Height Insecurity

lol, i haven’t seen that show but heard its pretty good

i’m just a 28 year old who runs subs and takes action hahaha i’m quite ordinary… i pay my bills on time and do normal stuff like everyone else

subs can change your beliefs around and create new understandings, its nothing special


@SWITCH the whole forum is your mentor lol i mean look at all the great responses you got from everyone

these are people who take time and energy out to try and help you, you can tell its genuine

that’s whats great about this forum. you can tell that people are genuinely trying to become the best version of themselves and they also help others, we all help each other

you’re on the right track with LBFH, learn to love and accept yourself first and then make your decisions from there

i haven’t used LBFH, i haven’t even downloaded it lol but before I did WANTED I had a strong foundation in self-love already. When I was a complete mess… this was paramount in leveling up myself and my life. I have been deep in the “redpill” in search of truth and salvation in the midst of chaos like everyone else. You live, you learn and you grow lol

I’m one of the few here that actually made an entire thread dedicated to the importance of this
The importance of Self Love, way before we even had LBFH.

the paradox that you and many others are beginning to experience is that… when you really love and accept yourself… you become happy.

Your desires change as you see the real reasons behind them. When you congruently grow, you sometimes lose those reasons and you lose those desires.

your conscious desires are always driven by a subconscious internal framework

but anyways, when you really love yourself… You look in the mirror and smile with infinite unconditional compassion as if you were looking at your own kid.

It’s a very different compared to these people who hate themselves and cry when they look in the mirror. It’s all in the mind, lol it’s all just their negative beliefs and traumas.

But anways, when you have that…
Now your desire to change and grow doesn’t come from needing external permission to accept yourself or to fill in a void… it comes from desiring a new experience and gifting it to yourself.

Once you do this, then things take off very fast in your life. this whole thing is actually very scientific and i can break it down but it doesn’t even matter

keep on growin the grow hahaha :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Hello guys am now on
Primal Seduction and Love bomb sprinkled with Wanted.

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Review on Primal Seduction Zp
Within one week I have made a number of approach (Not less than 10),this increased sense of sexual energy and am able to stay with it and enjoy the energy.

I decided to add Wanted but I don’t want to be passive like I was during my last cycles of wanted. I want to be active in approach and also develop the physical shifting in Wanted.

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Human beings live on multiple levels simultaneously; therefore, we always have a number of options available to us for how to face any challenge, problem, or goal.

It’s not that one of those levels is ‘right’ and the others are ‘wrong’.

At the same time, dealing with issues on a deeper level (for example, the level of consciousness or ‘internal experiencing’) can have profound, far-reaching effects.

I think a decent principle is: Start where you’re currently able to start, and then expand from there.

Since it’s Chinese New Year right now, might as well put a relevant Chinese saying here:


[When blocked by a mountain…]
If you can’t move the mountain, then move the road;
If you can’t move the road, move your body;
If you can’t move your body, move your mind.

And here’s a story that illustrates the same point:

Long ago in ancient times, when everyone walked barefoot, there was a powerful leader. He was walking in his lands when he stepped on a thorn and pierced his foot. Filled with rage, he summoned his advisors to him and said, ‘It is unacceptable that I could be walking in my own land and receive harm from it! Here are your orders! By the end of 7 days, you must place soft furs, skins, and mats over every surface of my kingdom so that wherever I walk, the earth will softly massage my feet! Do it or I will execute all of you and find advisors who CAN do it.’

The leader’s lands were vast and the advisors knew that they could never achieve this in 7 days. And they despaired for 6 days. Until on the 6th night, suddenly one of them saw the solution.

On the final morning, the group of them came to the leader with two soft and thick skins. They approached the leader and wrapped the skins around his feet and fastened the top so that they were both comfortable and secure.

“Now, my leader, wherever you go in your land, there will always be a soft carpet beneath your feet.”

This is just a story, of course. But you can see the point.

On another note, I myself have height insecurity. Not crippling, but it comes up sometimes. The thing is, at this time, it’s very, very low on my list of priorities. Hopefully I’ll get to it once my more important goals are sorted. If not, then, if reincarnation is real, I’ll try to do it next time.


Here’s a question:

For what arts, skills, etc., are my current height, body type, characteristics and so on perfectly suited?

I’m not saying to stop your quest for height increase. But in the meantime, why not make the most of the body that you do have?

The rule of nature seems to be: if you want to be given more, then use well what you have now.


That’s a rough question to ask , maybe Revelation of The Body might answer it😉.
Am just a medical student who is good intellectually but physically I can’t say , I can’t play football, or any other serious gaames.

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Am dropping wanted , it drains energy a lot and can’t be looped during exam periods I have to drop it now .
Am focusing on PS and Beyond limitless.

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