Hello, Josh here, Drakes brother lol

Thank you for your kind advice. Unfortunately I just got the BDLM, so will get Genesis as soon as my funds permit. I do agree fully that in the long term fields like genesis can help massively. I am hoping to incorporate those as soon as I can, until then hoping to get at-least to a baseline where these issues do not cripple me, causing massive anxiety.

what do you mean. Also what is LOS.

Thank you for your advice, will try it out as soon as I can.

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Thank you so much kind sir.

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oh awesome, I have this one. Might try it out soon once I get done with my current stack and genesis.


What do I mean about what?

& you’re welcome :relaxed:


this part

I started smiling and not sure why.

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Probably because I feel good being here connecting with so many new people, through our good bad and ugly experiences of expansion and transformation.


Oh ok

Don’t worry, it’s a good sign. I also love meeting new people on my journey and growing together with the community and supporting each other, ever since the old days.
Infact I am looking forward to getting back to connecting with the community and checking out other journals once I am back to regularly listening and journaling.

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What do you mean by Drake’s brother? Are you claiming to be the artist Drake’s brother?

The one from Uncharted? :thinking:

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Lmaoo, that was good.

Drake & Josh, I remember that show.

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