An epiphany lead me to Alchemist

I was running Khan ST1 with Elixir Ultima for around a month now and a few weeks of regeneration before it.

It seemed like I stopped progressing on Khan ST1, reconciliation was bad, but I kept going. Today, I had an epiphany, while I was almost done. Almost like a sound in my head which directed me towards Alchemist. I’m considering picking it up. And I’m sure it’s not shiny object syndrome. My question is, should I pick up Alchemist? It seems To exceed any other healing subs I’ve seen. Its only my intuition though. I am not looking to develop psychic powers, although a nice addition. I want to kill the ego, which is the source of all trauma and limiting beliefs and in place of it, connect to my true core.

So should I pick up Alchemist? and what superchargers should I use with it? BLU and Executive Ultima seems fair options as I still got work to do and not fall in the trap of: I am healing and I can take care of other things once I am fully healed.

Tagging @GoldenTiger and @DarkPhilosopher

There’s a baby in that bathwater. Don’t abuse it. Put it in its place. It has beauty to give you. And some very important functions to perform. It’ll be a bit too bossy at first, but don’t shoot it in the head. Tame it.

Taming the ego is a long-term project. If you feel impatient, it—paradoxically—takes even longer. Anyway, sure, Alchemist will help with this. Take your time with your choice. Trust your intuition. If you find yourself feeling extremely radical and extreme about it, it’s probably desperation-driven, and it might be better to stay with Khan for a bit.

Khan is a good spiritual resource too, appearances notwithstanding. Feed the ego and give it exercise. It’ll calm down if you continue to surround it in wisdom and emotional healing.


I totally understand ego taming, and hence I added this

I personally feel it is the right path to choose. What I want is living as a singular conscious unit rather than a group of positive and negative units/identities. To ultimately stop tagging thing as good or bad, eventually.

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First of all, I never ran Alchemist so it’s hard for me to pinpoint exactly if Alchemist would be good for you, but I think @Malkuth brings up some good points with the ego.

This is usually only adaptation. Your mind is adapted to the rythme of growth and questionning, which means you don’t feel it as much, but the growth is still there even if you don’t feel it. It will do this with every subliminals you are using.

Check if this intuition is still present a week from now.

Try to see and reconect why you started Khan St1. Why did you started such a massive sub such as Khan.

Here is your first post regarding help for healing. Khan St1 is such an effective healing because it is a subliminal that will prepare you being social, making money, having sex. It’s funny how to connect with people, you have to have a very healthy mind and healthy relationship with yourself. Better relationship with yourself = better sex, more profound relationship/friendships. Also, when we are talking about a relationship with yourself, the ego is involved.

Khan St1 will inevitably work on your ego to balance it out. The ego is not the ennemy, it needs guidance, and KhanSt1 will help you with that. Working with your ego, without letting it run you is a lifelong quest. I do not believe it is good to focus so much on this quest, except if it is your life quest like some monk or spiritual person might do.

Think about what you want to do next. Do you want to build something in your life? Relationship, carreer, business, fitnes goals? (You could argue that all those goals are ego driven, depending from where it’s coming from, but I could also argue that depending from where it’s coming from, getting rid of the ego is also ego driven :wink:).

So, my advice is, take a moment to think, maybe lower your loops of Khan St1, take a couple of days off, change your mind, write down your feeling, go see some friends.

Now, I have one question for you?
What do you expect from taming or getting rid of your ego?

And also, keep in mind that my opinion is from someone who stopped doing ego work 3 years ago for various reason, so I don’t remember everything from the perspective of “ego”.

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After one month+ with a custom Healing sub and Elixir Ultima every day, I ordered a custom sub with Alchemist st1+2

It just popped into my head 2 weeks ago.
I gave it a shot and it turned out really well for me so far :grin:

Do it if it is your intuition/then trust it

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I do not plan to abandon Khan, just shifting my focus to Alchemist currently.


Once I can maintain this perspective, which is what Alchemist sounds like, I will pick up Khan again.

Women aren’t such an important goal for me at the current time. I can attract them without any external help. I aso have a clear direction in my mind about how to earn a hefty amount. I’m just not willing to put the plan in action. Maybe because of limiting beliefs or laziness.

But my intuitions are never wrong, as I have discovered in the past years. And its directing myself towards Alchemist. I plan to do Alchemist with K-1 every 2 days. So that I enjoy the benefits of both.

I want advice on the superchargers. Executive and BLU sounds good for day to day uses. Elixir, once every 3-4 days.


I’m also running Khan St1 and Elixir Ultima, just recently started. Wondering how did you know when you stopped progressing?

I would recommend Rebirth more than Alchemist, because (a) the former is fully capable of achieving this, and (b) the latter can completely shift your life direction, instead of just helping you work with a very focused pre-defined agenda.

Either way, if your main question/concern in starting this thread was to know:
“Whether Alchemist & Khan go well together?” Then, yes; and
“Do they lead to what you’re asking?” For me, yes. But Alchemist is highly personal, so no speculations on where it will lead you.

Good luck. :+1:t2:


I am not saying that the agenda I have set for myself is the best I can do. But thanks for the recommendation, I will add Rebirth to my stack and lower the loops of K-1.

But do I need to make it through full Khan before switching to Alchemist?

I have this feeling that if I do Alchemist before Khan the results will be tenfold than Khan alone.

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I haven’t run Khan, but I’d say trust your feeling. You can always do a course-correction in the middle if necessary.

From the advice I’ve read most commonly here on the forum, the basic issue is: More programs = More processing = Slower Results

Other than that it seems to be up to personal preference.

But one other point is that the factor that makes the difference between Slower Results and Extremely Slow-to-No Results seems to be Action and Willingness To Take Action.

That’s another reason that I think your intuition is so important. Your intuition will know your willingness to take action. (By the way, if that turns out to be extremely high for the new program you’re adding in, it could possibly even speed up results for the original program that you were running alone.)

(my opinion only)


Yes, that is what I’m talking about. It is my intuition to use this subliminal before anything else. I think that K-1 lead me to this idea of using Alchemist. I also will be doing esoteric practices in the coming time and hence my desire to use it.

Also Alchemist in my opinion connects the user to the core or higher self. Right? @SaintSovereign

It also develops willpower, which is more of a state than “grit” or “suppress your desires” type of notion of willpower.


You can start any program that you’re willing to act in alignment with. :+1:t2:

It’s possible.

Like I said, Alchemist can go anywhere. No speculations.

It can also lead you to completely dropping those desires, and take you out of the Khan path altogether.

It could also be that you can’t use them together. I can use Alchemist with Khan and it does make me very unconditionally accepting of other people.
But I cannot run it with EOG. They don’t reconcile for me. That ideal of a Spiritual Servant Leader Billionaire - not happening for me with this stack.

You just have to try it.


I am, excited to try it out. One thing I do know is, Alchemist is going to take me to the best possible path. And I’m not afraid of seeing what it is.

I will be consciously work on creating wealth, and Alchemist will help me with that. That’s the great thing about subclub. Subliminals aren’t forcing anything on us but rather serving us in whatever path we consciously choose.


This happened to me too. It’s in my journal somewhere.

I started running my custom in June 2020 and very quickly, about 2 weeks in, I think, I started feeling a pull to begin Alchemist and Quantum Limitless. But especially Alchemist.

Sat with it for a while and the impetus remained. So I did it. Started them July 11. No regrets at all. I felt an immediate ‘tightening up’ effect. Like this:



I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel the hunch to use QLQ. I have it in my list once I complete Alchemist and Khan. It is a meta subliminal like Alchemist. Meaning, it has its influence in other areas of life, because most of what we do is, learning.

Evident in some cases, not so much in others. But we keep learning. It is one of my long term subliminals.