How do You shift basic assumptions & axioms for Your manifestation?

I’ve been working for a while to break my wealth ceiling (Beginning ~4 years ago with Emperor, Limit Destroyer, RICH, EoG und Stark in a custom.), so far with partial success.

The “mechanics” of manifestation are working great and pretty steady: Whenever I invest something I get the money back more or less instantly. (Literally, often before the stuff is sold. E. g. in the last nice lot of books, I found money roughly in the amount of the asking price in one of them.)

The scope of manifestation is growing very slowly and I feel resistance.

Key part of the root cause is clear: The core belief, which I’m trying to lose, that wealth, or more specifically money, is weird, filthly and shouldn’t be part of my reality is deeply rooted in my upbringing in a working class family. (To boil down basic believes: One has to work hard all their life to get by. You can never get rich with honest work. Wealth is always suspect and kinda immoral.)

The other side of the balancing out is probably a similar deeply rooted unwillingness and fear to go into debt.

(Sidenote: I don’t have a problem with a “rich”, lavish or decadent lifestyle, quite the contrary. It is really just money.)

How do you break this?


Have you tried EoG 1 in ZPv2?

Another option is you could use Rebirth with your wealth subs.


Breaking a deeply rooted belief system takes time, patience, and persistence. It’s great to hear that you have had partial success with your manifestation efforts so far.

I would suggest The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles. Its a book that can help individuals who are struggling to break their wealth ceiling and have limiting beliefs about money. It provides practical guidance on how to achieve financial success and overcome the mindset that holds them back.

By reading this book, one can consciously reinforce the subliminal messages they are receiving through sub Club’s programs, which can help to accelerate their progress towards achieving their financial goals. The principles discussed in the book can also help to expand their perception of wealth and change their relationship with money.


I used EoG 1 ZPv1 for quite a while (longer than EoG2, 3, 4 together), will try ZPv2 probably next.

Stark has been most helpful to work around the believes. (Building a system in the abstract, taking the focus away from the money.)

Thank you! That sounds interesting. Will read.

Maybe on a more general level: How do you abolish deep rooted believes that hold you back?


You came to the right place. This is what subliminal club is all about. The solution lies in these products. They are designed to target these exact deep-rooted beliefs and mental barriers that are holding you back.


Yes. I’ve used SC subs continously for 4+ years and love them. They worked great regarding creativity, art and (emotional) healing.

These deep rooted believes regarding money is the one field I’m a bit stuck. (As noted: The workarounds help alot!)


Just keep moving forward and you will crush this obstacle my friend. Trust me.


Biggest recommendation is to follow @Simon 's suggestion and to listen to EoG Stage 1 in ZPv2. Also start changing your beliefs consciously. Don’t just rely on the subs, if something comes up as a limiting beliefs change the story around it.

I used to, but don’t anymore, sit around saying affirmations all the time. No, if something comes up that I don’t like its a subconscious belief, I switch the narrative of it there and then for like 2 minutes and move on my merry way.

This has helped massively. Start thinking like the person you want to be, you don’t necessarily need to act like them though.


Not sure if relevant but Pyro wrote this and I thought it might be of use. I have yet to check out the podcast personally though, but intuition told me to drop a mention here :slight_smile: