is getting on my nerves then I know it’s recon, it only happened on emperor though.

The only other thing I can think of that I felt which made me take an extra day off was me feeling low and not feeling bothered to go gym.


On DR i felt a lot of fear, fear for freaking anything. I also just felt reallyyy down especially in the first few hours of the morning. Lastly i also got some physical pain in my neck wich only seems to appear whenever i did to many loops of DR.

Wanted, stark and heartsong havent given me any recon really, just overload when i did to many loops.

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Less productive want to stay on the internet all day, feel for porn increases and without doing much I feel tied(this is more of a overload)


Getting frustrated i think is a common thing for recon

I only face it when it harsh recon

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You know, one good thing to do that has helped me a lot when it comes to recon (which is already rare) is to count my blessings and being grateful for them, like the example I mentioned (not feeling like going gym) I just started to tell myself how grateful I am that my gym is open while there are so many people wishing their countries reopen the gyms for them, and it really helped


I’m doing a washout right now, my main symptoms are : Fatigue, lack of motivation, sadness and anger…

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Being grateful, brings more abundance and greatness into your life

Good for you buddy

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Wish you a great shower haha my friend

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Hahaha, thanks!

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I am thinking twice of sharing my experience with recon because I am glad you’re not feeling them. Whenever I feel what I say may affect someone negatively or it’s not constructive, I refrain.

That said, I was (am) also dealing with a lot of turmoil and life changes, it has definitely affected my state of mind and equilibrium.

In short, the usual: The sadness, lethargy, irritation and intense desire to change my stack.


Long answer.

All these subs contributed something beautiful to my life, and the recon is but a very small part of it; To answer the question, it’s kind of different for the subs I’m using.

With EQ, my fuse is shorter.

Now that I am off DR, I noticed that on my last run of EQ, I am a lot more irritable and my patience for things that doesn’t make much sense to me is almost nil. It’s not my way to be rude, or hurtful with my words, so I took note of that. I didn’t want to speak or connect with people, I wanted to be left alone.

I also felt every bad news that came my way was a challenge manifestation; Which I recognize is nonsense, like many people, I’ve been going through rough personal challenges way before subs.

That’s my reason for investing in subs, to help me fix my life, enjoy and live happier with the people dear to me.

On Stark… I felt emotional, lacking in internal strength and brain fog. I couldn’t express myself.

On DR (namely ST2), I felt despair, like all is lost, what’s the point.

Khan ST2, there was a mixture of the recon from DR plus slight depression. It’s interesting cause I went through ST1 and ST2 without blinking, and yet when I’m about to start the “fun” stages of ST3 and ST4, that’s when I faltered. The mind is very tricky.

On WANTED, lethargy, laziness and lack of productivity.

Interestingly enough, as I type this, I don’t remember much recon from PS or AM.

PS actually made me feel happier, the hunter part was fun and exhilarating, but it’s way down my priority. My only hesitation with PS is that my concious decision to suppress the inclination to hunt might trigger a recon.

RM and HoM, not so much recon too but I wasn’t able to run them longer.

The recon stabilized after sometime, I’m glad I recognized them when I did, and was able to at least compartmentalize what was recon and what simply life happening.

On all these, I felt the extreme desire to change stacks, and read about other subs, convincing myself to change, that I needed something else all along. That the answer was right under my nose.

So all that recon thought me that when I feel the extreme desire to change subs, it’s most probably recon and I should snap out of it, or stop reading interesting journals until I feel I am back to being balanced and objective.


Lethargy, Teen angst, Bro-dude mentality, melancholy and the most common one is shutting down, and going into autopilot/robot mode, playing roulette with the subliminals on my phone (pro tip: delete everything’s that is not in youre not using)

This one’s not a direct recon, but there were instances where I’d run RICH and the next couple of days something comes up that’s quite costly, it didn’t go away until one day I realized its a test manifestation if that makes any sense, shifting my outlook helped.


For me I start to feel lonely to the point my soul is screaming and crying.

Then I try to pull this energy out of my body with very little success.

Then I know it’s reconciliation

What I do then is, I talk to myself and I say: OK I get it I feel lonely but I will not be lonely anymore if I stand up now, drying my tears and search for Good company or just company.
And then I stand up and leave the house in search of company.
This helps tremendously for me.

Also Saint gave us some pretty useful tips

Eat a chocolate fudge cake and drink a Gatorade afterwards.

I am a tester in life, I test everything
So I did.
I overstimulatet myself with subs 3 times in 3 days and ate the"AntiRec Meal", chocolate fudge/Gatorade

It worked every time

Let’s call it A. R. M.


i laughed :joy:

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wow i have to try it one time!

are you running a healing sub

No actually I listen to Primal Seduction/True Social custom and Wanted Heartsong Love Bomb custom

But it happen 1-2 times per week during my 10 months Healing journey and I thought :this is it, this is what I have to heal.

I don’t recognized it as Reconciliation and increased the loops.

I ended up in weeks of reconciliation, where I tried everything to erase this state.

I was like a Hardcore Maniac
Thinking I have to heal this once and for all.

When I watch back I think : every normal person woud gave up long ago and I did jump straight into it, like I was in a war :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

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Disinterest in personal development, distancing myself from people and procrastination.

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Haha, yeah, seriously, cap backwards and all the way douchbag, like a jock :laughing: Some girls respond to that but I digress

A new one recently was a week of profound grief, similar to a friend or favourite pet passing.

hahahah cheers man for the dedication !!!