Healing stack question

I’m new to subliminals. And I wanted to start off by a healing stack. I have 2 stacks to select from.

  1. Khan ST1 + Elixir Ultima

  2. Regeneration + Elixir Ultima

I like the ST1’s powerful breakdown as opposed to gentle healing. And the Elixir does the gentle healing work. The second stack is primarily focused on healing, and kind of repairing rather than breaking and building.

I would also like to add Rebirth Ultima in the mix. And a bit of Executive too. I would like some advice on the above.

Also, if there’s anything that works better.

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Personally i would say the khan st.1 would be faster…everything will be broken down. Then you can build from a clean slate

Yeah, but I read it somewhere that regeneration is more powerful than ST1.


Yeah the reason I was looking to get Khan ST1. What about the ultimas though, Elixir or Rebirth? And if there’s an option to run both of them together. I read 2 ultimas are an overkill.

This conflicts with the post above.

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I wonder how Khan stage 1 would be in a Terminus squared custom?

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Regeneration will lead you to resources to help healing, + Contain limit destroyer and Rebirth. Probably at a point khan cannot heal any deeper than the creation of a strong foundation, so if your focus is healing then you would have to add something else.


I run both Regeneration and Khan St 1 so I can hit everything. I also run Elixir Ultima but I have yet to run Rebirth Ultima. I probably will though tonight before bed to see how I feel.


I used to be curious if it was possible to heal too much. Now I think almost the exact opposite. That you can never heal enough. That there is always something that needs to be worked on


how bro?
if you cleared all traumas and fears then what is left to heal

“Healing” is subjective. Even if you remove the emotional sting of everything…something could happen later that makes you reevaluate stuff from your past.


ya in the future it can make another trauma
but in the present moment u can be free of all trauma and have nothing to heal
and also u can make urself strong so u dont get trauma in future

I too agree with that, healing is subjective. That’s why I wanted to pick up Khan ST1. It’s breakdown, and also I believe the subclub subs are comprehensive enough to give us absolute results no matter our personal beliefs. But I guess there’s still much work to be done by the subclub team for making an all around healing subliminal.

Go with Khan St1, it will desteoy your negative beliefs in an agressive manner, you will feel like shit for a while but Khan St1 will instill the basics quality of a social alpha as the same time.

You can even add Rebirth Ultima to reduce reconciliation and help you with feeling normal while you heal.

I’m planning to run Elixir and Rebirth, so what’s the mechanism of that?
Do I have to run them on alternative days or both everyday.
Also, how do I direct the subliminal? @SaintSovereign said that subliminals can be directed in the way user wants to. I am willing to invest 3-4 months in ST1 if it requires for complete turnaround.

Direction is with intent and action.

If you socialise while on Khan St1, it will help you heal that part because you will activate the parts of your brain that contains your blueprint for social interaction. This is why it is important to take action and reflect on your journey.

As far as the quantity goes, go with how you feel reconciliation. If you don’t have any, maybe increase by one loop. If you have a lot, reduce by one loop. You want to find the sweet spot.

Also as far as ultima goes, try 2 ultima programs per day max, but alternating rebirth one day and Elixir the next day is perfect also. It will allow you to have the effects of both, without sacrificing too much brain power on ultima subs :wink:

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Okay, what I can do is write the goals I want to achieve or the parts I want to heal and limiting beliefs I want to eradicate. But I have vague idea of what I really want, lack of self awareness. So how do I draw out an action plan with it?

I’m already feeling pumped up for action!!!

Hmm, just start by listening to yourself. Take some time for it, also journaling is a big plus because it will force you to reflect on what happened, how you feel, etc.

Write down your goals (or what you think are your goals for now). And go with it. Take action on them, think, about them and try things out.

Your goals will surely evolve with time don’t worry just start with what you see now. The more you will learn about yourself, the more you will be able to refine your goal :wink:

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Is it okay to add limit destroyer ultima to my mix of K-1, Elixir and Rebirth?