Custom: Ultimate Healing Q + Lust At First Sight Q + The Mighty Mogul Q

In the one that I’m doing, he’s asking me to forget about my body. I am suppose to be no one, no time, no space, basically pure consciousness itself…

In that case just follow the Guided Meditation, it’ll help to look up towards your third eye with Eyes Closed! Try to look into the far distance but don’t judge what you’re seeing, just be quiet and observe.

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I will definitely try this out in my PM meditation! Thank you very much.

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For your interest on the chakra’s hereby an easy explanation by the Avatar.


Thank you very much!

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Check out my edit in the Day 2 post (22/30).

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I am enjoying your journal. Have fun.


Thank you, so far I am and I expect it to stay that way :slightly_smiling_face:

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I dont remember having a dream last night. and even though I slept lesser hours I feel more energetic when waking up. Deep Sleep is not one of the modules in this sub, but it is in Regeneration. Yay.

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I agree with you on that because since I started Q I used to have dreams like 2 or 3 every night…and then when the deep sleep module kicked in all that stopped…when my sleep breaks halfway through the night I feel I have slept enough…lol
Definitely the deep sleep module!

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4-D is not to be compared to 3-D, 3-D is a nasty place, you really don’t want to be there.

Would Deep Sleep be in Stark, Ascension or Quantum Limitless Stage 1?

I’ve been sleeping very good as well, yet I do dream quiet a lot and they’re amazingly vivid.

Can’t tell for Ascension but for the rest what I can tell based on experience - yes

And I am just remembering Saint even mentioning it somewhere the first day after the launch of the q-store

Maybe we’re talking about the wrong things, but I have the idea that 3-D is the world that we can perceive with out 5 outer senses, 4-D is the dimension of oneness, 5-D is the dimension of nothingness.

I’m talking about inner-dimensions, not about the outer world those are densities.

4-D is a dimension of time and alternate realities, most Successful Business people are here because they know that they decide their own reality by there thoughts and thus create there own reality.

4-D Controls 3-D, 5-D Controls 4-D thus controlling 3-D. That’s why the Lightworkers here on Earth are winning the battle against the Dark (Deep State).

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So what’s 5-D?

Pure bliss and love for another, a collective focused on evolution and growth by coörporation.

Day 3:

I decided to go with 1 loop today because I volunteer to be one of the test subjects for MK Ultima, which starts tomorrow. So if after the end of that I report back having telekinesis abilities and/or super speed, you’ll know what’s up :joy:

I continue to feel lighter even with that 1 loop, even if it’s just a bit. I followed my cousin and his wife out to the mall today and saw a lady in yoga pants that revealed the shaped of her voluptuous butt and got slightly anxious at the thought of talking to her. Then I went “wtf are you anxious for? you deserve that booty”. So on that front I’m happy that my thoughts are being replaced into more positive ones, the next step is to start with positive thoughts when thinking about approaching women I perceived to be attractive.

Even though I wont be listening to this sub for 2 weeks +/-, I will still be updating this journal daily. The bulk of it will be my experience meditating, along with lessons I learn from Dr Joe Dispenza and how I am going to apply them in my life.

Sitting still and being no one, no thing, at no where in no time for even 45 mins is way harder than it seems. I spent half the time dozing off, which meant that my brain waves went to alpha. I also constantly fidgeted and at once point, the nail of my left thumb finger autonomically pointed onto the palm surface of my index finger’s distal phalanx. It’s may be a mudra, but I’m not sure what it represents. Going try 1 more time.

I will also resume doing Donna Eden’s Daily Energy Routine, which I feel will really help me balance my energetic body especially with The Architect and Energetic Development XI.

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Couple of interesting lessons from Joe Dispenza’s videos:

  1. To change is to be greater than the body. Habit is a set of automatic things that the body learns to do better than the mind. Genes do not determine our destiny.

  2. The outer environment of the cell signaling the gene is still the inner environment of your body. How we react to circumstances in our environment determine what genes are being expressed. The more we downregulate certain genes, the sooner it makes a cheaper protein, eventually leading to degeneration because there is no new information coming from any environmental change.

  3. Can we signal the gene ahead of the environment? If we can feel an elevated emotion and marry it with a clear intention, our body as the unconscious mind is getting chemical signals ahead of the environment, and it’s that emotion that’s beginning to signal the gene to begin to program that specific cell to make a protein consistent with our (awesome) future. We’re wearing it now and we’re headed for a desired genetic destiny.


You’re changing in the right places bro!!

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