How do I start my Journey of Wealth?

Hi guys!

I need some advice. I realized that I need to work hard to unlock all the financial potential I can have.

I’m living on financial reserves I made on past. My cash inflow is very small since I quit a job. This job was the profession followed by “most of my family”.I always knew inside myself that this was not my way. However, my cash flow has stopped since then.

I find myself thinking that I’ll never be able to be rich or have the money I’d like because I wasn’t born into a rich family and because I didn’t pursue the profession that was prosperous for my parents.

I saw that you need to start working on structures with some major subs. I found EoG and Mogul. I’m in doubt which to use as the only subliminal.

I still feel kind of lost about what my true purpose in life is and how to get rich through it. I think it would be great to have a subliminal to show me the way.

So tell me: What is the difference between Mogul and EoG? Have you used both? What would you recommend me at this point?

PS: I an woman.


Hi @GoldenGirl,

I am in a similar situation as you!

I’m not qualified to answer your question, but I’ll follow this thread closely.

Have you considered that money might come to you as you need it without much effort? I’ve found this to be the case for myself. “Hard work” is something I consider nothing but a limiting belief, and whenever I am starting to run out of money – it just seems to come from unexpected directions. This is not true financial security, unless you trust in this “force” enough to live by it.

I believe using subliminals will help you get to the point of financial security. Good luck!


The first post of this thread may help.



One of Mogul (Zero Point Format) or Ascension For Women (Qv2). I think Mogul is unisex, could be wrong here.


Here are the wealth only subs : Mogul, EoG, RICH. (Those 3 are unisex)
Why chose? Stack them all. Assuming that you have no interest for any status related stuff or sex sub.
Just stack Mogul ZP + RICH ZP + EoG Qv2 . Switch to EoG ZP when it comes out.
Make sure you take consistent action toward wealth building and you will be on track.


This recommendation is perfect. These three will change your life.

But i would like to make a little change, not in recommendation but in listening pattern.

First get Mogul ZP

Listen to it on alternative days for 21 days or 42 days. Than add EOG and Rich, one by one.

This will help you see results in a more organic way.

Don’t think twice, just start the journey.

Hope it helps, all the best.


At some point, you might want to add Ascension for Women.


Thanks! @Seeker It was very helpful

Thanks! I was really thinking about getting Mogul at first. I’ll follow this recommentation (:


I feel like Mogul ZP is really helping me with this. I had a lot of directions I wanted to go in before starting subs but Art has always been my passion since a child. Mogul and UA are pushing me to have more focus on what I am truly called to do weeding out the ideas that dont have anything tp do with my purpose or path.Mogul ZP has been very thought provoking and is cleansing limiting beliefs from my subconscious buts its also pushing me to challenge myself and overcome obstacles. What do you like? What is your passion? Do you want to do somthing creative? Ultimate Artist would be good. Investments? HOM, Innovate/Invent? Stark . These are just examples and things to think about once you know you can fine tune but in the meantime while your discovering your path I think Mogul ZP or Ascension for women would be good options to help build your foundation. I was told EOG and R.I.C.H are for when your already established take that with a grain of salt because I’m still confused about what stage of the journey R.I.C.H would fit into best.


You want to start a business, go with Mogul
You already have a business and you are not happy with the income, go with Rich

EOG will help in both scenarios. But it’s better to use once you have a little base of Mogul.

So Mogul will start the business, EOG will remove all the obstacles and help grow the business. Rich will just multi fold the income. EOG and Mogul will give you more business ideas, help you start more successful businesses, Rich will multi fold all incomes. It’s a cycle.

This is my understanding, i can be wrong.


Wow, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences on this journey. Made me even more sure that the Mogul ZP can help me with what I want and need.

Thanks for the support! Lots of blessings in your journey

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No problem I’m happy to help and support congrats to you on starting your beautiful journey. I have a journal Venusian seductress and I share my mogul zp experience in there as well feel free to read if you decide to take a look I apologize in advance I’m long winded and the Queen of run on sentences. :woman_facepalming:t4:

Peace & Blessings :gift_heart:

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I used Ecstasy of Gold as my first program.

With the advantage of hindsight, I’d recommend starting with just Mogul.

In my opinion, Ecstasy of Gold is probably best for when you’ve already got a business or assets to manage.


Just buy Mogul for now and run this as per instructions.


Thank you @Malkuth. <3 I will start with it.

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Hey guys! Im excited, i just bought Mogul ZP. The journey has begun. <3


What if you are JOBLESS?

Depends on why you are jobless.

Feeling low-value? Ascension to help boost self-esteem
Lack of skill? QL, Limitless to help learn a new skill
Need to network? Inner Circle, Stark to help networking
Need to present yourself better in interviews? True Sell, Commander

Just a start.


Can you explain why commander for an interview?

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