Happy holidays Fire and Saint, from your loving community

@SaintSovereign @Fire

We are a community brought together by the incredible impact your creations have had on our lives. Your dedication to crafting transformative subliminals has been nothing short of life-changing for us. Through your work, we’ve experienced remarkable growth, achieved goals we once deemed impossible, and tapped into our fullest potentials.

Your innovation and commitment to enhancing lives have been inspiring to say the least. Your subliminals have empowered us to succeed, pushing us beyond limitations and creating an environment where dreams become tangible realities.

Your creations have been instrumental in creating our successes, and for that, we are forever grateful. So a bunch of us created this small surprise to make your holidays just a pinch more spicy.
@Hoppa @Invictus @AlexanderGraves @bombayduck @TheBoxingScientist @GoldenTiger @Tobyone @Brandon

Click here for your present: :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: :santa:

Everyone, let’s comment here to have these 2 people feel aprpeciated for what they do. Let’s show the positive side of this community :smiley:


@enigma12 @pacman @Azriel @ouroboros @Simon @James

*you can only mention up to 10 people in a post, hence we need the list opf people part of this split into 2 posts haha. good problem to have.


Saint and Fire are great men.



I’m new to SubClub but already got so much out of your work, Fire&Saint, so yes, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart and a merry christmas to you and your families!


All credit goes to Mr. Lova Lovage for organising this.

Rest of us simply joined in to …


P A R T Y !!!



We need more men in the world like Saint & Fire in different industries and capacities for good in the world… love you guys… you are the best!


Wow! That’s awesome! Super well done present :heart_eyes:

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Saint and Fire are Legendary!


Your products helped in making many of my dreams and bucket list items come true over the last three years. Thank you and merry Christmas, Saint and Fire :pray:


Happy Holidays to Fire and Saint!

And amazing video :fire: :fire: :fire:


Become that man yourself you have the potential.


@lovage is a lovely person we have met and he radiates love.


Merry Xmas and happy holidays :evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree:


Merry Christmas to Fire & Saint, and to all here where the legendaries are made :beers: :star:


Haha seen so many clips of these guys dancing. And now it’s for our Favorite creators.

Thank You Saint and Fire for everything you do. And wish you both a wonderful happy holidays full of smile and laughter.


I am inspired how Fire and Saint brought SC to life. Legend has it that Saint crashed his mustang in the desert. Then on seeing a spider struggling to create its web made him believe that with enough effort all is possible.

He crossed the desert for 30 days and 30 nights to locate civilization. He was tested on several occasion each test made him a stronger person.

One night a cobra reared up in front of him whilst he lay asleep on the cold sandunes. He looked into the eyes of the cobra as it hissed angrily.

A voice from above said show love not fear. Saint began showing love to the reptile. The cobra turned away and crawled off into the distance.


Merry christmas!! It’s still 24th morning here and we celebrate at night!

I want to say, looking back on my few last years with subclub, I still can’t believe how subclub helped me through the years.

Growing as a person is so fulfilling and looking back to see how we were and who we are becoming is a great gift you guys have given us!

These days with the NSE, this gift is getting next level treatment.

So thank you @SaintSovereign and @Fire for the positive impact you all had in our lives and the great gift of growth you’ve given us!! :clinking_glasses:


:heart:Thank you Subliminalclub :heart:


Many thanks for @SaintSovereign and @Fire for creating subliminal club and their dedication to its success . I am deeply grateful for the positive impact you have on my life . Let your life be filled with all the goodness you are looking for . And without ounce of doubt all people here thanks also to them for creating such diverse awesome community . I am proud to watch your journey of each other . I am learning a lot from you . Each post counts :pray::innocent::heart::heart::heart:


When I first found subclub, I thought it would shave off 5-10 yrs off my learning curve.

But now, I realize that it allows me live a quality of life which I couldn’t have achieved normally in this life time.

Thank you Saint and Fire. I’ll be forever grateful for what you guys have done.


Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all.

This year has been great with all these releases and upgrades.