House of Pyro: Hobby Podcast to Formidable Business

What topics does the podcast cover and is there a particular theme or audience?

Not sure how far I can go without giving up who I am. It is a history podcast that is centered around the alliances, betrayals, assassinations, marriages, affairs, wars between powerful families, kingdoms and empires.

I have had a passion for history since I can remember. Instead of cartoons as a child I binge watched documentaries on history, discover, weather and military channel before they all went to hell. It’s the one constant in my interests for someone with ADHD who’s point of interest bounces around like a yo-yo. I always said if I could make money doing history I would do it in a heartbeat. I’m making that happen.

My vision for my business to demonstrate how exciting history actually is. There are historical stories that wipe the floor of the best fictional works. The twists and turns, gut wrenching deaths and tragedies for your favorite character. People making really bad decisions and paying for it.

I want this to go beyond the podcast and bring the many casual people interested in history into die-hard history fans. There’s an unlimited amount of content to be created. Most people that do history make some of the craziest events in history make watching paint look exciting. I’m here to break the notion history is boring ND bring it to life. There’s a reason game of thrones is so compelling most of the plot line, characters and battles are based off historical events. (This vision is all because of EoG. I would never before have believed I could possibly accomplish it. Now it’s a reality that’s going to happen)


That sounds like a great idea. It’s similar to my own situation in that I’m looking to develop an educational channel for programming and data analysis related content to assist marketing and funding for my eventual product offering in the data analytics/VR space. The programming genre on YouTube is similar to what you’ve described, there are a lot of people with hard to understand accents creating “instructional” videos which are nothing more than painful-to-watch recordings of people working through existing examples written by other people of using libraries, a waste of time to watch, with only a fraction of the channels existing being people with clear voices and unique hooks to keep people interested in their content. So having that passion, you definitely have that edge working for you!

I’ve been working through the process of formalizing a business plan so that I can receive government funding ongoing while I work on my start up, and its incredible how much attention to detail you need to turn something from a hobby into a business. Nowadays most every business needs to have public liability or public indemnity insurance, plus you need to be on top of your financials and break even point, marketing and so on. And that’s even before considering your level of self organization and motivation. Speaking personally, for me it has certainly been a hell of a journey so far.

Will keep an eye on your journal; I’m interested to see other what other peoples experiences have been in the content generation and provision space.


Me too.

Especially so here, as I’m something of an history buff myself :star_struck:

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Day 1/21 AC, RICH Pod, EoG4 5 min(ish) each.

I have a lot of feelings towards trying to build my audience and ultimately being able to run my podcast and the businesses that spawn off of it full time and be able to see my baby boy more during the day and have more flexibility. But I need to understand this is a long term gain and it’s not going to happen overnight.

Currently I have about 10-13 dedicated listeners from around the world that download an episode the week it becomes available. I would like to push that to 20 as my next goal.


Day 2/21 rest day

I have been listening to Rammit Sethi’s podcast I will teach you to be RICH and his Netflix show called the same thing.

One I think it’s funny that I have been running RICH a bit before starting RICH Pod and it has guided me to his resources.

Before I started being medicated for my ADHD I ready every single type of self help/“business” book there is. I got burnt out hard. I haven’t touched that kind of material in at least a year. They are so much about bullshit platitudes and come at teaching you the information in a horrible way that ensures you get stuck or frustrated. (It’s how I feel anyway).

What I love about Rammit is he shows you how you can live RICH now and build on that for the future. I haven’t ever heard of wealth building ever put that way before and that struck home. I feel society and books are all about to live the life you want you have to sacrifice EVERYTHING to get there. He’s not selling you a dream like most self help nonsense, he is selling tools to use to live your life on your terms. Kind of like this awesome company SubClub

The mindset of live your best life NOW while building towards the future is a game changer and my wife and I have already began dialogue on how to take action on these ideas. My wife is a badass woman that has is the epitome of Decisive Action who is a great help on getting us to our desired life now rather than the dreamer in me who is all about later.

I don’t think I would have accepted this line of thinking without the help of EoG freeing me from my childhood shackles of scarcity thinking about life and wealth.

I have been thinking about the Podcast that way and as a result, the path towards my goal of being able to run my podcast is getting clearer and clearer. Also I am living life much more intentionally.

In order to not let my adhd monkey brain get in the way I have in my notes my current goal, so I focus on that and I will build a road map of goals to tuck aside for when I reach each goal.


That’s also been my experience, gunning down all kinds of self-help alleys to actually make something happen. But the only thing that happened was a lot of self-help authors getting their books sold :sweat_smile:

I love this attitude. Gotta make sure to check out Rammit Sethi’s podcast now!

:fire: :fire: :fire:

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Day 3/21 Lineage 5 min

I really need to figure a way to be happy with my current work situation. In the previous got a massive promotion which took me out of the department from hell and placed me into a solid position with solid pay. Yet I feel so frustrated that I am not able to work on my podcast full time because well bills and having a newborn.

This is something I have struggled with for a while, but previously I was spinning my wheels as to what kind of business I want to create. Now that I have a start and clear goals the frustration is at a nice hot simmer.

I also am a bit frustrated that my co-host and friend doesn’t really put a priority on the podcast (not entirely fair, sometimes he comes up with amazing ideas), but he is pretty integral to the structure of it and is also the editor, so I can’t exactly just disregard him and push ahead.

A solution to that is create something tangential to the podcast and allow the podcast to be what it is currently and build a history product on the side, but not sure what that could be. My biggest goal of all the business that spawn off of this is to make history exciting, memorable, and fun to someone with a casual interest and to focus on specifically European power struggles between familes, kingdoms Caliphates and Empires from fall of Rome to WWI. I’m also targeting 20 to 40 year Olds since the history that is exciting and interesting to me is quite graphic and brutal. Most history is if you drill down enough and think about it.

Game of Thrones showed there is a market if you can tell the story the right way. (I know it’s fantasy, but let’s be honest, what people loved about it most besides dragons were the characters, plots, and battles and GRRM flat out said his universe took inspiration from historical people and events)


TBH actual history contains way more exciting events, tropes, plot twists, weird characters, drama, and backstabbing, than whatever fantasy tv-shows can come up with… not to mention brutal violence, lewd things, and unbelievable heroism and sacrifice.

I think you might b able to get a lot of traction with this approach :smiley:

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I love Rammit Sethi

Another really top guy for that super practical combo

Naval Ravikant- Someone made a book of his called

The Almanack of Naval Ravikant- literally the most bang per page of any book I’ve ever read. In terms of wealth and happiness.

In fact I’m going to ‘push’ for it to be made into a subliminal :slightly_smiling_face:


Found that book in Scribd! I will check it out! I have never seen so much positive reviews for a self help book. Thank you for the recommendation!


Your welcome! You manifested it :wink:


Day 4/21 rest day

I noticed a lot more snark and creativity in my script writing. Got some more scripting done, but could do too much since I was helping my wife with a fussy baby who was dealing with a lot of gas pain.

Kinda feel stagnant at this point in terms of the podcast, I’m trying to get ahead so I can begin to work on the podcast instead of just content creation even though content creation is my favorite part.

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One thing we touched on in tonight’s business coaching/S.E.A. session was a nice reminder about the 7 habits of highly effective people, and specifically the one about being proactive. As I listened to the way the Youtuber was presenting it, I realized “my God, this is basically just the serenity prayer turned into a business principle”. Its a way of ensuring you act rather than reacting. Remember: Serenity to accept the things you can’t change, the courage to change the things you can, and the wisdom to know the difference between the two. If you can’t change your life circumstances then think about what you can do with the time you have (aka Gandalf). Or do a John Sheridan (from “The Rock Cried Out No Hiding Place” in Babylon 5) and ask your wife/partner for their advice (definitely recommend rewatching that episode if you’re a B5 fan).

Day 5/21 RICH Pod & EoG4

Felt the same emotions as last night. Feel kinda trapped in my easy job despite working my way out.

Worked on podcast for a bit. More content generation. Trying to get 2 months ahead consistently.

My lust to be an entrepreneur used to be because of being my own boss Yada yad ma yada. Now it’s because I love what I am doing in my side hustle so much, but it takes time away from family, so I can’t go into monk mode. Plus unfortunately I have to rely and another who isn’t the most motivated. Great co-host though.

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Day 7/21 Lineage

Actually started work on designing monetization for the podcast through patreon. (Wife said so, things tend to work when I listen to her). Had to push through quite a bit of fear just to work on it and submit it to my co-host.

Day 8/21 rest day.

It was a recording day! Easily one my favorite parts of the podcast. Love love love talking about history.

Had a great time with friends who stopped over and they bought us lunch so that was nice.

Co-host approved the Patreon plan so hopefully I will soon be making my first dollar on the internet on my own. Goal I have wanted to hit for an embarrassingly long time. A lot more work each month, but it’s work I love and hopefully will now get paid for.

Starting to blast through some of those plateaus!

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Day 1 washout.

Since it’s a new month, that means I can buy a custom to upgrade my stack. This month I am upgrading my beloved EoG4 and turning it into an engine to fuel my RICH Pod custom. I figure I will just cut this set short and do another washout till EoG4 Engine arrives. Washout never hurt anybody and this will give my brain a chance to adapt to the new RICH Pod subliminal along with Legacy.

Now that Patreon has opened a unrestricted source of income that isn’t constrained by a salary, let the RICH Ecstasy of Gold flow in.

For those custom nerds, here it is below. All my customs are a living subliminal meaning I have no quams changing pieces and parts out each month if needed. The accountant in me built a spreadsheet of each custom version makeup, description, and purpose for each module.

Title: EOG4 – Engine

Furious Ascent - Destroy irrational fears & expand comfort zone

Cosmic Wealth - Shatter illusions of limitations for wealth.

Secret Source - Continuous Rising Wealth from Untapped Sources & Opportunities

Secrets of Akasha- Wealth -Secrets, Strategies, Tactics and Methods of creating unimaginable wealth

Cosmic Navigator - Path of least resistance to goals

Mountain Breaker - Break through obstacles and clear path to goals

Plateau Transcendent - Make the “Plateau” part of the journey more enjoyable

The Way of ROI - Increase rate for return of investment for literally everything

Tyrant - Increase ability to influence reality.

Wayfinder - Guidance on decision making, Jack Sparrows Compass

Jupiter - More Profound Manifestations & numerous

Naturalizer - Smoother and Quicker Transformation

Pragya - Assimilate subliminal instructions more accurate and faster pace.

Yggdrasil - Speed and Open up Pathways to Manifestation

Machine Action - Optimize day to be most productive and what truly matters.

Machine Rest - Optimize relaxation time to be more restful.

Mosaic - Connect to Other Customs

Natural Winner - Failure disappears, success is inevitable.

Mastermind - Plan and Achieve Goals with creativity and rapid efficiency.


Day 2 Washout

I keep finding ways to work on the podcast, talk with friends, and be with family.


Day 1/21 RICH Pod & EoG4 Engine 5 min

I got my EoG4 custom!! So the wealth titles of my stack are secure until Fire drops some module masterpieces that fit better than others currently in my customs.

EoG is the engine to the RICH Race Car.

Since I found my passion, gift that i can bring into the world, and I have a clear path to monetization and growth, my dayjob is becoming much more difficult to focus and care about. I get huge dopamine rush when working on the podcast even when at first I would rather do something else. I get sucked in to my work on it. My day job is like trying to nail jello to the wall.

I’m working on patience and letting go for lust of desired result, but man that’s hard.