Healing with ZP: Regeneration, Dragon Reborn, Rebirth?

I’m gonna throw this out. ZP is right around the corner, and I’m wondering which healing subs to switch to when they’re available. I know only Regeneration is offered on the 1st.

I’ve used Regeneration for small periods of time (1-2 weeks), and in years past, I was never faced with major traumatic memories or feelings resurfacing. Well, when I first owned it (v.1, pre-Q), I did have a slight terror one day, but I was mixing it with Emperor too, a strong subliminal as well. The memory didn’t come back though.

I ran DR (only stages 1 and 2) for a number of months at this year’s start. And I’m seeing something now that’s quite true in my life. What I’m seeing is why I’ve jumped off subliminals numerous times. Stage 2 of DR dug into one specific memory, and I gave up. Emotional overwhelm, confusion–actually, lots of terror I’ve hidden from myself. I am listening to the stock St.1 as I write, my first day using it.

And surprisingly, for me, was what showed up 2 weeks ago when I ran Regeneration (v.2, pre-Q) for a couple of days straight. It was very clearly digging into old feelings I’d hid from most of my life. I felt old resentments stirring, old sadness, and old loss. They were jumbled together. And old feelings all pointed to males in my life. That fear has kept me quiet here since I’ve coped often by putting on some “not me” mask, further eroding confidence and any sense of security. Or…when I’ve felt very vulnerable, I’ve attacked. Mr. Nice Guy turns to Mr. NotNiceAtAll in a split second. Everybody wonders “what???”

So, what I’m desiring is to feel safe once again. With me being myself, all of me. Holding everything inside while life goes by…is the very WORST.

I’m just very uncertain about what to even expect with ZP recordings since they focus on the real person we are. I’ve had moments of incredible confidence using Ascension, Stark, and Emperor. But recent purposeful digging with healing subs makes me aware I’m still actively trying to stuff memories and feelings (I’m feeling this as I write). Someone suggested I make a DR/Ascension ZP custom when it’s offered. Unsure still.

I’m unsure what I really need–or rather, I hide it from myself. That habitual and instinctual withdrawal (from the truth) is what I keep facing. I’d really like to be FREE.


Healing subs results on ZP were said to be outstanding. Give Regeneration a try. You can pair it up with Sage Immortal as it helps you reflect upon your life in an observant manner.


For some reason, ever since watching the ZP thread discussion, it’s had me wondering “who am I?” I’ve thought about Sage Immortal a number of times today.

My biggest hesitancy: “I’ll feel weak”. In my late teens and 20’s I was very spiritual. And I’ve rarely had a good mix of spirituality and emotional healing. But emotional healing is where I’ve kept returning to. I’m rambling, but those 2 areas have been most of my life’s focus.

Thanks for bringing that up.


What he said. Run Regeneration ZP and if you want to be more self aware run Sage Immortal ZP as well
Once Dragon Reborn ZP is out drop Regeneration ZP or go all out and run both


@subliminalguy Once you run ZP for a bit nothing else will come close
You have known me for years and you know I’m not religious but ZP is literally a spiritual experience


Like you’d said @James, imagining going into DRZP is both exciting AND terrifying. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced stuff like you guys have shared.

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  • Regeneration is strong sub it’s very helpful ,but it throws me in the past if I played a lot . Take it slowly .
  • sometimes to balance regneration , I play daredevil to focus on the present and build that love of life and inner positivity that comes with it .

You are in the midest of healing due to running subs like regen . Take it slowly . If what I am understand is right . Smth uncovered within your system(energy, trauma . Makes you feel In Danger . Rest and hydrate . And move your body.

because I am very good at noticing energy within me . Regneration is breaking up the trauma material in your body .

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I understand
I meant terrifying in a " wow I have no excuses not to get my shit together" way.
Not scared at all to run ZP

You saying that makes me think of Lt. Dan from Forest Gump.

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What is this exactly?

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Blocked energy / trauma in the body .

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Smth is something

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Yeah, it is surfacing. I got out over an hour ago to take a walk. I’ve not walked in 3 weeks.

Comparison: When I first began with subs in 2017, I walked a LOT. I also began with subs focusing on shame and fear. So…yeah. I needed to get the anxious energy out of me.

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I understand your concerns . This is Subliminal Club not some narcissistic dude wasting people’s time with experiments going on for years and sales pages that go on forever

ZP is like nothing else. Period

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I just bought Sage Immortal. My biggest reason isn’t “I need it NOW!”, but rather “this speaks to me”. Even with the fear I’m feeling, it still feels inviting.

And more accurately, I wanted to use it when it’s made into ZP. I’ll run it now. QV2.

The ZP discussion thread made me ask “who am I really?” I had to slow down, not inciting old fear-led reactions. Spiritual thinking keeps rising. NOT “I’m good–you’re BAD!” thinking like I saw and did some when younger. Just feeling and loving me, naturally giving some away. Sage Immortal is a doorway.

I also saw the suggestion for DareDevil. I used to run away from that possibility of being social, but something inside tells me that fear isn’t true. It’s actually why I ran Stark with no recon that I ever remember. Stark’s all about being noticed. Being dominant but social and inviting seem so backward–but something worked in it for me.


Congratulation on your Sage Immortal purchase. This biggest mystery is how it will affect you. That it will - no doubt. Just interesting - how.

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I’m not sure if it’s DR’s work or Sage Immortal (I listened to both yesterday), but I woke up feeling pretty relaxed, pleasant even.

In recent weeks, I’ve consistently woken up fearful. A general fear has held me, turning into anger towards myself, leading me downwards. I’ve even been hitting the snooze button repeatedly, which is something I’ve not used in years. I just wanted to hide from real life. I expected that this morning…but it wasn’t there. Nice, real nice.

Also, a major admission, but very true for me. I own healing subliminals from a host of different producers. I have been using one most recently since it worked years back. I think yesterday it was digging in me in its old school healing approach. Very authoritarian.

But…I’m here since people care. SC subs work, and I won’t be blasted for not knowing something, asking questions, or asking questions when I really just crave some attention. I’ve never really had fear of posting here–most of the time. When old memories have awakened, I’ve pulled back (old memories with my brother)–but that’s a root I’m getting closer to. Letting go of the self-blame and self accusation is a goal at the moment. I feel DR working in me presently.

A point I’ll ask help with: I’m wary of continuing to use my old DR journal since I presently view it like “I used to fail. I AM a failure”. I’d like some imput on opening a new journal, or not. Writing here regularly really helps my growth, plus I’m seeing old thinking (now) which I seek to own and change.

Thank you, all of you, for the assistance and support. I’m kind of sad having to leave now, but I’ve got to get ready for work. I miss having this place to share my life.


Proud of you Abe

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I spent 3k and 7 years on them , he is still evolving and telling it’s you who is blocking🙄 I mean wth, then what you are good for.


F@CK! He still says that shit?! Omg

Oh yeah “why are you blocking instructions”… because you created something that disgusts my SubC, thats why!

Seriosly, SubClub must be existed just as an opposition of that bullshit.

Sorry for my emotions.