HoM Vs EoG Stage 4

Hi all,

What would be better to do in regards to long term wealth?

I’ve ran every stage of EoG, including a cycle of stage 4.

My current startups consist of:

A prop tech company where I am the sole developer with two other co founders

An app that I am creating where I am potentially offering a subscription service for a niche at a cheaper price and better quality than my competitors

I like and want all the objectives of HoM. However, EoG has been extremely good and I can see that it would benefit me a lot in the future. However, being what it is ( a purely money related sub), I feel like I’m missing out on what HoM has to offer in regards to relationship building and legacy, etc.

I guess my question is, is HoM able to compensate for the purely wealth generating power of EoG4?


Why choose? Stack both or combine them in a custom and add other wealth modules from the Q store.

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That is true, I could do both.

There’s just so many choices between good subs, it’s hard to choose, as I was keeping the other two spots for Khan and KhanBlack/Heartsong/indexGate

Custom is a good shout, though again, a skills based sub like index gate would also likely to be in there with a wealth one. So potentially a three core custom is a good idea if it doesn’t produce recon.

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I’ve made a decision, I will swap EoG4 and HoM every cycle.


That’s exactly the reason why I make a list of goals before picking subs. What are my goals for the next 6 or 12 months? I decide on three goals (not more) that I really want to achieve then I pick my subs accordingly. That’s the reason why I don’t switch subs impulsively. If you choose goals and subs that match them only to change subs after a few cycles, it would mean that you really didn’t want those goals.

Do you have serious goals you looking to achieve? Are they your priority for the next 6 to 12 months? Are those subs the best choice for those goals?


Is that going to help you achieve your goals faster?

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My Goal for next year is:

Get the propTech startup to atleast 15k users
Get my app startup to 100k users
Upgrade my networking skills as well as tech skills to top 1%

HoM will help upgrade my networking skills as well as leadership skills alongside giving me the right atttude towards money + manifestation of money

EoG4 is a beast in purely wealth based endevours but I think would be slightly lacking in the networking and relationship building department.

Index gate would massively boost my tech skills (its done it before with a few loops)

Khan- because it improves what I want to improve all around. It makes me more of who I want to be as a person, and the status boost is a huge plus.

Heartsong/Khan Black1/Inner Circle is something I usually run as a third sub to 1. Not feel FoMO 2. Heal emotional wounds 3. Female validation.

With HoM, because of the relationship aspects that it has, I could drop Heartsong/KB/Inner circle and instead run index gate.

Im also nearly at the second cycle of stage 3 at Khan so im reluctant to drop it till I get to stage 4 and run atleast 2 cycles.

So Hom/EoG + Khan + Index Gate in my opinion would be the best for what I am looking to achieve


I think you will be just fine without Khan, HoM and EoG have plenty of status and confidence scripting, they both even have some alpha scripting.

I guess it’s the fact that I committed to finishing all stages of Khan that stops me from switching it.

Also the sex appeal.

But then again I guess it wont help me reach my year goal, unless I also add the goal of finding a partner, which I do have.


If you are committed to Khan than i guess making a EoG/HoM custom + running Khan and Index Gate is your best choice.

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I agree, this might be the right move. Thanks

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Nouveau Rich…

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Thing is, this is missing the family aspect and relationships aspect (apart from business relationships) that i want.

HoM at this moment feel almost too perfect.

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Or you can do this:
Money + family relationship custom:
:point_right: HoM core
:point_right: Lineage Mandate Eternal core
:point_right: Nouveau RICH core
:point_right: Lineage module
:point_right: (add a few wealth modules)


That looks like something I would make in the future thanks.

For now, I’ve decided on my new stack starting tomorrow.

EoG4, HoM, Khan3

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EOG4 has everything you need. And soon you’ll upgrade to Khan4.

This is not the time to introduce HOM.

Some old posts for your reference.



Thank you for the detailed answer @Simon I appreciate it.

EoG will be staying in my stack for the foreseeable future.

Do you think adding HoM alongside EoG would be counterproductive?

I decided earlier for my next stack to be EoG, Khan and HoM.

Do you think that would be too many heavy subs?

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Heavy part is subjective, and can be managed by playing for shorter durations.


My experience of HOM is that it helps with “collecting” wealth generating Assets – which includes people.

It’s not about creating value, or managing an enterprise. It’s quite detached from the process of growth.

The blend of EOG & HOM will be more useful when you’re withdrawing profits from your startups.

Before that the risk of conflict is higher than the utility it brings to G4+K4 stack.



I agree with @Simon on your stack. EOG Stage 4 is perfect for your goals.

I do think HOM is incredible for managing people and navigating environments that require savvy and negotiation. It is also is great for manifesting the right people for sales of any type. I would introduce it further down the line.

@EsctasyOfGold what has you not considering or interested in Nouveau Rich?


@Simon I see, interesting that HoM is detached from the process of growth. This revelation may influence my stack.Thanks for the info.

@Azriel Honestly, its because last time I (briefly) ran HoM, all my relationships became better and even the relationships between other people (who i wished had better relationship) was becoming better too.

So, its mostly for the relationships aspect. The fact that its wealth oriented is a big bonus.