How does Q Store handle more or fewer modules?

I can see photographic memory as a possibility, it’s something I was aiming for through combining Mind’s Eye and Quantum Limitless in a Custom.

Healing also comes through seeing things from a different perspective; with other words if your reality changes for the better, your trauma’s will be released meanwhile. If you cannot change your reality because your trauma’s are in the way, then it is better to clear those first.

Manifestation is not only a matter of belief, it is also a matter of energy and focus. You need energy to fuel your manifestation and you need willpower in terms of focus in order to grow the manifestation. Any of these three will keep you from manifesting your desires.

I agree. But because all 3 are so interconnected, traumatic experiences and limiting beliefs can put someone at a low energy state if they are so focused on the past and have insufficient energy to invest in the future. This will affect their focus too.

So ultimately we still need to face them.

Thanks for the reminder.

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Yes. But there’s also another way, for some life just happens and all of the sudden they gain a business opportunity or a good earning job, which opens up the first chakra. Which causes a positive reaction and enables them to shine that positivity whereby they meet there future girlfriend and have sex once more after who knows how long, which opens up there second chakra and so on.

Which eventually brings them at the Crown Chakra. It’s really just about building positive momentum bit by bit, no matter the beliefs, there’s various ways to change your beliefs. And no matter the energy because there are various ways of increasing your energy, just have to do it. All one is need is knowledge, knowledge used is power.

I feel a little differently. I don’t think fears or flaws have to be worked out before achieving great things. I think history is full of flawed people doing great things. Today’s world also.

On top of that, I think that many intrapsychic issues, blockages, and fixations are constantly being processed and worked through without very much conscious participation from us.

And a third point is that what I consider as big or great may not be so perceived by you or someone else.

I think part of the challenge is that we may hold fixed expectations about what is worth doing and those do not always match up with what we are currently best situated to do. In other words, I believe that there are pathways to greatness that are accessible to me right now but which I leave unrecognized due to garden-variety ignorance and mental habit.


I’m glad I dumped Freud a long time ago. :smile:

In Adlerian psychology, there is no such thing as fears or traumas. These are just habits of thought. Like any habit, it’s a routine that we play when it’s cue is triggered.

Everything doesn’t need to be sorted/healed for the subliminal to work.

I assume many here will be aware of some ideas from Hypnosis/NLP and Meditation. Specifically, pattern interrupts.

The sub script needs to interrupt your habitual pattern, and nudge you into the desired thought/behavior pathway.
This may be hit-or-miss in the beginning, but IF you take action on the nudge, you make it easier to choose that pathway the next time.

Basically, Neuroplasticity. :wink:


Very interesting observation. Yes, actually there is no correlation between material success and character flaws. A lot of the people at the top of society aren’t that admirable when it comes to their real character and they have lots of emotional baggage that we do not know about.

I think I created a bit of a Straw Man argument here. Sorry. Wasn’t paying close enough attention.

The initial statement that gave rise to this part of the discussion was:

(By ‘the latter’ Saint was referencing subliminals with more Results Enhancement modules included. The ‘former’ was a lighter focused subliminal with just specifically goal-focused modules.)

It didn’t say you have to overcome all flaws and fears to achieve anything. Saint said, ‘you have to overcome fears and traumas related to the goal of your script’. So, it’s a lot more specific than what I brought up.

The point is that a particular subliminal script has specific goals associated with it (though the exact expression and the means/strategies to reach those goals can mold to the individual).

It would be like trying to become a dog trainer when you have a specific phobia of dogs. That’s going to have to be dealt with somehow. One could just ignore the fear of dogs. Or (with the Results Enhancement module) one could work through and release that fear, thereby deriving much more enjoyment and engagement with the dogs.

[Excerpted from the Game Manual: Apparently the secret to dealing with @Malkuth is to simply wait. He will eventually neutralize his own questions and then you can just walk past him as he sits absorbed in contemplation.]


This thread isn’t the proper thread for this post, but i thought it was approproate in the context

Is it possible to make progress without replacing these habits of thought?

I’d think “Cognitiveplasticity” is a more accurate term :thinking:

I wouldn’t say there is no such thing as fears or trauma’s, that would be like saying there is no such things as poverty and hunger. But I must agree to the statement above, mental creates emotional, your unconscious belief system is the trigger for the emotions that come to the surface. Change the belief system, change the emotions, change the physical…

As above so below. This is why changing perspective, forgiveness, etc is so powerful, because through that you clear the belief system and thus the emotion, which is stored in the body and drains your energy unconsciously.

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Why did you leave out Fire :wink:

I upgraded my custom from single core 12 modules to single core 20 modules and I am seeing some results. Perhaps one could go down the path of adding a couple of new modules each month That would give time for the grey matter to ingrain the existing modules. So start small and slowly grow the custom.


Every addition means it’s new custom every month , as in we have to create new order ?

Very good idea. This can help transition from SC Q/T/T^2 subs to customs.

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Unfortunately yes :frowning: , but you dont have to do it every month of course.

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It is not a time scale set in stone you could upgrade it every 2 weeks, one month, two months depending on how quickly you ingrain the existing modules and your budget. As you probably know you don’t pay for existing modules you already bought, you can keep using them time and time again.

Over a year ago I experimented with anti anxiety drugs. They appear to accelerate manifestations when listening to subs, however I DO NOT RECOMMEND going down this path. I do not use any kind of notrophics or anti anxiety drugs anymore they just cloak the issues which eventually come back and haunt you.

Interesting. What do you think is the mechanism involved?