Hollywood's Emperor Journal

Insights & Observations- Month 2 / Day #19

I’ve been running Emperor (masked) every day for 5 hrs+ in addition to all night while sleeping.

Positive things are happening…

I signed on as a contractor with a new company…feels good to finally be back selling again.

If I put in the same level of work that I did with my last contract, commissions along with incentive bonuses will very realistically put me at 5 figures per month.

The transition has been challenging, I’ve been juggling between ride share gigs to keep the lights on and running sales appointments.

Also I’ve noticed during the dozen or so sales appointments I’ve had so far that I’m getting very little pash back from clients…

Even when setting appointments people seem to be following my lead and just going with the flow.

Almost 2 months in and the results with Emperor are continuing to improve and deepen…

I have no plans to switch subs anytime soon but I’ve decided for month 3 I’m going to add Regeneration to my playlist.

I can see where I have some limiting beliefs that may be holding me back from reaching my full potential…

I think regeneration will help in that department.


  • I’m getting VIP treatment consistently.

  • Things have been intense while I’ve been in transition but the sub has kept me grounded and confident in the face of all adversity.

  • My physique looks stronger and more powerful than usual

  • Getting more invitations to hang out

  • Alphas in the gym have been starting more conversations


Improving your lifestyle requires confrontation of your present circumstances and comfort zone.

As your power to confront increases so do your circumstances over time.

More To Come


I noticed you use the word of choosing and women liking attention just curious do you watch alpha male strategies or know what the redpill is ?


Im curious, why did you choose Regeneration over Rebirth or Limit Destroyer?


Alpha male strategies!! rubs hands together





No reason other than Regeneration seems to me like it would be more work therefore a better ride.


Yes, to all the above.

He didn’t originate it though, it actually comes from the pimp culture


:: chuckles ::


Insights and Observations- Month 2/ Day #23

For different reasons these last few days my listening has been down to maybe 6 - 8 hours per day total.

Last night I ran Ultrasonic for the first time
while sleep. Went into a DEEP sleep but woke up this morning feeling exhausted

I’ve noticed that I’m starting to have a lot of dreams. This is new for me, I haven’t dreamed since I can remember.


  • Other than the dreams I haven’t noticed anything different outside of what I’ve posted previously


  • A man who learns and understands
    what he’s running away from as well as what he’s running towards, gives himself a huge advantage over other men

More To Come


_Insights & Observations: Month 2 / Day 28_

Been staying consistent with listening while sleep as well as playing 4 - 6 loops per day…

A lot of the dramatic shifts have started to slow down but the previous shifts have remained consistent and have even continued to become more pronounced…


  • I’m taking the lead and assuming I’m the leader more often. I’m now noticing how much I was unconsciously looking for permission to lead previously.

  • Because I’m given a ton of respect I find myself being more generous and respectful to others.

  • The elevated status effect is non-local. Meaning that I seem to have a higher degree of influence over people even over the phone, they don’t have to be in my physical presence.

  • My ability to set appointments with prospects and make sales has increased over the last 2 months.

  • I’ve lost my interest in keeping up and engaging with social media. I look at it maybe 3 or 4 times per week… versus before I would check in maybe 3 or 4 times per hour.

  • I needed some work done on my car. I got the mechanic to agree to do more work than I paid for. I can see how I need to exercise responsibility with this stuff. If you’re not careful it will allow you to take advantage of people. When he was done with the work I could sense that he had some resentment and didn’t understand why he did the work for such a low price. I’m a big believer in Karma so I’ll make sure that I keep the scales even and give more than fair value next time.


I’ve seen a lot of people say that Emperor makes them non social.

My take is that Emperor pulls your world inward so that you can create your empire…

It has shifted my reality from focusing on the outer world (the after effect) to focusing on the inner world (the source of creation)…

Building value versus chasing money has been a very loud continuous theme on this journey.

Makes sense…

All esoteric studies focus on the importance of maintaining sovereignty of mind. The source of prosperity comes from our connection to Source, not our dependence on the world cooperating with our plans.

More To Come


@Hollywood - your success is inspiring. Here’s to more success!


@Lion Thanks bro, I still have a ways to go but I can definitely see the elevation that’s taking place.


@Hollywood are you still listening to emperor?

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Any updates, man?