Grimm's journey into becoming a masculine confident man

Good point. Either way, I think you can stack them whichever way you want.


Now Iā€™m just running emperor by itself. I was running rebirth with it. It has limitless in it which I really like. So I will just keep it like this till I possibly switch over to Khan.


You seem to be attracted to Ascension and Primal. So trust your intuition, my friend :slight_smile:

Run it for a number of months, and it will really help you fix a lot of the problems

Iā€™d say, a fantastic playlist for you would be:
2x Primal
1x Ascension
1x Rebirth

And play The Legacy supercharger once or twice in the morning. It does wonders to your masculinity and determination and mental strength.

Let us know how it goes, please keep a journal here and welcome to our community!


Sounds like it. You sense your boundaries violated and your reaction is what it should be, even though it was your sister. Nice Guys have a high tolerance level for others pushing them around. So having personal power would be the antidote.

Whatever you decide to run, add Rebirth to flip the script on that ā€œweak manā€ story.


So I decided to go with primal yesterday. So right now Iā€™ll be running primal and Ascension for the rest of the year maybe Iā€™ll add some supercharges in the future Iā€™ll see.
As I slept last night with Ascension and primal running on my phone through headphones I woke up feeling a desire to volunteer. Earlier this summer I joined a volunteer organization but didnā€™t attend. So this morning I said after I come back from the gym Iā€™ll set a date to volunteer and I did.
Oct 10th Iā€™ll be volunteering for this organization.
I should also add this morning I felt as if I needed to get going and start building up my smv and focus on my purpose/ passion more. Iā€™ll be turning 29 in December and I feel this sense of urgency that I need to get going and finish the year strong. If Ascension can make me feel like this I canā€™t imagine ascended mogul.
Also on December 7 my bday Iā€™ll hit 90 days of nofap. This is a huge goal for me and would love to hit it on my birthday. Iā€™ve had all sorts of streaks 7 months being the longest last year but since I lapsed in the end of December of 2018 or early January of 2019 itā€™s been a up and down year of nofap in 2019. Iā€™ve had all sorts of streaks but never hit 90 days in 2019. I want to hit this goal in 2019 December 7.
Now I felt the urge to fap about 2 hours ago I considered doing it but didnā€™t. Thank god. Self sabatoge is a real thing for me.
Now as for legacy isnā€™t legacy just for working out ? How can it help masculinity and mental strenth ?


No difference. Just that Ascended Mogul will make you focus on money.

Ascension is a purely focused sub, which I think works better in your case because you are mixing it with Primal. So less distractions by adding yet another focus.

You are doing great now. NoFap your way into sticking into this playlist at least until the end of the year to finish it strong :smiley:

Spartan is for working out. Legacy is for mental toughness and the desire to be strong and powerful and determined to never give up. This can be used for working out or for life in general.

Many people use Legacy to become stronger men, you can ask around or read their reports. Itā€™s just so wonderful and powerful, you shouldnā€™t miss out on using it every day!


Iā€™ll take your word for it brother I will get legacy next week. Iā€™m been reading this forum like a madman the pass few days and Iā€™ve come across your comments and posts and itā€™s beyond valuable.


Thank you so much for the kind words @Grimm1390. Youā€™ve started a good journey, one that will change you for the better.

I am happy for you, and I hope youā€™ll keep your journal updated often so we follow your growth :slight_smile:


Just wanted to know am i listening to the ultra sonic sublimals the right way ?
Im listening to ascension ultra sonic right now and this is what im getting on that freequency app. Its not hitting the 20 decibal but close i think


Which device do you use and on what level (of how many levels) is the sound?

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are you measuring at your ear or directly at the source? the only measure that counts is directly at your ear.


So im using my phone for both measuring frequency and playing the ultra sonic


you need to measure using a different device otherwise you will never be able to measure the dB that are reaching your ear.

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Try playing the speaker test HERE and see what volume you can comfortably tolerate. Then adjust the volume accordingly for your ultrasonic subs.

Frequensee and measuring devices is too much technical faffing around.


Sounds like alot of work to make sure your using the ultrasonic the right way lol
So i got true social since seeing it on sale. I listened to both back to back just to see. I was jittery because of my caffiene pills from earlier but when i listened to social king within 3 minutes i felt calm. Now earlier i listened to both ascension and primal. I was at work doing security as a hot Puerto rican girl came in to my building. I thought she worked her but she didnt. She was a hire ranked security in the building next door to me and was wondering how she could get a job in my building. We talked and she was friendly. I noticed a ring on her hand and asked her out she said she was married. The whole time throughout the conversation i was not nervous not to ask her out though. I was kinda nervous just doing normal talking with her.When she left i felt and still feel a fire in my stomach because this happend a hour ago to get my life together. I felt the fire to get more hours doing security or find a better job. I feel the fire in me to get my life together so i can get girlā€™s hot like this Puerto rican chick. Im not upset over the rejection just motivated to get where i need to be so i can get more money and get girls


If itā€™s playing out of your phone speaker then thats perfect because the mic is measuring very close to the speaker. once your a couple feet from the speaker the decibels drop. So thatā€™s perfect. :+1:t2:


If you have an old phone you can install that app on it to test it if you like but you really donā€™t need to. The phones speaker doesnā€™t get loud enough to hurt your ears like a home speaker system can. Thatā€™s how mine looks on my phone


I have a galaxy s7. The problem i guess with ultra sonic because you cant consciously hear anything is i guess people will 2nd guess if whats being played is loud enough for your subconscious or not


Thatā€™s right. If you look on your frequency app you will notice there is really no sound after the 16khz range except from the subs. So when there is a lot of noise around you from your environment that part is still pretty silent.

So you really donā€™t have to compensate with more volume in noisy environments. Itā€™s basically being broadcasted on its own clear channel.

So your subconscious mind hears it very well actually because all the other noise around you isnā€™t mixing with it. The ultrasonics hit a different part of your ear that the regular noise you conciously hear doesnā€™t. So itā€™s really quiet up there. Thatā€™s why you donā€™t need a lot of volume.


So my sleep routine is listening to ascension and primal over headphones or ear phones. I was heading to work so i decided to listen to true social once while waiting for the bus then once while in the bus eyes closed. About 20 min or less i got off the bus and a cute girl got off at the same stop along with others. To use the pg 13 language i chickened out. I wanted to approach but didnt because there was a few people around her who got off the bus. Im pissed at myself for not saying something. Now she had shades on so i couldnā€™t tell if she was sending iois but she was my type lookā€™s wise and i punted the ball.

Back in the summer i was looking into mel Robbins 5 second rules YouTube videos which were really insightful and helpful. Basically her teaching are you have 5 seconds to take action before your brain stops you and interferes and gives you excuses to not take the action. So you count down 5, 4,3,2,1 then take action. She also talks about how fear and excitement feel very simliar. So when your feeling fear or your feeling anxiety to take action and repeat in your head or out loud. Im excited, im excited. This tells your brain the anxiety your feeling to take action for example approach that girl is not fear but excitement. Now the 5 second rule can be used for anything. I bought the audiobook in the summer but havent listened to it. Well today at work i will be listening to it.
I could listen to all the sublimals i want use the best pheromones out there if i dont take action its all pointless.