How do I start my Journey of Wealth?

From: The Commander: Create a Commanding Aura, Raise Your Internal and External Status Subliminal - SubliminalClub

You will uncover your own personal authentic power and project it outwards, making others aware of it. You will realize what makes your status rise and fall, and you will raise it automatically in the way that fits you. You will refine your authority and convey it in your body, voice and eyes, and using your newly polished charisma you will make people your followers.

Confidence is key… 2 candidates can have equivalent skills and experience, but if one is confident and the other is needy and simpering, which one will get hired?

Story time:

Several months ago I joined a new company, and while there were no other candidates as the role was tentatively created FOR me as a way to entice me to join them, I still had to convince the CEO both why he should hire me and why he should pay me the increased salary I was asking for. A salary that matched his own, fwiw.

That was such a ballsy ask that if I’d shown any weakness or hesitation, he probably would have countered with a lower offer. Instead, I brought every shred of Emperor (I don’t have Commander) scripting that my brain could muster and not only told him that I was the ONLY person suited for the role, but also that he would basically be LUCKY to get me for such a low salary, relative to my skills and experience.

TBH it scared the f*** out of me to say that, but I did it. And I did it with confidence, clarity, and unshakeable self-certainty. I knew it was all true, of course… no BS or embellishments.

And so… he said yes.

Results? A very nice pay raise relative to my last position, plus a nice bump in job title too (I’m a VP now).

That’s NOT gonna happen if I didn’t project the right amount of status.


What about RICH?
Because I want a JOB call

So you’ve applied and are waiting for a callback?

Ascension Chamber or Mind’s Eye might help with visualizing that outcome if that’s the case.

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