Hello everyone and nice to meet you :)

That’s fantastic to hear about your decision to try Ascension! It sounds like you’re already experiencing some positive shifts in your life, and I’m excited to hear how Ascension enhances those opportunities for you.

Regarding micro loops, your understanding is spot on. Start with shorter durations like 30 seconds and gradually increase if needed. Remember, consistency is key, so if you’re seeing results or experiencing reconciliation, stick with the micro loop duration that works for you. Consistency is key, so stick with what works for you. If you don’t experience reconciliation after a week, it’s safe to consider increasing the duration.

Remember that patience and persistence are the twin virtues that pave the path to success.
With patience, we endure the waiting, and with persistence, we forge ahead. Keep us updated on your progress.


You can increase time as long as you don’t feel recon. Keep in mind, Recon can build up over the cycle. So if you feel more recon at the end of the cycle it’s also a sign that you loops are to long.

You can always try that. Like me :wink:. But that can lead to serious recon. Or you can increase incrementally like 5,7,9,11,13, 15 minutes.
Sometimes a few cycles with small loops prepare you for full loops.
I listened 2 cycles of KB1 only with 5 minutes. Third cycle I went straight for 15 minutes. And it went perfect.
LB on the other hand I increased by 4 minutes once and I felt like my head would explode.

Could you paraphrase this question?

Nope. Keep to the official listening schedule. Microloops don’t change this.


Hi @Lichtenauer,

So if you feel recon, do you decrease the duration of the loops? And do you take rest days in case of recon and only then you go back to the listening schedule?

I’m going to go progressively. It’s preferable to have consistency and steady results, than recon followed by a bloom. If I feel confident, what I can do is to increase the progression on the loops (ex: instead of 3, 5, 7, 9, I can try 3, 5, 8, 11, 15).

On the official listening schedule it says that we can listen to 1 or 2 loops per listening day.
So my question was on how to decide if I should listen to 1 or 2 loops, but with micro loops I think my question doesn’t make sense. Example:
Day 1: 30s
Day 3: 1m
Day 5: 90s
Day 7: 2m
Day 9: 2m30s
Day 11: 3m
Day 13: 5m
Day 15: 7m
Day 17: 9m
Day 19: 11m
Day 21: 13m

As you can see I won’t reach the 15m duration in 21 days, so my question doesn’t make sense.

About the auto config, I read somewhere that some programs have an autoconfig feature, which means that if you should listen to more loops, you would feel an urge to do so. I might have read this for older technology and probably it doesn’t apply to ZP, but I don’t remember where did I read it.

I think someone else already asked this, but here it goes:
Imagine you only reached the 9min mark on day 21. I think you’re not benefiting from all the program features and if you’re not, I think you should come back later after the 5 rest days and do more 21 days, but this time starting on the 9min mark. But let me know, if I should just don’t ever come back to this program after 21 days no matter what (if that’s the case I can only guess that the initial 30s contain the full script, and maybe all what comes after are just repetitions of the initial 30s script but with higher intensities).


Boom! First 30 seconds nailed!

It looks like my subconscious mind was inventing lots of excused to delay the listening, so I had to fight my own mind and do not listen to the excuses.

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It depends. If you still feel recon, I would say, pause a day. I wouldn’t add more input if you’re still in recon.

They are working on new listening instructions. Before ZP listening times were several hours, with ZP they reduced it tremendously to 15 minute loops.
But with experience users realized more is less. So perhaps you can stand 2 full loops of a new sub, but probably not.
Even with just one sub, I’d recommend to start slow and increase until you notice recon and the reduce again a bit. Voila, you’ve found your so called sweetspot.

And yes titles have scripting so you can feel when you have enough. But at least with me, that needed some time and experience.
Even with titles I mostly listen full loops, I sometimes know it’s enough and I stop after 5 minutes, or whatever.

Don’t worry about the full script. You want the ideal dose of the script.

And none ever said you could listen to a sub only for one cycle. Most subs show they’re potential often only after a few months.
We have senior users, that listen to subs for years and still profit immensely. With ZP, you are the zero point. There are no mere Affirmations. It’s working deep with your subconsciousness.
So even after listening to Emperor for years, it will still lead to growth.

And yes, you can start were you left off until you’ve reached the full 15 minutes and then continue with 15 minutes for the rest if your life (theoretically).

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I’m wondering how do I know if I should do more cycles or not.
If I didn’t reach the end of the full loop it’s obvious I should do more cycles, but in case I reach the end of the loop, I think then it will be my intuition to decide, let me know your thoughts.

Did you get the results you wanted? If not, keep going.

It’s that easy.

From my main sub I can tolerate the 15 minutes without recon. Mostly.
But even when you can tolerate the full loop, sometimes 3 minutes are better because they get processed faster/better.

It’s all so highly individual.

Search for Viktors Victory Venture. Viktor is super scientific in his approach to finding the best listening schedule, tweaking listening time by sometimes only 5 seconds.


Yesterday I got sleepy after listening, but it was time to go to bed, so no problem.
Today I’m not feeling anything different. No recon.

Do I also have to take a rest day (today) or can I listen to the 1 min loop today?

If you don’t REALLY need to change your stack, don’t. Stick with it.

The subs are made to scale indefinitely. they grow with you and endlessly enhance your qualities. Continue using them even if you feel like you’ve gained everything you want from them, you’ll be surprised.

The longer you stay with a sub, the longer the effects will last and consolidate into your being.

Take the rest day. The process is more than just the feelings that you get consciously. Never listen to the subs one day after the other unless it’s Ascension Chamber.

Going slow, using short loops and a lot of rest days are just too good. Better stability, great results, less recon, less overexposure.

If there’s anything i can share from my journal, replace at least 1 listening day in the middle of the cycle with a rest day instead. It consistently eliminates almost every overload symptoms near the end of a cycle.


So basically listen twice a week instead of 3 days a week? Or only on last week of cycle

I think his schedule is like 5x (1 on 1 off), 3 day break, 5x (1 on 1 off), 5 day break.

Rinse and repeat.

Simply put: take the 6th listening day as an additional rest day.

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are you using a schedule that’s based on weeks? i define a cycle based on the official pdf.
1 cycle = 21 days of listening every other day + 5 washout period.

like @Lichtenauer said, what i do is i take off one listening day in the middle. so the schedule is 9 on 3 off 9 on 5 off. I’ve also tested 9 on 4 off 9 on 4 off and other variations.

everything works better as long as there are extra rest days in the middle of the cycle.

you’re talking about weeks, so i think you’re using this schedule instead of the official one:

mon - listen
tue - rest
wed - listen
thu - rest
fri - listen
sat - rest
sun - rest

I’ve never experimented with that schedule, so i can’t really say anything about it.
the schedule itself has built in extra rest days on the weekends so i think you don’t have to modify it

Yes, I run 3 days a week and take the 4th week off.

So a cycle for me is one month. 9 listening days, weekends off plus 7 day washout on 4th week of month.

Thanks for clarifying. I switch between 3 days a week and twice, still haven’t quite found the right sequence.

Hi all,

So there have been some results like increase in muscle mass (due to water retention) without gaining belly fat, some compliments and respect from other people, and the test for the job interview is more in line with my skills.

The only problem is that I’ve not been able to sleep well. This can be due to the subs, but can also be due to the Full Moon (since Kundalini energy was activated on me, during some Full Moons I feel very sexy and can’t sleep almost all night).

Last night, I woke up at the middle of the night and I thought it was morning already (thinking that my window blinds were closed, but they weren’t) because it seemed that I had been sleeping for a very long time. Then I slept again till the morning (about 2 more hours) and when I woke up it seemed that I had slept all morning.
You know that feeling we have when we normally wake up and it seems that we only slept 5 minutes, but we slept 8 hours? Well, not last night. Last night, I had the feeling that I’ve been in bed for ages.

Anyway, most of the night I couldn’t sleep, and I feel tired. And I’ve been unable to sleep for too long, most of the nights, since I started with the Ascension. Again, this might be due to the Full Moon.

So, by precaution, I think I should take a break for a few days, but let me know what do you think.

I don’t feel depressed nor exhausted (which would happen with the recon from the previous vendor).

I just feel that I would need to rest today, but I’m busy solving the test for the job interview.


Some subs have an energizing effect. With emperor I couldn’t slepp well when I listened later than noon.

Perhaps just changing the time of day could fix that.

It could also be processing happening at night, so reducing listening time would help in that case.

And less is more with ZP. A rest day never hurts if you feel recon. The worst case is that you finish processing and go into execution mode.
But since some subs finish processing only months after you stopped listening (at least if you used them over elongated periods), that could take some time.


So this morning I listened to a 30 seconds microloop.

2 nights ago I slept better, but last night had nightmares, so my intuition said to me to listen today in the morning, as it seems that low levels of testosterone might cause my lack of sleep too.

I’m also a very spiritual person, and I have been through a big spiritual development during the last years. So last night I had a nightmare where the spirit of my mother was tormenting me (I don’t talk to my mother, and I’m going through a huge battle with her). It looked like her spirit was needy of me, and I was just telling her to go away and leave me alone! When I woke up I was still feeling afraid, so I had to get up during the night.

In the morning, about the job test, even though they said my performance was very good, they said the position has been filled by another person, but they had another position they wanted me to fill (which is for something I don’t like to do). I said I was not interested, and the guy tried to insist like if they were needy. I said “NO, NO, NO”!
But anyway I got really annoyed with that outcome, because once again, my performance was very good, but it seems like I never get what is mine by right! Life is being totally unfair to me!

I had much more energy today to do things I wanted to do, but were always being delayed.
I felt full of rage against all the injustices that have been made to me during the last year, and started to take action to claim my throne! The main action is that I’m packing my bags to go abroad and look for a job! Many companies already said to me they won’t consider me nor thinking I’m serious when I say I will relocate for a job, so packing the bags is to show everyone and myself that I’m talking serious!
Of course I still have to organize a few more things before leaving the country, but packing the bags is the action that most represents my will, and the bags will be prepared while I organize the rest of the things.

I listened to Rocky songs all day!

I noticed also that today, lots of unknown people disrespected me on the streets (I don’t know why, because last time I did the 30 seconds microloop I didn’t see any of this), but I immediately put them in their places. For example, a man didn’t let me pass (and they have to) on a pedestrian crossing, and I said “Thank you” loud and in a sarcastic and authoritative way, and he was considering fighting back, but he quit when he saw my face. Normally in my city, if I would give out to someone because of something like this, the person would immediately challenge me for a physical fight, but now these animals just run away.

Today, maybe I overdid it due to the high volume of the loop, so I’ll try to listen to a lower volume next time, or decrease the loop duration to less than 30 seconds.

Also I have a question: should I exclude the break days from the 21 cycle days?


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If you mean additional rest days during your 21 day cycle, I’d include them, at least at the beginning. Once you have more experience, you can start experimenting more, but at the beginning start getting a feeling for it.

Also, this last entry feels like a journal entry.

So I invite you to open a journal and post there.

Welcome again


Yes, I was going to start a journal :sweat_smile: And next time I will :wink:

I didn’t understand your answer to the rest days.
My question is, since I’ve taken 2 additional break days, if the total cycle days should still be 21 days, or 21 + 2 = 23 days.
At the end of the cycle I’ll take the mandatory five days off, and I’m not referring to those rest days.

Sorry, I meant to see them as a part of the 21 days. Don’t care about if you have 11 listening days, or if you just listened at 9 days.

21 days, then 5 days of rest.

You don’t loose from more rest in-between. It’s just more room for processing.
Instead focus on taking more action, journal more. The subs are just the tool to inspire your subconscious, to get serious results, your subconscious needs to see that you are serious about what you say you want. You do that by taking action. And Journaling.

Get a feeling for the process, keeping the instructions very strictly. Rather less exposure than to much. And action, action, action.
Plus Journaling.

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And I just noticed, I was preaching to myself :innocent:

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